Have you ever wondered why the iam negotiated for us to do pushbacks, lavs, and water? Those things were taken away from the mechanics and utility. Since they are now doing less work, did the take a cut in pay? HELL NO! The iam wouldn't stand for it because they are "THE MECHANICS". If something was taken away from the ramp I guarantee we would have lost something.
Lighten up, Francis.
This truly has to be one of the most idiotic posts I've had the misfortune to read. Where in the he11 have you been the last six years? Utility lost EVERYTHING, thousands of loyal long time employees thrown out of work, only 50 utility remain, 25 in CLT, 25 in PIT. Do you wonder why our fleet of ac look like cr*p now? The people that did a good job got thrown to the street, now we have contractors that do a cr*p job and for some reason that is tolerated.
Mechanics lost THOUSANDS of jobs due to work lost thru outsourcing and work being taken from them and given to fleet. Come spend some time and see what a line mechanic job is really like and the tremendous responsibility and liability, and tell one he or she is overpaid. You have no idea what you are talking about.
I am not a fan of the IAM, but this company would have gotten rid of EVERY ramper long ago if there was no collective bargaining agreement and ALL the rampers work would be done by contractors.
Mechanics are in no way doing less work, in fact the workload and stress dealing with a ridiculous Sceptre POS computer system, having less resources, and working short of bodies many times has made the job much more difficult and stressful, with no relief in sight. This house of cards is very fragile and the systems holding it up are inadequate, again you have no idea. In addition, we have lost so many good, experienced, knowledgable techs that have left the company voluntarily because the bs threshold was reached, and it just wasn't worth it anymore to hang around.
I respect the job fleet service employees do, I've been in this business for a long time, and I've learned to appreciate and respect the jobs done by other departments, rather than fall victim to the whiny, divisive, classic "USAir" symptom of blaming everyone you can and negative thinking.
You need to grow the f up and stand up for yourself and your group in a productive manner instead of being a whiny little wuss pointing fingers at other departments.
Have a nice f'n day.
your pal, D