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Iam 142 Final Offer

delldude stated: "... from my lover, frank....."

A huh! You do admit it then!..............LOL.......... :shock:
700UW said:
This is not the TWU, the only way a contract gets imposed in the IAM is when they membership votes the contract down and the do not vote to strike.

But this case is differant because the current contract has all ready been abrogated so the company is free to impose any terms they want.

You better go check YOUR facts.

The statement is general, and check your facts, not from the IAM but maybe try and ask a Lawyer. The IAM could impose the contract-without a vote. Whether or not they will is another story.
N617P said:
The last contract that I witnessed abrogated was at CAL in 1983. I was in A&P school.My Dad went out the door with 25 years.I worked a full time Job and school so we wouldn't loose our home.So I have seen enough suffering at the hands of the IAM thank you.The IAM and Lorrenzo are responsible for what took place then,as they are now.Yes the mighty IAM won the outsourcing for the 320's but at what cost.They took the position that the consession stand is closed and waited till the end to feed us this piece of S##T from the company.

The issue is not about suffering it's about doing what we should have done years ago.And do you really think they will suffer?All those that go out the door will get severence and their vacation pay that they have earned.Those that stick around until the end will will get nothing.

I have watched 700uw bash people over the heads with his IAM club for way too long.And for what?So he might keep a highly compensated janitors position.

A yes vote it will be.

You left out the fact that if your Dad had stayed he would have taken a 50% paycut. The IAM did the right thing by saying no, too bad ALPA stuck it to them.
justaumechanic said:
The truth of the matter. He has a right to say what he wants.. I have no problem
with that.. What I don't get is his burning desire to jump on the grenade for the IAM..


because 700uw has been sucking the company tit thru the iam and he feels the end is near.. ( dummping trash out fo an airplane and getting 45k + OT,EZ HRS,LATE LUNCH, ETC,ETC.) HE KNOWS HE WILL NEVER FIND ANOTHER JOB LIKE THAT, ITS THE END.

iam :down: :down: :down:
Well Well,what the archives hold,maybe we should re-visit this thread.Seems to me its relavent....with all thats going on these days. :shock:
Your ibt did, lol.

The IAM at US never believes in posting the whole contract on the web.
Your ibt did, lol.]

you and dude have said repeatedly that the copy on the IBT site is not accurate and questioned hoew the IBT got it

which is it????

The IAM at US never believes in posting the whole contract on the web.

I also remember more than one saying it is on the HUB??? another brain lapse there skipper??????
The HUB is a company INTRANET, not INTERNET, the general public cannot view it and the IAM cannot tell the company what to post or not post on its INTRANET.
Your ibt did, lol.

The IAM at US never believes in posting the whole contract on the web.
And they probably lobbied against putting more info on the LM-2s.

Whats wrong with transparency? Afraid of what might be revealed?
Like 7, posting the merits of the offer, but now he will not post the contract???
I didnt post this for its merits,I posted it so we can recant the process that went on to arrive at what we got and how.
And in 700's defence I dont think he has the power to post the contract,really,I think if he could he would.I dont think he is high enough on the food chain to be able to pull that off without repercussion<spelling checker off<...lol
The HUB is a company INTRANET, not INTERNET, the general public cannot view it and the IAM cannot tell the company what to post or not post on its INTRANET.

the 700 song and dance continues.

AGAIN, we at west can not access the hub to look at said contract!!!!!!!
I know the difference between the to, but the hub is a web based intranet. with one quick swoop known as " copy and paste" one could put the contract on this site for us to see....

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