The below, is the bylaw language that indicates the current AGC pay scale.
Please note the top out is $97,746.96 annually!
In addition please read and understand the last paragraph. Simply put, If we accept this agreement, they (AGC’s) stand to receive another raise, equivalent to our increase from the ratification of this agreement.
Now… ask yourself this question…what incentive would an AGC have to not promote this piece of crap T/A? They will benefit to the tune of $8,000.00 more annually on top of their current pay if we vote YES!
Article IX, Section 2, Paragraph B
b For the faithful performance of their duties, each Assistant General Chairman shall receive the following monthly salary rate, effective 01-01-06:
First six (6) months' service $7,988.24
Second six (6) months' service $8,066.27
Thereafter $8,145.58
The above salaries shall be increased each January 1st by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in weighted average hourly earnings on a union-wide basis.