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Industrial vs. Craft

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Here is a good video highlighting the work done by Seeham and Seeham. They bill by the hour....

Obviously no body paid any mind to this tilted video. USAPA exists today. And I thought the AMFA NWA strike was because of AMFA, now I see it's Seehams fault, LOL. Next it will be the elementary teachers fault why AMFA lost at NWA. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Is this all you have????? A bullshyte rhetoric video by ALPA trying to retain US Airways members 300 years ago.

You spend all this time finding nonsense from the deep down corners of the web, but you have yet to say why you favor industrial SCAB unions???????
TWU- Successful Transportation Union Teamsters- Successful Overall Union AMFA- Failed AMT Association

Now it is clear....

Top two airlines in pay Southwest and ALASKA both AMFA If teamsters power is real I am sure you will pass Southwest pay rate at UAL in your ongoing negotiations right.
TWU- Successful Transportation Union Teamsters- Successful Overall Union AMFA- Failed AMT Association

Now it is clear....

It will be clear as soon as you explain why they are successful. As far as I know, the only successful one of the 3 is AMFA with the top 2 paid airlines under their representation.
Didn’t the Seham’s represent American’s Allied Pilots Association at one time and get fired by the Pilots Union?

Thanks for asking yes, Marty Seham represented the APA for around 30 years from its forming in 1963 until sometime in the 1990's. It all started when the AA pilots got into a fight with ALPA in the early 60's over Flight Enigneers they decided to break away from ALPA something you did not do in the early 60's, the AFL-CIO was at the top of it reign and taking on labor then was a dangerous thing to do. The AA pilots had a hard time finding a lawyer to help them until Seham stepped up, it is worth mentioning that after Seham got ousted by internal union politic's they hired Sanford Denison and he gave them the advice that led to the sick out that cost them 40 million in fines, who was he? well he was a well known AFL-CIO lawyer at the time.
Seham was fired by USAPA and they are now suing each other.

Seham also represented airlines against unions.
Top two airlines in pay Southwest and ALASKA both AMFA If teamsters power is real I am sure you will pass Southwest pay rate at UAL in your ongoing negotiations right.

You will have an option when the TA is passed pitbull. Get your resume updated, take the early out, and apply to either Southwest or Alaska. Remember at Southwest it has only been extensions of the agreement negotiated by the Teamsters that you will fall under if lucky enough to get the nod to enter their work environment. As some friendly advice, you shouldn't include your activities and comments from this website as part of your resume they may sour those companies interest in you... B)
Obviously no body paid any mind to this tilted video. USAPA exists today. And I thought the AMFA NWA strike was because of AMFA, now I see it's Seehams fault!

Is this all you have????? A bullshyte rhetoric video by ALPA trying to retain US Airways members 3 years ago.

You spend all this time finding AMFA failures from the deep down corners of the web, but you have yet to say why you favor industrial SCAB unions???????

From page 5.

1. Teamsters have a completely democratic process starting with its International General President. Every member has a chance to decide our leadership and direction by voting from the initial nominations chosen by elected delegates, all the way to the final election process. Ballots are sent to each and every Teamster member. The Teamsters General Executive Board is voted on by the membership every five years. One member, one vote!

2. Local Officers are also elected within the Teamsters. Business agents in some Locals are elected as part of the executive committee, and at other Locals the most experienced and qualified are hired by the elected Principal Officer. This ensures the best person for the job and all the positions are held to high membership standards. If a BA does not meet the minimum expectations of the membership and the principal officer, said BA is gone. Proof is at UAL in SFO.

3. IBT executive board members and principal officers come from many areas of labor. The all bring their unique expertise and professional experience. Many of the Local Presidents are business professionals, such as Pilots and Lawyers.

4. The pay and benefits for each Local Employed Officer and Business Agent is stated in each of the Locals By Laws and are available to each member.

5. Teamsters conduct private professional negotiations, with experienced negotiators. There is no circus act and the company does not know our hand by reading it on the web. Our negotiators are full time, and negotiate agreements on an ongoing basis. These negotiations are supplemented with the Business agents who are in direct contract with the members, and with the members themselves through elected or chosen negotiating team members. These members too are held to the highest Teamster standards. The negotiating team is responsible for accepting the company proposals, and the membership is allowed a vote. Our last contract at UAL, even though an large number of us hated our first proposal, at least the Teamsters had the decency to allow us to look at the companies beat offer and vote for ourselves.

6. IBT can hold and support a strike and picket line. We have a huge war chest in the international strike fund which has amounted to over several million dollars. In addition, many Locals have their own strike fund and this money is paid IN ADDITION TO the international funds. Having a strike fund sends a message to the Employer that your Union is ready to take on a fight should it be necessary. While the money may not match your regular pay check, the money paid is much more than you might think. See how much you can expect by going to http://www.teamster....to Teamster.org . NWA strikers received nothing ($0.00) financial support from their Union.

7. Teamsters employ in house professionals who are dedicated solely to the members. There is no conflict of interest. Teamsters have their own in house fully staffed Legal, Safety and health, Economics and Contracts, Training and Development, and a dozen other departments all willing able and ready to help members when needed. Go to http://www.teamster.org and under the About Us tab, click on Departments to find out more.

8. Teamsters get involved in every aspect needed to benefit the members. Teamsters members are able to enjoy unique discounts, disaster relief aid, retiree assistance, job banks, and many other Teamster member privileges. You can get assistance and aid for many types of real life issues as a member of the Teamsters. You can also get good rates on credit cards if that's your thing. Teamsters also created the Teamster Airline Maintenance Coalition to discuss those issues immediately important to all airline mechanics. This group looks at issues outside the contracts such as outsourcing or new emerging FAA policies. All other Unions were invited to participate in collectively speaking up for our profession. The association refuses to take part or help in this collective movement.

9. Teamsters have many concerns. To better the life of the A&P mechanic and related is one of those concerns. Teamsters fight to improve working conditions, pay and benefits, and job security. Teamsters work in the negotiating rooms, board rooms, and in the offices of law makers to ensure top working conditions, benefits, and pay for all members. It takes a combination of many different fights to gain what’s right. After all, the company is fighting us constantly using weapons like the bankruptcy courts. Teamster concerns have to be broad based in order to fight for the members.
Additionally Teamsters represent many other industries outside of Aircraft Maintenance.

In 2009 the Teamster represented Pilots of Amerijet went out on strike. With only 7 aircraft and the company had no problem finding replacement pilots (the real definition of scabs) to continue flying. The other Teamster professions quickly came to these pilots aid. The headquarters were not cleaned or serviced, garbage pickup was halted, and parts were not delivered. In some of the cities served, even the airport cops are Teamsters and it was rumored that they too did unofficially supported the strike.

Unions in other countries supported the striking Teamster Pilots and made it difficult for the scab workers. The South American Government even stepped in supporting their country's labor unions and confiscated two aircraft because they did not have enough fuel to leave. The union employees tasked with providing fuel refused to cross a Teamster line. 17 striking Teamster Pilots received much more support than the thousands of striking NWA mechanics.

I see the Teamster logo everywhere, even on the ending credits for one of my favorite movies, Ironman. When a Teamster represented group goes out on strike, people know it, There is no mistaking a Teamster Picket Line.

10. Teamsters have open and direct communications. See for yourself at http://www.teamster.org and http://teamstermagazine.com

When the Teamster General President makes an announcement on labor, or backs a political candidate such as the US President, it is covered on the front pages and shown as the leading story of news casts.

Teamster members number over 1.4 million strong with hundreds of original represented contracts. More than all else, the Teamsters have the Financial capability of competeing against airlines.
Top two airlines in pay Southwest and ALASKA both AMFA If teamsters power is real I am sure you will pass Southwest pay rate at UAL in your ongoing negotiations right.

We went above Alaska in pay this month. July 1 pay increase now puts them just behind us. Our agreement is for another year. They, on the other hand are stuck for 5 more.
Giving up on an ideal situation where your entire union is about the profession, ran by those in the profession, will never go away.
And I can assure that a real craft unionist will never be happy in your peice of crap industrial unions. And Thank God for now they don't have to be silent. Almost like your AFL-CIO advertisements dragging Polltical Figures through the mud will never stop.

You are likely unskilled or appointed and will never give up on riding the backs of the skilled, so I guess it is even.

And you are NOT an A&P mechanic. It is peculiar how you keep with your single craft only mantra, but you are not truly even part of the craft you defend ???

Before you whine about the NMB class and craft, I will remind you that AMFA tried many times to have you excluded from the craft and class. AMFA originally wanted to represent Line A&P mechanics only. Even though they could never convince the NMB to change the classifications to have welders, auto, and other maintenance thrown out, the history at Alaska and Southwest explains their unchanged intentions. As a welder, under AMFA, you will be the first to go.

How's your resume??
And you are NOT an A&P mechanic. It is peculiar how you keep with your single craft only mantra, but you are not truly even part of the craft you defend ???

Before you whine about the NMB class and craft, I will remind you that AMFA tried many times to have you excluded from the craft and class. AMFA originally wanted to represent Line A&P mechanics only. Even though they could never convince the NMB to change the classifications to have welders, auto, and other maintenance thrown out, the history at Alaska and Southwest explains their unchanged intentions. As a welder, under AMFA, you will be the first to go.

How's your resume??

AMFA has always sought to represent all Mechanic's both line and Overhaul, they did try back in the sixties to seperate the cleaners out of the class and craft unsuccessfully. Fear and Smear is all you have and when one does the research all you find about the IBT is dozens of broken promises at UAL Going door to door and telling laid off guys if they will back you that the mighty Teamsters will get their jobs and pensions back and not following thru when you won lying about seniorty intergration at Ual. Going door to door in DFW, HOU & PHX trying to get AMFA members at SWA to sign cards to run a election in the SWA & Air Tran Merger and failing to get the 200 or 300 cards required to get a vote then abandoning the AIR Tran guys once you realized you were not going to be getting their dues anymore.
And you are NOT an A&P mechanic. It is peculiar how you keep with your single craft only mantra, but you are not truly even part of the craft you defend ???

Before you whine about the NMB class and craft, I will remind you that AMFA tried many times to have you excluded from the craft and class. AMFA originally wanted to represent Line A&P mechanics only. Even though they could never convince the NMB to change the classifications to have welders, auto, and other maintenance thrown out, the history at Alaska and Southwest explains their unchanged intentions. As a welder, under AMFA, you will be the first to go.

How's your resume??

Typical lies.
You have nothing to offer but personal attacks and lies.
You might find industrial union stooges that buy into fear, smear, and lies. I am not one of them though.

How pathetic you are.
I bet your are not even in the craft or class.

Here again is what you do not want to talk about......The TRUTH


The traditional goal of a labor union is to obtain above market wages by creating,
and withholding, a monopoly of the available labor. Ironically, aviation technicians have been kept below market wages by their own labor unions. For sixty years, aviation technicians have been represented by labor unions that are dominated by an unskilled majority. As a consequence, hourly wage rates for baggage handlers currently top out at over $19, within a few dollars of the technicians who repair jet engines.

The political power of the unskilled majority demanded an averaging of wages irrespective of the free market value of the technicians’ skill. And the carriers allowed this to happen. The eyes of technicians nationwide are on the AMFA/NWA contract because they know that, if the pay inequities are not fixed here, no other labor union will address the crisis. These unions are simply unwilling to alienate their respective unskilled majorities.

With or without a strike, aviation technicians will abandon their jobs en masse unless the past disregard of the free market is remedied. The free market is correcting the below market wages of aviation technicians by transferring them to non-aviation industries where they are more highly valued, but that “correction” involves the destruction of a skilled craft to the enduring detriment of aviation safety.
12 months from now we will still have TWU with our divide & we can have some peace & quiet for another 10 years or so hopefully.
The only way the TWU will survive a year from now is for mechanics like yourself to be duped into believing this IBT drive is for real. Look at the TWU's and IBT's strong relationship for many years, their equal hatred for AMFA, and tell me they are not colluding to prevent an election. By aiding the IBT in any way makes the efforts of many of your fellow co-workers efforts for the last 15 years to oust the TWU much harder due to even more division. All you've gained from your personal squabbles with AMFA supporters is the admiration of the TWU/IBT minions.
The only way the TWU will survive a year from now is for mechanics like yourself to be duped into believing this IBT drive is for real. Look at the TWU's and IBT's strong relationship for many years, their equal hatred for AMFA, and tell me they are not colluding to prevent an election. By aiding the IBT in any way makes the efforts of many of your fellow co-workers efforts for the last 15 years to oust the TWU much harder due to even more division. All you've gained from your personal squabbles with AMFA supporters is the admiration of the TWU/IBT minions.

You speak truth, however he proudly wears the badge.
You will have an option when the TA is passed pitbull. Get your resume updated, take the early out, and apply to either Southwest or Alaska. Remember at Southwest it has only been extensions of the agreement negotiated by the Teamsters that you will fall under if lucky enough to get the nod to enter their work environment. As some friendly advice, you shouldn't include your activities and comments from this website as part of your resume they may sour those companies interest in you... B)

If TWU take over one of this airlines with good contracts (which I doubt because they are not stupid) they will find the way to screw it up.
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