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Iam To Counter 1st Offer?


Keep pounding your chest in denial, insulting others, and not looking at reality. It's about to hit you square in the face. It's too bad, but the IAM did it to them self.

Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:
It's too bad, but the IAM did it to them self.

No, the IAM is doing it to the members. The International will make it.
Since all you non-IAM Members seem to know what is going on let me explain it to you.

The members are the ones who told the International and District not to talk to the company since the company had the arrogance to steal the Airbus work.

The IAM Leadership listened to its members who fully supported the direction the IAM took.

The following is what would happen in traditional Section 6 Negotiations, which the company nor the union are engaged in, so it would not apply, but I will post it anyhow since many of you are confusing concessionary bargaining with Section 6 (traditional) negotiations.

1. Intent to Change
Either the union or the company must notify the other of an intent to change the contract at least 30 days prior to its ending date - and must meet within ten days of the notification. At that time, they exchange proposed contract changes.

2. Collective Bargaining
The union and the company must meet within 30 days of the first notice to change the contract. Collective Bargaining begins at this point. Progress, or lack of it, during this step determines whether it will be necessary to proceed with other steps of the Railway Labor Act.

3. Contract Becomes Amendable
Under the Railway Labor Act, contracts never expire. They continue as the "status quo" until amended. The company may not change the contract and the union may not engage in any job actions until all steps of the Act have been completed and both parties are released.

4. Mediation Options
Either the union or the company may choose to request the services of the National Mediation Board (NMB). If neither requests that option, the NMB can and may intercede, and force both parties into mediation. This often happens when the talks are deadlocked or broken off.

5. Mediation Mandatory
If the NMB intercedes, both parties must enter into the mediation process and a mediator is assigned by the NMB. The mediator decides if negotiations are deadlocked, and if either or both parties can proceed with other legal steps.

6. Binding Arbitration
Binding arbitration may be proposed by the NMB id mediation fails. Binding arbitration requires both the union and the company to agree to it. They must also agree upon a neutral arbitrator. The arbitrator makes a decision which is final and binding to both parties.

7. Cooling Off Period
If either the union or the company refuse the NMB's offer of binding arbitration, both parties must observe a 30-day "cooling-off" period. If the President of the United States does not intervene in steps 8-11, then the whole process moves directly to step 12.

8. Presidential Intervention
The NMB may at this time request the President of the United States to intervene due to "possible substantial interference with interstate commerce." The President, however, is not legally mandated to intervene.

9. Fact Finding Board
The President may, at his discretion, establish an Emergency Fact Finding Board to investigate the dispute between the union and the company, and make recommendations.

10. Board Findings
If the Board is appointed, they must make their recommendations within 30 days. They may, however, ask either party for additional time to investigate. The President may allow an additional 30-day extension for the Board to complete its investigation.

11. Cooling Off II
After the Emergency Fact Finding Board makes its recommendations to the President, the union and company must observe another 30-day"cooling-off" period,

12. Self Help
At the end of the 30-day "cooling-off" period, the union and the company are free of any legal restraint. The company has the option of imposing its own work rules and wages. The union has the option of accepting those rules and wages, or electing to strike.
Since I am neither "in the know" or "belong" to the IAM how and when did the members tell the IAM not to talk. Was there meetings held with votes specifically asking the question of wether or not to talk with the company? Or was there the typical union rep going around telling the members what is going on and what is going to happen?
I was in your same union for 8 years and now I supervise you same union members. Do you reall think I do not know what I am talking about?
Do not put yourself on such a high horse.
You remind me of a guy I know. He was a cleaner who was supposed to clean the hangar. You could never find him when needed because he was always in the union office helping them. He would come out an hour before shift change to bust a sweat and clean up the hangar only so the oncoming facility cleaner would not get angry, but other than that he was up there getting "in the know". He thought he knew everything because he was a lap dog for F.S. and W.F. But you know what, that is all he was, a lap dog. He heard everything that was going on up there and tried to relay things, but no one listened to him. 😛
Well I can speak weekly meetings were held in CLT, PIT had some meetings, Robert Roach and his staff traveled the US Airways system and had a lot of the Transportation Staff devoted to US Airways over the very issue.

See if you were a member you would have been able to attend the meetings. And Mr Roach also went out into the work areas to meet with the members he represents.

You don't vote on opening your contract or to hold meetings, the members have elected representatives to make those decisions, they follow the local and district bylaws and the International Constitution.

Yes I do think you don't know what you are talking about, because I know I counted the contract vote back in 1992, out of over 1,000 people that voted there were 30 No votes, the very next week, I spoke to over a hundred coworkers who have said they voted no. I told them 30 of you are telling the truth, the rest are lying.

The employees of this company like to lay blame on the union instead of the company where it belongs.

