Iam To Counter 1st Offer?


Oct 29, 2002
i'd like to know what is going on down in DC with IAM?
we were told to look for a counter back to U early this week and it was to be posted on the 142 website.
still every day this week the same update comes out just written inside out ,upside down....same story.
people are getting stressed out what is IAM doing with my future??
why no counter??
there is only 6 or 7 business days until the abrogation hearing .....we just may run out of time.....why are we backing ourselves into a corner?? :down: :down:

It’s my understanding the IAM will not make difficult decisions because of two reasons: AMFA and likely job loss. I believe the IAM-M (maybe not the IAM-FSA) could end up selecting “imposition†because it’s easier to “not make the difficult choicesâ€. The problem is that the company will probably seek even deeper cuts because they will likely have them granted by the judge, if history repeats itself. That seems to have played out again today with the court leaving the S.1113(e) order intact.

What’s too bad is that the IAM did not open the concession stand until recently because if deals had been obtained earlier, I know that the IAM “pain†would have been much less than what will likely occur.

I sincerely hope this works out for all of us and there still is the potential to reach consensual accords. Today the Post-Gazette reported “all three unions (AFA, IAM, & CWA) are hoping to reach consensual deals before the judge has a chance to act on the abrogation request. The flight attendants said they hoped to settle on terms by Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.â€

See Story


ah A320,

It makes no difference whether IAM started 6 months ago or yesterday....CWA, AFA and IAM are in the same boat....

Managment has already gutted the pilots with their own signatures on the bottom line.

I don't know where you get your information, but we will not have a T/A by Thanksgiving, unless the company does a 360...what are the chances of that????

We will continue to negotiate, but are preparing for abrogation as well.

You have every right to be angry and feel let down, I did by ALPAs RC4 bad choices too. This is a math problem, one that the IAM, or any union cannot win.

Backing ones self into a cornor is the wrong move, unless you want an even worse deal...the judge is here to take care of the company, not labor.

I really wish this was not happening to you, contact your union, and your friends for change...we did and it made a difference.

Good luck to us all!

All you have ever wanted to do is put this place out-a-business, you are a non-assest to the FA profession at this time.

When you cause massive furloughs, you will continue to have job, right?

Savining the profession to you is saving all the senior FA jobs at the expense of the junior...say it is not true...

Like our RC4, they are cowards afraid to face the membership with the news. The easy way for them is what they are doing, they can blame someone else.

Not negotiating early on is coming back to bit them bigtime! (and it should).
Progress Made in US Airways Talks - AFA Hopes to Achieve Pact Before Thanksgiving

AFA Press Release

US Airways pay cuts are kept in place - Bankruptcy court judge rebuffs efforts by two unions

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported, "All three unions (AFA,CWA, & IAM) are hoping to reach consensual deals before the judge has a chance to act on the abrogation request. The flight attendants said they hoped to settle on terms by Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.

See Story

PitBull said: I don't know where you get your information, but we will not have a T/A by Thanksgiving, unless the company does a 360...what are the chances of that????

USA320Pilot comments: It's up to the AFA and the Company to obtain a TA. The union released a press release yesterday and said, "AFA Hopes to Achieve Pact Before Thanksgiving." It's up to your union on whether or not to have a deal, but today the unions lost in court again and by most observer's opinion, Judge Mitchell has no option but to impose the company's motion and make it a court order.


The Cwa may come to an agreement, which is doubtful at this point, but it will never never never pass. The CWA gave an update on the 800 number tonight. After the shock wore off and the laughter ceased, the consensus was that the best deal would be to "shut it down" ASAP!!!! What a complete joke! Who ever came up with this latest proposal must have smoked "one", dropped a hit of acid and eaten some mushrooms because it sure is waaaaay out there. INSANE!!!!!!!

Is shutting down the airline better than a buyout, medical benefits, and passes?

Is shutting it down better than $16 to $18 per hour with benefits and a retirement plan?

What do you obtain if the company liquidates?

Before "imposition" occurs and the next proposal gets worse, it's time to think logically before you have happen to you what ALPA's RC4 did to the pilot group.


USA320Pilot said:

Is shutting down the airline better than a buyout, medical benefits, and passes?

Is shutting it down better than $16 to $18 per hour with benefits and a retirement plan?





What good is a job that pays $16 to $18 dollars per hour if half the workers lose their job to outsourcing!!!!!!

It would be like the the pilots voting for everyone in the left seat will keep their job but everyone in the right seat will LOSE THEIR JOB and get outsourced!!!

By the way you already voted on your contract. You can't vote on ours. Butt out.

Keep out of other unions business. These are OUR jobs not YOURS!!!!!

USA320Pilot said:

Is shutting down the airline better than a buyout, medical benefits, and passes?

Is shutting it down better than $16 to $18 per hour with benefits and a retirement plan?


the top pay would be 16 not 18.....medical would go up, and they would be able to contract out the weekday to another firm while people in Res get stuck with the weekends because they will try to make everyone miserable.

Why do you always assume people are topped out too. I have less than 10 years at U but 12 years in the industry.....I would be dropped down to 10 dollars an hour. I can find another job right now that pays that much......So why do I stay? I will tell you why.....I want the goverment funds for me to finish my degree and the unemployment benefits that go with it. I make out better whenever we finally fold.
First of all you are all wrong.

The IAM requested all the financial data from the company and did not recieve it until almost 2 weeks later.

Then this week the IAM recieved more data from the company.

The IAM economist is reviewing all the financial information which takes time.

AMFA has nothing to do with the picture.

Have faith and it will workout one way or another.
From the Charlotte Observer:

The union that seems furthest from a cooperative deal is the one that has traditionally been US Airways' most militant, the International Association of Machinists.

The IAM, which represents mechanics and fleet-service workers, has been meeting with the company and asking for financial numbers to back up the company's requests for cuts.

It received the last batch of numbers Tuesday and plans to come to the table again with the company on Monday. "But we must be prepared in the event an agreement is not possible," the IAM wrote in a note to members Thursday.
well lets hope the IAM's stall tatics don't backfire...or maybe the company will throw in some weight rooms to save the company....

The IAM has told high level ALPA sources that they cannot make the difficult decision because of the reasons I stated. It's really about courage and facing reality. As Judge Mitchell reiterated yesterday he recognizes the hardships the cuts create but says he sees no other choice.

That will be the same story during the S.1113© process and without the consensual deal, the IAM represented employees could be the "hardest hit" by the process. It's unfortunate, but their choice. The IAM has lost two S.1113 (S.113e and yesterday's appeal) hearings and now has two strikes. They're likely to receive a third strike, which will be very ugly, if history repeats itself. Remember, the "concession stand is closed and just say no" will work, just like it did for ALPA's RC4.



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