700UW said:
A 401k is your own money, the IAMNPF is a mulit-employer plan it is in no danger of going away and it is funded to 105%.
No DAT days are still there.
Here is the Contract Changes:
A 401k match is company money. Sure, it requires an investment of your own but AMFA wages make that more palatable along with any taxable earnings reductions and it still exceeds $2/ hr contribution. And as stated, no concerns of % of funding with 401k. Can you guarantee IAM pension remains funded as such? What does the T/A indicate for any pension advances?
The big cherry appears to be the VEOP, yet...
In the event of a headcount overage or the need for a reduction in force which
occurs prior to ratification of a JCBA
The Company will be prepared to commence JCBA
negotiations within thirty (30)
days from date of ratification
Doesn't appear VEOP has much teeth to it?
Cross Utilization: The Company may utilize LAA (Legacy American Airlines) employees to
perform LUS (Legacy US Airways) maintenance work at any location (excluding base) where
IAM and TWU represen
t aircraft mechanic and related employees and at any location where
LAA employees perform non
base work covered by the LUS agreement (including where
locations may be separate for the accreted groups).
Is it common to concede this prior to a JCBA?
Did I miss the increased pension additions for the mechanics somewhere.  Not sure if my phone down loaded it all.  Did the mechanics get the increased pension contributions the IAM was bragging about?  Thx in advance...
700UW said:
That is for oncall maintenance.
Cross-Utilization = oncall maintenance? I failed to see that, my bad. Is that what's called, "reading between the lines?" I would have thought my post would have inspired a more windy response. I didn't even mention the "company agrees to meet" unsettled  item phraseology the TWU was so adept at allowing.and now the IAM seems to have followed.
Tim Nelson said:
Looks like ramp did better than MX this time.  Not that the ramp contract is great, but at least we didn't get as hosed as MX.
It actually looks like you both did pretty bad. Neither of the contracts is anything to brag about. You guys waited all these years for this?
Post the whole proposed changes:

Scope and Job Protection
Job Protection
No furlough protection effective DOS: no employee will be furloughed to the street at any Line Station (providing the employee exercises his seniority to the fullest extent) as a result of any flight activity that may be transferred from LUS to LAA
Cross Utilization: The Company may utilize LAA (Legacy American Airlines) employees to perform LUS (Legacy US Airways) maintenance work at any location (excluding base) where IAM and TWU represent aircraft mechanic and related employees and at any location where LAA employees perform non-base work covered by the LUS agreement (including where locations may be separate for the accreted groups). In exchange for the cross utilization provisions contained within this paragraph the Company agrees to provide additional job protections as defined below
Job Protection
No displacement: Effective with the implementation of Cross Utilization by classification, no employee within that classification, will be involuntarily displaced from their current location  (Non-Base) at any common location and including the accreted groups.
The relocation of covered employees at the OCC, including other associated employees (See below), at the merged carrier will not be considered a violation of the above Job Protection provision
Associated employees may include:
QA Auditors -PHX, PIT and CLT
Material Controllers –PIT
Sr. Planners–PHX, PIT and CLT
Material Planners -PHX, PIT and CLT
Maintenance Planners –CLT and PIT
Sr. Tech Doc Specialists –PHX and PIT
Tech Doc Specialists -PHX, PIT and CLT
Maintenance Control Technicians –PIT
In the event of a relocation of work as a result of the merger, amongst the accreted groups, the company agrees to meet with the IAM to discuss a relocation package for affected employees.
The job protections described above will apply only to those employees whose names appear on the Mechanic and Related System Seniority List (including Stores, Accreted groups) as of the date of ratification of this agreement and shall not apply in circumstances where the Company’s non-compliance is caused in substantial part by Conditions Beyond the Company’s Control.“
Conditions Beyond The Company’s Control” shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) an act of God; (2) a strike by any other company employee group or the employees of a Commuter Air Carrier operating pursuant to an authorized codeshare arrangement with the company; (3) a national emergency; (4) involuntary revocation of the company’s operating certificate(s); (5) grounding of a substantial number of the company’s aircraft; (6) a reduction in the company’s operation resulting from a decrease in available fuel supply caused by either governmental action or by commercial suppliers being unable to meet the company’s demands; and (7) the unavailability of aircraft scheduled for delivery
Questions for the US guys.  Are you guys back to or above where you guys were prior to any concessions and BK?  Where were you guys prior to BK?  And where is the co offering to put you guys now?  Also, where is the mechs best leverage point?  Would it be now?  Or would it be prior to the JCBA?   I don't know all the ins and outs of your contracts, but what I am dumbfounded by is the overwhelming support and push by the IAM to sell this to the membership to get it to pass and it looks like it will put you guys at the bottom of the industry still, with the co making RECORD numbers all around.  Yes you guys are getting increases after increases but does it all compare to prior to concessions and BK?  All the execs will get above and beyond what they were all making prior to concessions and BK, why shouldn't the hard working employees deserve the same who actually gave up the most.  It is hard to believe that the union is pushing this, but like I said before I don't know all the ins and outs.   Could the members ask from their union WHY they are in full support and recomending a yes vote for a contract that will keep their members at the bottom of the industry???
License premiums are weak, why nickle and dime the AMTs for 50 cents?  Whats with the BS on using sick days?  Sick time should be paid at 100% starting on day one - PERIOD!  Don't accept a proposed contract, that would barely bring you up to AA AMTs - working under an imposed BK contract.
Is your TWU CBA pay you 100% for sick time?
And your CBA was not imposed, it was voted on and ratified.
swamt said:
Did I miss the increased pension additions for the mechanics somewhere.  Not sure if my phone down loaded it all.  Did the mechanics get the increased pension contributions the IAM was bragging about?  Thx in advance...
swamt said:
Did I miss the increased pension additions for the mechanics somewhere.  Not sure if my phone down loaded it all.  Did the mechanics get the increased pension contributions the IAM was bragging about?  Thx in advance...
It amounted to an extra 10 cents per hour for the ramp. Most everyone at AA wants nothing to do with this pension, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it changed to a 401k match in the future.
Any station protection or job protection is are just to make you feel good, and really have no value after the JCBA. It will be negotiated away, and the AA guys may view this as the US guys trying to gain protection over them. The only problem is, AA is the majority in JCBA negotiations.
Real tired said:
No-I didn't miss it.  Or No the mechanics didn't get it, the increased pension contribution, that is?
If it is what I think you mean, then no freakin wonder 700 has been ignoring all my post.  Wow!!  Hope you guys vote this down...
TopCat870 said:
It amounted to an extra 10 cents per hour for the ramp. Most everyone at AA wants nothing to do with this pension, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it changed to a 401k match in the future.
TC,  I would be willing to bet that once they become one group they will all move to a 401K.  Trust me, it's a better way to go in the long run...
TopCat870 said:
It amounted to an extra 10 cents per hour for the ramp. Most everyone at AA wants nothing to do with this pension, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it changed to a 401k match in the future.
What ever happend to the several dollars per hour the IAM or rather (700UW) said the IAM would get for all their members??   I believe he was saying the IAM ask was 104?  Did they get that???
TopCat870 said:
Any station protection or job protection is are just to make you feel good, and really have no value after the JCBA. It will be negotiated away, and the AA guys may view this as the US guys trying to gain protection over them. The only problem is, AA is the majority in JCBA negotiations.

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