Funny PITMTC, you do not know who I am or what I do, but I have seen your boss at CCY for the past two weeks and even talked to him and gotten information that was needed.
Sooooo..like I thought and you stated " the elected rep's make those decisions" not to talk. And the fact that the members voted those rep's in does not mean that they agree with everything they do. Like in our gov't, you know. 😉
I do not know where the vote counting thing came from, I did not even touch that subject. I did vote to strike then though. You know why, because W.F. told me to do so. And I voted the second proposal yes. You know why, because W.F said it was the best we could get. Another example of how the IAM gets what they want from the members.
Once again, I do not know where meeting anyone in CCY came up in my post. I'll tell you one thing: you have mentioned to several posters many times lately that "I was in CCY and I did not see you there". 700 who cares? You sound like a spoiled child who is bragging about silly things. Grow up. 😀
PITMTC said:
Since I am neither "in the know" or "belong" to the IAM how and when did the members tell the IAM not to talk. Was there meetings held with votes specifically asking the question of wether or not to talk with the company? Or was there the typical union rep going around telling the members what is going on and what is going to happen?
I was in your same union for 8 years and now I supervise you same union members. Do you reall think I do not know what I am talking about?
Do not put yourself on such a high horse.
You remind me of a guy I know. He was a cleaner who was supposed to clean the hangar. You could never find him when needed because he was always in the union office helping them. He would come out an hour before shift change to bust a sweat and clean up the hangar only so the oncoming facility cleaner would not get angry, but other than that he was up there getting "in the know". He thought he knew everything because he was a lap dog for F.S. and W.F. But you know what, that is all he was, a lap dog. He heard everything that was going on up there and tried to relay things, but no one listened to him. 😛


Oh Johnny Boy Oh Johnny Boy.....Emphasize on BOY
In 1992, there was only one vote, then after the 30 day cooling off period expired the parties contiuned to talk then talks broke and the IAM struck.

Then a new agreement was reached, ratifed and then went back to work.

It came to show hom the members do one thing and then say another.

Once again you distort the facts, let me say it again to you, the IAM leadership made the decision AFTER meeting with its members all over the US system.

By the way McMullen seems llike a fair person, maybe you need to take some pointers from him.
I agree with your opinion of him. He does not say one thing and feel another. in fact, what he feels is what he says, even behind cosed doors. I have been there. If you talk in person the way you post on here then you speak with a forked tongue and I could call you a liar. You do not seem fair in anything you write. You are pro-union and big time anti-managment. One like this can not negotiate contracts fairly and will cause failure to the members.
From this I can assume, that when you sit across him, you talk a different way and say what you want him to hear and not how you trully feel (like how you post here).
You then sir, are an obstruction to fair progress and therefore are to blame for the stalling and the end result will lie on you shoulders.
PITMTC said:
can not negotiate

This entire charade has nothing that resembles Negotiations. You're making yourself look worse with every post. 700 is not the problem, it's the collective mentality of individuals such as yourself that will bring this company to a ending.

Chop Chop
I am pro-union and not anti-management, I respect management that treats its workers with respect, dignity and fairly. Managment that does not lie and try to steal from its employees.

And if you have read the District 142 updates, there has not been negotiations going on, there has been information gathering.

Don't assume things, and I have not obstructed one thing with this company. I always speak my mind and tell how I feel, I dont sugarcoat anything. Go look at Glass for the obstruction. Go look at a company that takes up to three weeks to provide economic data to a union so a union can review it and make a counter proposal.

And the bottom line that you fail to realize is that this company does not want heavy maintenance, shops,gse, plant mtc or utility. The company wants to outsource everything possible that they can, no mechanics in base and there is no need for foremen, managers and directors either.

So you go out to the 3,000 mechanic and related employees who this company wants to discard like a used Kleenex and explain to them why they should vote themselves out of a job. The very same employees who have been sacrificing for over two years of concessions only to see them wasted.

And I do not lie, the only thing a person in life has that is worth anything is his or her word, something I put the highest value on. So sorry, I am not a liar, unlike the likes of Siegel, Glass, Mckeen, Cohen and the rest of the gang up at CCY and PIT.
USA320Pilot said:
The professionalism of those who know "their game is about up" is an interesting study of human behavior. Instead of posting childish comments on this message board, if I were you, I would spend more time figuring out what I am going to do when "imposition" strikes again, without a consensual labor accord.

Time is short and it serves no useful purpose to lash out at those who are the messenger. As Elizabeth Smart Phelps said, "A man without a purpose is like ship without a rudder."



I would much rather read his childish comments then your outright lies anyday. "A man running scared is a man who would do and say anything to save his hyde"

You are far from any messenger you are just a bold faced liar hoping your lies will save you.
Before anybody does eventually strike, I would at least figure out the value of assets and whether there is enough to cover the ATSB. If there is, I would walk very carefully along this thin line unless you really don't care anymore. The ATSB will take their money back, I will guarantee that right now. By the way, the public does not care if they have alternatives, just remeber that. I would even go as far as the company not caring for the same reason. Would I like to see you come and survive this? Yes. Would it be the best thing for everyone else involved? Probably not. Not only are you dragging the industry down, but you are adversely destroying the will-power of some great employees who really do care about more than themselves.

Good luck and tread lightly.

Ps - if you do go out of business, can you all at least still argue a lot? It's very entertaining watching so much effort being put out by so many egomaniacs that refuse to work to together.
i just hope that if the iam does get an agreement it wont hurt those of us in the mainline express cities. we had taken the severest of the severe hits when we went from 22. down to 13.01 an hr. there is absolutely no reasons that we in the mainline express cities should have to bear any more cuts than what we took. good luck to all of us usair employees

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