In Phl at local 1776 the nominations are in Nov. ,but and its a big BUT, according to
the bylaws in order to be nominated you must be a member in good standing. Which means
you have to have attended or been excused from at least six meetings in a calender year. Most
people like myself cannot attend these meetings on the first Tues. of every month, I'm working.
I could call up and asked to be excused but I haven't done that. So like many other members
who pay dues I'm, were, not permitted to run or be nominated. Thats' one of the ways those
who are in control stay in control. The AGC's are excused if they can't make it. The committee
people are excused if they can't make it, and they keep themselves eligible for re-election. I have
no one to blame but myself as far as making a phone call just to be excused, but I don't seek
to be one of the elected. I do feel for the members who seek a nomination and can't be nominated
for the lack of meetings attended. The bylaws try to force the membership to attend the meetings
but in this day and age everyone needs the money so its' either work to provide for our families, or
sign up for OT if your off Tues. ...It'd be nice if everyone who pays dues was eligible but thats not
how it works. I'm guessing that its' the same throughout the system if its' not please let me know...