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Iam To Counter 1st Offer?

You are full of it.

You have no clue and Roach has not been talking to Pollack.

Why do you post absolute false information?

You are not in CCY you have no idea of what is going on. You are not in the know.

The IAM has not lost any 1113c hearings, because there has not been any.
They're likely to receive a third strike, which will be very ugly, if history repeats itself. Remember, the "concession stand is closed and just say no" will work, just like it did for ALPA's RC4.
dude you better be advised......
3rd strike option is very similar to what the israeli's refer to as the "samson option"
i'd suggest you do some research on this subject asap.
Who said Roach talked with Pollock?

The IAM has lost two S.1113 (S.113e and yesterday's appeal) hearings and now has two strikes.

Without a change of direction, the IAM will be the union with the greatest "pain" because as Mitchell said yesterday he recognizes the hardships the cuts create but says he sees no other choice.

Also noteworthy, today Air Transport Wrold wrote, earlier this week, the AFA board of directors (including US Airways representatives) approved a resolution calling for a nationwide CHAOS strike at all airlines with AFA representation "in the event that any one of the union's contracted airlines abrogates its existing collective bargaining agreement with AFA" (ATWOnline, Nov. 17). Such a strike would violate a number of US labor laws.

By the way, the only opinion that matters is Judge Mitchell's, who has supported the company in two S.1113 hearings and said he recognized "he sees no other choice."


dude i can graciously tell you in no uncertain terms...we will "share the pain with all invloved"
The IAM has told high level ALPA sources that they cannot make the difficult decision because of the reasons I stated.

The IAM has not been in contact with ALPA about our negotiations, I should know, but once again you keep making up your own "facts".

Prove what labor law it would violate.

The unionzed airline workers are only covered by the RLA, the RLA only prevents a strike during traditional section 6 Bargaining, which niether the union or the company are doing.

ALPA's own lawyer Setzler wrote a paper on it and AFA, CWA and IAM legal have all researched the options and have determined self-help is allowed upon an abrogation, Judge Mitchell lacks the legal authority to stop a strike.

UVN, has posted numerous links to resources that show you can seek self-help.

Keep posting wrong info, you would not want to spoil your track record.

Once again I would not expect an ALPA member to know what is transpiring with the IAM.

Like I said, did not see you up at CCY, where were you? Since you say you know it all!

NO Shame

No Convictions

No Honor

Equals No Man

Like AOG-IN-IT once said of you___“You Make Me Sick“__ that about wraps up what most readers think of you and your relentless company brown noser rants of Reality....

Reality is what YOU make it but you let OTHER people decide your reality and expect everyone else to do the same...

When it’s all over you will feel more pain then everyone combined because your reality it not your own.
What is the differance between a brown noser or crap on your nose?
only time will tell what will happen. so far the iam has been on the wrong side of the fence in court. don't know how you expect that to change now, but i can see where the iam has no choice to but to fight this.
The professionalism of those who know "their game is about up" is an interesting study of human behavior. Instead of posting childish comments on this message board, if I were you, I would spend more time figuring out what I am going to do when "imposition" strikes again, without a consensual labor accord.

Time is short and it serves no useful purpose to lash out at those who are the messenger. As Elizabeth Smart Phelps said, "A man without a purpose is like ship without a rudder."


Also, if the unions seek self help, can the courts or the PEB either a) block the strike or B) allow the use of replacement workers?
USA320Pilot said:
The professionalism of those who know "their game is about up" is an interesting study of human behavior. Instead of posting childish comments on this message board, if I were you, I would spend more time figuring out what I am going to do when "imposition" strikes again, without a consensual labor accord.

Time is short. Why? As Elizabeth Smart Phelps said, "A man without a purpose is like ship without a rudder."


you know,you should talk
faa should look into your posts to see if your mental faculties are on par with what a person who has lives on their hands should...
Dont have time to figure out what to do after when you are working on what to do currently. And I will be well taken care of and not have to depend on any in-laws or spouse to survive.

Your credibility has suken to record lows.

How can you trust a company that has lied to its employees and creditors and passengers numerous times?

How can you trust a company and its executives that reward themselves for failure?

How can you trust a company that has squandered $2.4 Billion in concessions from Labor and $1.6 Billlion from its vendors? In a two year period.

Only a fool would.

Still waiting to see you at CCY.

No union won in the bankruptcy court in this case so far, except for the judge not granting the company's 1113e motion carte blanche.

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