I cant say I completely agree on that. What we need is a portable plan, like the construction unions have.
I have several relatives and friends in Construction. The company puts $4/hr into the plan for every worker. The move from company to company and they make very good money.When they move everything goes with them, they do not start at the bottom.
That woulod be a great idea if we could get it,I also would like to see us hold senority like the union welders or carpenters or electricians ect.4 dollars a hour toward retirement would be awesome.
The comanys wouldnt want a/p s to have union senority , it would make us more in control and thus paid more.i would definetly vote for it if it was a option,I just dont think the folks in charge will let that happen.
Its a great idea, I hope it will take hold. We need to do something to empower a/p s country wide.We B) are making the same as truck mechanics ,and thats not right.
The mechanics need there own union , like the pilots have
and they need one union so we dont end up arguing and we all need to stick together.
AP s should all be making 35 an hour.If a lawyer makes 100
or 150 then we should be making 35.Can you imagine the liability pay that a lawyer would negotiate for working on a jet carring 195 people at 39000 ft.
In 2009 we will demand a decent wage and it will happen.
Your right if we had union senority , wherever we worked then we would be making 35 now.
Iam or Teamsters....whoever wins ....WE WANT A FAIR AND DECENT WAGE....