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IAM transition survey

Believe me when I tell you that the survey was a vain attempt to make it seem like you have a voice. Well you don't! It has been this way in the east always. So you missed nothing. The iam is only interested in dues payers. They will do what it takes to keep as many as they can no matter how it effects the membership.
The transition agreement most likely will effect west more than east for the simple reason it will bring west down to east. Besides none of us will have any say in the matter. BTW the negotiating commitee is already set. It will be the same company lap dogs as it has always been.
I did hear from one of the reps that they are going west next week.If thats any help? They will paint a rosey picture but beware of the thorns! The End
Yes The {PICTURE} is taking Shape. What you have Posted,is comeing to FRUITITION,The TRANSITION COMMITTEE,& SENIORITY COMMITTEE, ALL In Place. No Communication to US WEST IAM Members as far as WHo is on the Committee's. I Hope You are wrong about the LOOSING OF WAGES & BRINGING US DOWN,It will not be GOOD for A/C leaving THE WEST. MWW
I will say it again, Don't tell us to relax!! I guess the IAM will have to understand that we here in the west do not work for the union. The union is supposed to work for us. :lol:

You should wake up to the fact that yes indeed you do work for the union for you are the union and it does not or will not work without you and your committment.

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