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IBT organizing Drive

Well said DIO.

Ramp Rogue has no clue.

And PS, EVERYONE in Maintenance took paycuts, benefit cuts and the loss of their pensions.

And as a result of Bankruptcy round two, 46% of mechanic and related were laidoff!

Don't let the facts get in your way!
Let me ask you tim , what were the voter turn out totals for the TA ??? From what I’ve heard we did not achieve 50% turnout .

Hey PHL rep jeff hayden , what were the "offical" IAM voting totals for the TA please?

If your going to call our PHX chair a Liar why don't you explain it so we can all understand tim rather than just slandering him without putting a reason .
Item 1: Participaton
The voting on the contract was among the highest participation rates seen in contract type voting at any airline. I don't see it as useful to compare contract voting and representation voting but if so then it would lend a big indicator to a successful union election.
The participation at hubs was well over 50%, which is incredible since it involves going to the local in most situations. This would indicate that a phone ballot would produce significant % well over 50%. The last count we had from the stations reporting in the contract vote was something like over 3,000 votes in about 12 cities. It should also be noted that many stations didn't even know when they were voting since the IAM didn't post the info. The contract vote is clearly a signal that people are fed up and that their participation would be at a high for a representation vote. Also, I haven't been able to find a single case in the NMB database where voters didn't vote in a union, if a union was already present. Kindly check the NMB database yourself, it goes back to 2000.
The reason why union raids are 'highly' successful is because companies can't campaign against unions if they are under contract. Also, it's also because workers never want to give up a contract that is already on the property. I've heard of it happening only once a few decades ago. So when you think of union raids, history tells us that 99% of the time union wins. Such is the type of campaign this time.

item 2: Ron Roth, PHX Chair
Freedom, are you prepared to stand up for the truth? Yes or No? Because I am certainly prepared to show you how Mr Roth either lied or was mind boggling ignorant on each point in his little love letter to you folks. Kindly review each of his 3 points. All 3 points were in error and I can't believe he is so naive and inadequate in his representatioin duties so I must assume he either lied or purposely deceived. If he's purposely deceptive then he should be approached, if he's just [how should I say this] naive, then someone should educate him.

Anyways, our network is strong and I thank workers from coast to coast for emailing me IAM treasons against the worker. We must keep the IAM accountable.
As for Mr. Roth, I will most definately post his goofy babblings and dribbles on here tomorrow. Tell PHX to check in and also I hope Mr. Roth offers an apology for his goofy and 'highly' inaccurate babblings. Dumb Dumb Dumb.
Again, he is either a very ignorant man or purposely deceiving you folks. The letter has been forwarded to the IBEW and I'm sure the IBEW will bring up his letter when they have a meeting in PHX and will educate the PHX people with the law which is separate from opinion.

At any rate, we must be very vigilant [sp?] and have reason to be angry with such 'piss clam' letters of deceit. I gotta jet right now, tell PHX to check back tomorrow, I'll have something up by 4pm CST about Mr. Roth's statements.

If you would like to join our network and be a IAM Watchdog then email me. The more eyes we have out there, the more accountable the $100,000 club will be.


thank you for your quick reply .

Is everyone corrupt?? This other union that has dropped our drive was bought out ? Our iam leaders are ALSO corrupt ? Weren’t you just supporting the IBT ? And now your saying their corrupt ? Maybe instead of making an allegation we need to “follow up “ on this issue and see what the airline director has to say , lets directly accuse him or someone in their top ranks of being “bought out “ and see what they have to say ? Boy the IAM sure must have deep pockets to keep buying out other unions , man they must REALLY want us bad .. Does anyone get the feeling IBEW will get “bought†next ? Hey I think I might just start my own union ,(hey IAM buy me out!!! Pleaseeee )

Are we going to run around from union to union like a chicken with it’s head cutoff ?? It’s time to STAND AND FIGHT !!!! If those of you out there reading this think the IAM is corrupt and your leaders from the national on down to the local are worthless , then try and DO something about it !!! Don’t just run from it !! Besides , if as many of you say the IAM is depraved of a moral compass , is it right to just walk away and leave the other different airlines within this union to a leadership that is not looking out for their interests ?

Have you tried contacting the international and expressing your concerns ? Have any of you tried petitions ?

Ultimately I defer to the majority of my brother and sisters , and if you think it’s time for a new union so be it , but I ask , have you exhausted every avenue yet ?

EDIT :After reading your post I think I know what it is you refer to , I believe the chair posted that only 35% would be required to call for an election when in fact it’s 50% . I myself thought it was weird when I saw the posting , it seemed off somehow to me . I also believe you on the raiding facts . Our chair strikes me as a very capable man so I’m sure he will answer whatever is posed to him .

