From the website. I would suggest everyone spend some time and look at it.
Two BIGGEST obstacles I see, IF this is the way we must go, will be the negotiations for the company contribution amount and how our "time" with the company would negotiated for years of service/vestment.
Also on the site, is 401K info.
Q: What is the connection between the National Pension Plan and the I.A.M.A.W?
A: While the National Pension Plan is funded by contributing employers, it was created for the sole benefit of I.A.M. members. And, the Trustees of the Fund that pays the Plan's benefits represent both the I.A.M. and contributing employers.
Q: How are the Trustees selected?
A: Union Trustees are selected by the I.A.M., and Employer Trustees are selected by the existing Employer Trustees.
Q: What is the benefit of having some Trustees representing employers and some representing the I.A.M.?
A: Multiemployer joint labor-management pension plans are required to have an equal number of Trustees from labor, the union, and management, the employers. The reason for this is to ensure that both sides are fairly represented and that participants are always the primary focus of the Fund.
There are 5 unions trustees and 3 employer trustees listed on the website??????
Q: What is the current range of employer contribution rates?
A: Contribution rates range from $0.10 to $10.00 per hour.
Q: What is the average employer contribution rate?
A: On the whole, the average contribution rate is $1.15 per hour.
Why would I want to get involved with a union-affiliated pension plan?
The Fund exists to provide pension benefits to I.A.M. members, but the Fund is legally independent from the union. It is a separate entity managed by an active Board of Trustees composed of members from both labor and management. Employers have an equally strong vote in the Fund’s management.
Our trustees set policy and investment strategy. That strategy is based on thorough research and analysis and expert advice from some of the most trusted names on Wall Street and nationwide. The I.A.M. National Pension Fund has a sound investment approach and a 45-year record of unblemished integrity.
Don't get me wrong....the word pension still frightens me.

There are too many restrictions, especially if you wind up employed elsewhere.