A 401k match is company money. Sure, it requires an investment of your own but AMFA wages make that more palatable along with any taxable earnings reductions and it still exceeds $2/ hr contribution. And as stated, no concerns of % of funding with 401k. Can you guarantee IAM pension remains funded as such? What does the T/A indicate for any pension advances?700UW said:A 401k is your own money, the IAMNPF is a mulit-employer plan it is in no danger of going away and it is funded to 105%.
No DAT days are still there.
Here is the Contract Changes:
The big cherry appears to be the VEOP, yet...
In the event of a headcount overage or the need for a reduction in force which
occurs prior to ratification of a JCBA
The Company will be prepared to commence JCBA
negotiations within thirty (30)
days from date of ratification
Doesn't appear VEOP has much teeth to it?
Cross Utilization: The Company may utilize LAA (Legacy American Airlines) employees to
perform LUS (Legacy US Airways) maintenance work at any location (excluding base) where
IAM and TWU represen
t aircraft mechanic and related employees and at any location where
LAA employees perform non
base work covered by the LUS agreement (including where
locations may be separate for the accreted groups).
Is it common to concede this prior to a JCBA?