Tim Nelson
RR agreed to contract out 19 of his own stations. That's not a nice fella at all. He also lied or was blistfully ignorant in his letters, but we corrected them on the internet and informed his people of his apparent deceit or full blown ignorance. I've never met the guy but he's not a nice fella, sorry. Why doesn't he contract out his own job and see how that feels? None of those 19 west stations need to get contracted out......NONE of them and Roth should understand this but he doesn't. He wants that VP job Randy promised him.About ron , yes that's an accurate assentment of him , he’s no friend to the company or DP … and I think you guys will grow to like him … he has a SPINE … this is our MAN that we are sending to you … receive him well .
Click here for Second Negotiations Update
It's my understanding that Mr Roth suppoerted that last TA. Please clear this up for me.
Further, my understanding is that Boss Canale got together with RR and after realizing Randy will lose his butt out west, even in RR's station, Randy apparently advised RR [and RR apparently agreed to support that] that 2,500 members out west will NOT be able to participate in the nominations in February but so far I have this on rumor. Since Freedom knows Ron Roth, perhaps he can ask him if it's true that the US West rampers won't be able to vote.
At this time, I don't believe it since disenfrinchising 2,500 workers is serious stuff.
Can you confirm this Freedom?
Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago