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IBT/UAL contract rejection, what does it mean to us at AA?

Hey Conehead. If it was up to me and I had control of the negotiations I'd shift every penny that Parker promises and whatever else could be wrung out of him and give it ALL to those high COL members. Every single red penny. You'd get nothing but a yearly cost of living increase and nothing more.

And if you complained that people in NY are making $15.00 an hour more than you I'd say tough. Move to NYC.
Why we complain and what we can do about it

  • Life’s not fair.
    I think most of us complain because we feel things are unfair and out of our control.
    Why do they have so much when I have nothing? I’ve worked just as hard, saved harder and I still don’t have as much to show for it. It’s just not fair. 

  • Genuinely unhappy.
    Some people are just genuinely unhappy. They can’t find joy in any aspect of their life. Genuinely unhappy people take to complaining to express their dissatisfaction with their life and in many situations it’s used as a coping mechanism as well. 
  • Jealousy
    Most times people won’t admit to this as it’s a rather unbecoming trait. They may also not admit to it because they truly don’t recognize it as jealousy. This ties in with the first point of life not being fair. The emotion that can come out of that is jealousy. When you wish you had the new car, or the new job or the high salary there is a tendency to complain, either that the other people are getting this or that you’re not. 
  • Lack of empathy.
    A lot of times we complain because we lack empathy for others. Think about this: You complain that someone isn’t doing something “right”, they should be doing it this way because that’s what we would do if we were in that position. When we lack empathy we aren’t able to fully put ourself in the other persons place. We don’t know the thoughts going through their head or what other complexities they are facing in their lives at that moment.

Why People Complain and What We Can Do About It
WeAAsles said:
WRONG genius. Compared to the people you want to compare us to. Delta, UAL, SWA, UPS and Fedex I'm at the absolute bottom when it comes to the topped out BASE wage. Dead last on that list. (Without painting the full picture you constantly ignore)

And I absolutely don't think your group are a bunch of overpaid crybabies. I think YOU are an overpaid crybaby. YOU!!! Now if you lived in NYC (JFK, LGA) I'd just call YOU a crybaby. YOU!!!!!!

12 years I lived in DFW. I know for an absolute fact how GREAT you got it there. I have ZERO sympathy for YOUR plight.

Move to NY, LAX, ORD, or BOS and you'll have earned your tissue box.
hey w you don't have a clue. it dose not matter where any one lives. its the job we maintain airplanes we sign the log books. we take legal responsibilities for the airplane. you throw bags on airplanes your the one way overpaid. your job should be a part time to get thru collage. no benefits 10 bucks a hour. 
conehead777 said:
hey w you don't have a clue. it dose not matter where any one lives. its the job we maintain airplanes we sign the log books. we take legal responsibilities for the [/size]airplane. you throw bags on airplanes your the one way overpaid. your job should be a part time to get thru collage. no benefits 10 bucks a hour. 
And THERE it is!!!!! Just what I was waiting for. TRUTH. Just one of you guys to be honest for a change about how you REALLY feel. I love it. I don't have to agree with you of course but GD do I love someone who can finally cut the BS.

Maybe you're right? Maybe I already am overpaid? You probably think all in your mind unskilled jobs (Non Aviation High School) jobs should be paid crap? So what. Hey to the Airlines we're ALL overpaid. You and me. And they don't care that you have a pencil to sign a log book any more than I hit the "finalize flight" (weight and balance) button on a ramplink.

Hey are you a socialist? You have to be you know. If you think a guy in DFW should be making the same as a guy in NYC then you're a Socialist.

Bernie will appreciate your support.

Again thanks for the honesty.
Hey Cones, Rogs, Vort, Olds and all you other rock throwers. Check this out.
Basic Requirements to Become an Aircraft Mechanic
I'm a US Citizen. What requirements must I meet to get a mechanic's certificate?
  1. You must be
    • at least 18 years old;
    • able to read, write, speak, and understand English.
  2. You must get 18 months of practical experience with either power plants or airframes, or 30 months of practical experience working on both at the same time. As an alternative to this experience requirement, you can graduate from an FAA-Approved Aviation Maintenance Technician School.
  3. You must pass three types of tests;
    • a written examination
    • an oral test
    • a practical test

      You need a high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED) to get in to most schools. The schooling lasts from 12 months and 24 months, generally less than required by FAA for on-the-job training. When you graduate, you are qualified to take FAA's exams. Graduates often get higher starting salaries than individuals who got their required experience in one of the other two ways.


      So wow you can become a Mechanic in less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree. One year. I'm telling ya. That's some huge level of education you're talking there. Impressive.

      So in actual formal education really the only thing we both need is a High School Diploma to get into AA? I guess all of us should only be earning
      $34,736 per year according to BLS. Boy that kind of sux huh? 


      Hey you guys think I might be smart enough to qualify for the High School curriculum classes across the street from the MIA Airport? I should be able to pay for the whole thing with a credit card? I've heard it's pretty cheap?

      I guess that I wouldn't receive any REAL College credits though right?

      "General: The General curriculum is a one-year prerequisite for both the Airframe Technician and/or Powerplant Technician Programs."


conehead777 said:
Hhey Ww, you don't have a clue. Iit dose does not matter where any one lives. Iit's the job we do. We maintain airplanes and we sign the log books. Wwe take legal responsibilities for the airplane. Yyou throw bags on airplanes. your You're the one way overpaid. Yyour job should be a part time job to get thru collage. Nno benefits and 10 bucks a hour. 

Oh look. LMAO. I missed it. It's "College" my man.


Through vs. thru
Through and thru are different spellings of the same word. Thru is the less preferred form, however, and it might be considered out of place outside the most informal contexts. If you’re writing for school or for a job application, for instance, through is definitely the safer choice.
One exception: The shorter spelling is often used in drive-thru, where the term relates to getting fast food or banking without exiting one’s car. But though the shorter spelling has gained ground in this use, drive-through still prevails by a significant margin.
In current news publications that make content available online, thru only appears a tiny fraction of the time. We find only a few scattered instances of its use, against tens of thousands of instances of throughThru is certainly gaining ground in text-speak and social networking, and it may someday become the preferred spelling, but we’re not betting on it just yet.
The ngram below graphs the use of through and thru in a large number of English-language texts published from 1800 to 2000. As you can see, thru barely registers against through (though it has a brief spike around 1920, which we can’t explain).


It's ok though. You tried. :lol:
WeAAsles said:
Hey Cones, Rogs, Vort, Olds and all you other rock throwers. Check this out.
Basic Requirements to Become an Aircraft Mechanic
I'm a US Citizen. What requirements must I meet to get a mechanic's certificate?
  1. You must be
    • at least 18 years old;
    • able to read, write, speak, and understand English.
  2. You must get 18 months of practical experience with either power plants or airframes, or 30 months of practical experience working on both at the same time. As an alternative to this experience requirement, you can graduate from an FAA-Approved Aviation Maintenance Technician School.
  3. You must pass three types of tests;
    • a written examination
    • an oral test
    • a practical test

      You need a high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED) to get in to most schools. The schooling lasts from 12 months and 24 months, generally less than required by FAA for on-the-job training. When you graduate, you are qualified to take FAA's exams. Graduates often get higher starting salaries than individuals who got their required experience in one of the other two ways.


      So wow you can become a Mechanic in less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree. One year. I'm telling ya. That's some huge level of education you're talking there. Impressive.

      So in actual formal education really the only thing we both need is a High School Diploma to get into AA? I guess all of us should only be earning
      $34,736 per year according to BLS. Boy that kind of sux huh? 


      Hey you guys think I might be smart enough to qualify for the High School curriculum classes across the street from the MIA Airport? I should be able to pay for the whole thing with a credit card? I've heard it's pretty cheap?

      I guess that I wouldn't receive any REAL College credits though right?

      "General: The General curriculum is a one-year prerequisite for both the Airframe Technician and/or Powerplant Technician Programs."


What are you gonna say to a Pilot then?  There is no college requirement, it may be preferred.  How about a dispatcher?  12 weeks of school for $55 - $60ph.  Oh, here's a tip - that A&P school you mock isn't part time like college - you're in class 5 days a week 8 hours a day. 
Vortilon said:
  • What are you gonna say to a Pilot then?  There is no college requirement, it may be preferred.  How about a dispatcher?  12 weeks of school for $55 - $60ph.  Oh, here's a tip - that A&P school you mock isn't part time like college - you're in class 5 days a week 8 hours a day. 
I'm not mocking the School at all. I'm not mocking anyone actually who put's in the time, money and hard work to better themselves and maybe secure a good career. I admire them for putting in the effort and think they should be rewarded for that.

I'm mocking you guys actually. Just a small handful of individuals. Take Conehead777 for instance. This guy really thinks he deserves more money? lol. Can he even actually fill out that logbook he's talking about? Jeez. Sorry. No way.  
D7571987 said:
Both sides are screwing over the people that actually work for a living.
Both sides are getting paid off to pass the bills that allow the corporations to screw everybody else over. 
Well at least somebody gets it.
conehead777 said:
why to you demean people . i tell you what I'm tired of paying union dues and a non union airline makes more money has profit sharing more vacation more sick days. and they do not lose a half day of pay on there first sick day. i am tired of rude people like you mr know it all. im tired of watching other airline mechanics making over 10 dolors more a hour then us and all the association can do in a month is talk about uniforms and  bulletin boards. tramcare iampf same difference another union program to make them money and screw the members.quit blaming wars sars what is has to do with is greedy unions and them getting dues money. people are waking up that might the reason the 13 percent nation wide. plus people like you and w being rude and condescending to people dose not help . both of you give the iam and twu a worst name then they already have . and the contract means nothing in 03 the company wanted to change contract for pay and benefit cuts twu opened it up. when the times are good the company want open the contract to add pay and benefits. the twu should not off either. 
My only regret is I can only give this post ONE thumbs up.
WeAAsles said:
Oh and hey. Thanks for the advice. I'll think about it.
Aircraft Dispatcher Training Program200 Hour Initial Course
  • All Books & Training Material Included
  • Written Exam Included
$4,995 / 6 weeks


Absolutely can put that one on the Credit Card.
I'm not trying to pile on here, but a certain non Union carrier based in ATL actually helps its employees get their licenses...
Kev3188 said:
I'm not trying to pile on here, but a certain non Union carrier based in ATL actually helps its employees get their licenses...
I think AA used to do that? I've heard they're starting up a program to help kids get their Pilot's licenses. Kev how many Mechanics does Delta have currently in comparison to the merged AA?
I would ask how much better compensated are Delta AMT'S compared to AA. Union representation or not. That is the main reason why someone chooses a career. Based on benefits for the life of the career.
1AA said:
I would ask how much better compensated are Delta AMT'S compared to AA. Union representation or not. That is the main reason why someone chooses a career. Based on benefits for the life of the career.
No. I'm asking how many of them are there in comparison to you? If their numbers are half then the pay don't mean squat because half of our workforce wouldn't have a job to get compensated at all.

1AA do you support going down to Delta's numbers to receive more compensation than them?

Not saying that you should have to but do you support it if that was the only way it would be agreed on?