Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson can provide all the quotes and bylaws rules he wants but if fleet service doesn't vote for this agreement then you can forget about any United Airline merger and start filling out job applications. Is Tim Nelson going to employ you when you all could lose your jobs if you don't make yourself affordable to a potential investor.
Randy Canale's letter is clear that this agreement puts you in position for the next round of bargaining. More importantly, it provides your carrier with a merger friendly agreement. Now isn't the time to debate as your company has to attract investors otherwise it will end up like Aloha. It will be gone!
United Airlines is considering Continental but its most likely partner will be US AIRWAYS. Everything is set up for United but United isn't going to sign any merger agreement that contains the Change in Control merger protections or West scopes, so it's only a pipe dream if you think your company will be able to attract a merger partner without first removing the Change in Control and the scope clauses of the west agreement. Good luck with American if you run United away. Talk to our TWA members and I'm sure they would tell you NOT to scare away United only to end up with American.
I also think Randy Canale should get more credit from this group. Nelson points to Continental wages as being higher but Continental never went bankrupt. Nelson points to mechanics getting 30% across the board increases BUT you are not skilled labor. And the 200% bonus' for company executives is normal in this industry. Is it fair? No! But compare apples with apples! The alternative is to vote this contract down and close this airline. Fleet service must listen to its leaders who have fought for you at the negotiations table and understand that if this contract is not passed then it will be very hard for US AIRWAYS to attract potential investors.
Mergers are going to happen and you MUST position your company in a way that makes it attractive to investors. We had to give up protections for the west and the east so fleet service will be in position in 2011 for traditional bargaining. Ask yourself and be honest, do you think another airline wants to buy you and then have to negotiate a brand new contract in 2009?
As Randy said, this deal isn't perfect but the one thing it will do is preserve jobs for many of you. Mergers are a necessary evil in this situation and no contract and no union will be able to stop layoffs.
Remember, if your company doesn't merge, NO WAY it will be able to survive the oil crisis. Do your part and support your negotiations team which has worked closely with your company in positioning it for an upcoming merger.
Let me see, we are suppose to eliminate west scope protections, COC, profit sharing, give up seniority rights for part-time recall, have the worst vacation schedule, worst sick policy, worst health care expenses paid [up to $350 for family per month], worst holiday system with no paid holiday pay.....so United can buy us? Puh leeeassseeee! United just gave their own rampers an additional 1% pay raise so they are fine if they have to deal with us.
Go back and tell United, if we don't get a contract with dignity and respect then screw them. Screw it all. I don't trust United and I don't want to be in a situation where we don't get to participate in the United profits until 2016. District Force, is United going to be a 'nice fella' and share its profits with us since you want us to strip ourselves of any last protection and profit sharing so your United Airlines can rape us?
To West Only: The Real MR comments
Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
email: appearances1@aol.com