Let me ask you tim , what were the voter turn out totals for the TA ??? From what I’ve heard we did not achieve 50% turnout .
Hey PHL rep jeff hayden , what were the "offical" IAM voting totals for the TA please?
If your going to call our PHX chair a Liar why don't you explain it so we can all understand tim rather than just slandering him without putting a reason .
Item 1: Participaton
The voting on the contract was among the highest participation rates seen in contract type voting at any airline. I don't see it as useful to compare contract voting and representation voting but if so then it would lend a big indicator to a successful union election.
The participation at hubs was well over 50%, which is incredible since it involves going to the local in most situations. This would indicate that a phone ballot would produce significant % well over 50%. The last count we had from the stations reporting in the contract vote was something like over 3,000 votes in about 12 cities. It should also be noted that many stations didn't even know when they were voting since the IAM didn't post the info. The contract vote is clearly a signal that people are fed up and that their participation would be at a high for a representation vote. Also, I haven't been able to find a single case in the NMB database where voters didn't vote in a union, if a union was already present. Kindly check the NMB database yourself, it goes back to 2000.
The reason why union raids are 'highly' successful is because companies can't campaign against unions if they are under contract. Also, it's also because workers never want to give up a contract that is already on the property. I've heard of it happening only once a few decades ago. So when you think of union raids, history tells us that 99% of the time union wins. Such is the type of campaign this time.
item 2: Ron Roth, PHX Chair
Freedom, are you prepared to stand up for the truth? Yes or No? Because I am certainly prepared to show you how Mr Roth either lied or was mind boggling ignorant on each point in his little love letter to you folks. Kindly review each of his 3 points. All 3 points were in error and I can't believe he is so naive and inadequate in his representatioin duties so I must assume he either lied or purposely deceived. If he's purposely deceptive then he should be approached, if he's just [how should I say this] naive, then someone should educate him.
Anyways, our network is strong and I thank workers from coast to coast for emailing me IAM treasons against the worker. We must keep the IAM accountable.
As for Mr. Roth, I will most definately post his goofy babblings and dribbles on here tomorrow. Tell PHX to check in and also I hope Mr. Roth offers an apology for his goofy and 'highly' inaccurate babblings. Dumb Dumb Dumb.
Again, he is either a very ignorant man or purposely deceiving you folks. The letter has been forwarded to the IBEW and I'm sure the IBEW will bring up his letter when they have a meeting in PHX and will educate the PHX people with the law which is separate from opinion.
At any rate, we must be very vigilant [sp?] and have reason to be angry with such 'piss clam' letters of deceit. I gotta jet right now, tell PHX to check back tomorrow, I'll have something up by 4pm CST about Mr. Roth's statements.
If you would like to join our network and be a IAM Watchdog then email me. The more eyes we have out there, the more accountable the $100,000 club will be.