When all is said and done thou , I’m still confident in our station chair , I believe he’s looking out for the WEST’s interests and will continue to do so .
Well I’m tired of waiting for a reply

Is everyone corrupt?? This other union that has dropped our drive was bought out ? Our iam leaders are ALSO corrupt ? Weren’t you just supporting the IBT ? And now your saying their corrupt ? Maybe instead of making an allegation we need to “follow up “ on this issue and see what the airline director has to say , lets directly accuse him or someone in their top ranks of being “bought out “ and see what they have to say ? Boy the IAM sure must have deep pockets to keep buying out other unions , man they must REALLY want us bad .. Does anyone get the feeling IBEW will get “bought†next ? Hey I think I might just start my own union ,(hey IAM buy me out!!! Pleaseeee )
Are we going to run around from union to union like a chicken with it’s head cutoff ?? It’s time to STAND AND FIGHT !!!! If those of you out there reading this think the IAM is corrupt and your leaders from the national on down to the local are worthless , then try and DO something about it !!! Don’t just run from it !! Besides , if as many of you say the IAM is depraved of a moral compass , is it right to just walk away and leave the other different airlines within this union to a leadership that is not looking out for their interests ?
Have you tried contacting the international and expressing your concerns ? Have any of you tried petitions ?
Ultimately I defer to the majority of my brother and sisters , and if you think it’s time for a new union so be it , but I ask , have you exhausted every avenue yet ?
WHere have you been Fredom? US AIRWAYS workers tried to put two tickets against the IAM DL officer elections and the IAM interferred with it and the DOL had to be brought in and agreed with us workers. That is corrupt and criminal. Check unionfacts.org [i think that's the site].

If the majority of workers want to at least have an election regarding the IBEW or the IAM then doesn't it sound a bit unamerican to suggest otherwise? Plus, in the meantime, such a campaign should get the IAM off its deadwood. The idea is to change the horrible leadership, and in this case, it is easier to change the union than it is to change the leadership.

At any rate, if the IBEW does not gather the interest, then I myself would very much consider running another ticket against the IAM bosses. ANd FWIW: I never run myself on these tickets and do not plan to a next time, although I have never lost an election for an IAM post.

1776PHL already came out of the closet the minute he pretended he couldn't spell or use puncuation marks. We all know who he is and there is no chance in he$$ that he voted NO for the T/A.

The company adores 1776PHL because he a$$ kisses LABOR. Forget about the IAM they are finished with him for good and so are all the stewards in Phl that thought that they could trust him. It was all a lie.

What name will you be coming in as next ? There are alot of jobs he can transfer in out west. We all say, "go west young man"!
WHere have you been Fredom? US AIRWAYS workers tried to put two tickets against the IAM DL officer elections and the IAM interferred with it and the DOL had to be brought in and agreed with us workers. That is corrupt and criminal. Check unionfacts.org [i think that's the site].


This is what Tim is refering about how Boss Canale's 141 was caught trying to deter two members from running for election.

click here
Look i'm not super loyal to the iam , as i've stated before i HATE their union meetings and their lack of communication with the workers is just pathetic . No, I did not know about any past attempts to bring in new blood being derailed by the IAM , I’ll have to read up about that .

I just wish we could have the whole “new union “ debate after the holidays , I have this feeling that the EAST is going to lose the COC , and after that happens we will be one unified work force FEARSOME to behold , it just strikes me as a waste of time to be bothering with our union when we will be able to turn our FULL attention to this company and it’s ABISMAL treatment of the workers .

I’m sick of union “issues†and waiting for “courts†to decide and letting the company CONTIUNE to drag it‘s feet , WE are the 800 pound gorilla , and I just feel that soon it will be time for some chest beating !
thank you for your quick reply .
EDIT :After reading your post I think I know what it is you refer to , I believe the chair posted that only 35% would be required to call for an election when in fact it’s 50% . I myself thought it was weird when I saw the posting , it seemed off somehow to me . I also believe you on the raiding facts . Our chair strikes me as a very capable man so I’m sure he will answer whatever is posed to him .

When all is said and done thou , I’m still confident in our station chair , I believe he’s looking out for the WEST’s interests and will continue to do so .
He's got your back huh? I doubt he's looking out for you folks out west if he post such ignorant stuff that is at the very basic level of represetnation.

1. He said, "If an election is held, a union must receive 50%+1 to remain and/or to become the representatvie agent."

This is inaccurate. Ask your chair what % the IAM received? See if he actually knows anything? FWIW: The IAM received something like 22% of all eligible voters back in 1994. The IBT received less than 50% also and won back in 1989. The law doesn't state that a union must receive 50% + 1 of the vote. It states that 50%+1 of eligible voters must particiapte. If there are 2 choices then there is always greater participation. It's very likely that the IBEW could get 40% of the vote, and the IAM only 20%, yet the IBEW wins with 40%.

2. Yes, Mr Freedom you are correct, your chair said 35% have to sign cards. This is untrue, the number is 50% of all employees, including those on lay off.

