Better go ask UA and NW's AMTs about the injunctions their companies sought and got when it was shown they were doing a slowdown.
Glass is foaming at the mouth.
Looks like IBT is up to something at UA
Before an organization can act
as the bargaining agent for an
employee group, it must be
certified by the National Mediation Board (NMB) to do so. This
certification can be attained only through a representation election
conducted by the NMB. Once certified, an organization is
obligated to act on behalf of its members (you) and bargain on
your behalf. Once an agreement is ratified, any additional bargaining
can occur only once the contract’s amendable date is
reached and one or both parties have served a Section 6 Notice to
bargain. An exception to that rule is that the parties may bargain
voluntarily at any time.
From your perspective, the purpose of bargaining is to improve
your quality of life and the working conditions in your workplace.
You do this by your union successfully bargaining over
wages, work rules, and benefits, not mention job security. Your
union has a fiduciary responsibility to do this on your behalf.
Your interests should be the union’s interests.
Can any organization
compel United to bargain on this or other issues? Yes, if the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) is certified in an election,
it can compel United to bargain by serving a Section 6
Notice. This is so because the Teamsters are not a party to your
current agreement, and therefore, can compel bargaining under
the RLA,