3. Mr Roth sez, "If the IAM is decertified you would have no union coverage including a contract until and when the winning union initiates and conducts bargaining for a new contract. This alone could take 2-3 years."
Mr. Roth is delusional or a liar. In either case, he is not fit to represent human beings with such profane dribble. The Answer is NO, number 3 is definately not true. THe IAM can be decertified and the IBEW win and by law you keep your contract. You lose nothing. This happens quite a bit and if you can't read the NMB rules then just go and ask a United Mechanic to see if they lost their contract when they decertified the IAM? Nobody loses their contract when they decert a union by the winning union. Same with NW mechanics who booted the IAM. Do you really think they lost their contract? This is basic. Listen, Mr. Roth is wrong in each of his points, totally 100% wrong. I'd love for someone to copy and paste this in your breakroom. This guy should not be getting away with such 'goofy' remarks. Who does he think he is? Clearly he has an agenda to blow so much smoke up your a$$.

He's got your back huh? I doubt he's looking out for you folks out west if he post such ignorant stuff that is at the very basic level of represetnation.

1. He said, "If an election is held, a union must receive 50%+1 to remain and/or to become the representatvie agent."

This is inaccurate. Ask your chair what % the IAM received? See if he actually knows anything? FWIW: The IAM received something like 22% of all eligible voters back in 1994. The IBT received less than 50% also and won back in 1989. The law doesn't state that a union must receive 50% + 1 of the vote. It states that 50%+1 of eligible voters must particiapte. If there are 2 choices then there is always greater participation. It's very likely that the IBEW could get 40% of the vote, and the IAM only 20%, yet the IBEW wins with 40%.

2. Yes, Mr Freedom you are correct, your chair said 35% have to sign cards. This is untrue, the number is 50% of all employees, including those on lay off.

3. Mr Roth sez, "If the IAM is decertified you would have no union coverage including a contract until and when the winning union initiates and conducts bargaining for a new contract. This alone could take 2-3 years."
Mr. Roth is delusional or a liar. In either case, he is not fit to represent human beings with such profane dribble. The Answer is NO, number 3 is definately not true. THe IAM can be decertified and the IBEW win and by law you keep your contract. You lose nothing. This happens quite a bit and if you can't read the NMB rules then just go and ask a United Mechanic to see if they lost their contract when they decertified the IAM? Nobody loses their contract when they decert a union by the winning union. Same with NW mechanics who booted the IAM. Do you really think they lost their contract? This is basic. Listen, Mr. Roth is wrong in each of his points, totally 100% wrong. I'd love for someone to copy and paste this in your breakroom. This guy should not be getting away with such 'goofy' remarks. Who does he think he is? Clearly he has an agenda to blow so much smoke up your a$$.


hmm i don't have a copy in front of me of the posting , but maybe it is off , but still the last part DOES make sense , say the IBEW comes in , then we're going to have the same song and dance all over again because we will start negations with this company from square one with the new negotiators . The IBEW will I’m sure say all sorts of positive things on how fast their going to get us a new contract , but their negotiators will most likely be naive and think they can actually negotiate with this company .I’m not going to wait till 2009 to start talks AGAIN , I don’t want to end up like MX who’s been sitting there for YEARS ON END , talking an talking and talking ….. We are TOO poor out here in the west , I am not prepared to throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater .

I say damn the unions and damn the company , full speed ahead!!!!!!

After the east loses the COC , what will we REALLY need the IBEW for ??? We won’t , will be so hyped up and pissed off , good luck ANYONE restraining us!!!!! Even a half ass ,moronic, corrupt IAM should be able to negotiate better terms at that point ….

Carpe diem !!!!!!!
that was from 2001 , so did they win and get elected ?what became of them ?

No.... one retired the other took a early out. That was one of the 3 attempts to change the IAM Trust us when we say its Impossable to get rank and file members elected.

Like I said on a early post we have been there and done that!
IBEW headed by Boland is the way to go, or should I say the way I will go if it is up for question.
hey dexter as soon as someone asks a question or has a difrent opion or question why the people on this board told us to do something you guys say i am someone i am not or you call names like tim is doing well all i can say is you really showed them we would be making 19 dollars but i am stuck at 17 dollars we really showed them good job and tim calls some other guy names when he started a orginizing campain without the teamsters suport and he calls someone else ignorant you guys are doing a great job keep it up and maybe you could get us down to 15 dollars or better yet no union and 12 dollars keep showing them good job dexter maybe you can get a 100000 dollar job with the ibewif your not a supervisor keep up the good work
keep it up and maybe you could get us down to 15 dollars or better yet no union and 12 dollars

Careful what you wish for, 1776. Don't forget your "brothers" here in the Class II stations. We're already making $15.00 an hour. Actually $15.60. Way to show "we're all in this together". THANKS, IAM!

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