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I Make US fly!

and cash reserves to hold off buyout from a competitor while bringing a level of stability and job security, will make US a leading carrier in terms of customer service.
Piedmont Airlines had billions in the bank when USAir bought PI it all went to US
Barbell said:
LCC has a very unreliable express operation 2/3 of the airline is express, is the business plan to allow our customers too fly around with 9 different carries who’s daily operation is a cluster to outsource reservation to make every body use a kiosk to check in, problems and confusion with the UA/US code share. All this with integration problems with the computers and a limited staff. LCC needs to fix some internal problems the employees (US Airways) employees will do their job and give good customer service
This Video took 6 months to get created from idea to finished concept. I applaud all those involved in this video and know that you all will be excited to view it yourselves. It was extremely well done, and for some may bring tears to your eyes.

Having seen the video I can honestly say it was 6 months well spent. A job very well done.
But I'm kind of scratching my head and wondering what in the world US corporate is doing investing 6 months of resource, money & effort to produce this so-called "I Make US Fly" motivational program. To be perfectly blunt, you've got the entire idea wrong. As every pax already knows, WE make US fly, so we're the ones you should be handing the T shirts to ( have you got one in teal blue?).

I think the part your missing is one of the things Southwest does that I think they do right. <putting on my Pollyanna hat> If we take care of the employees they will take care of the customers. I recall a quote, and I believe it comes from the 'ol bourbon swiller himself, that say we habe 2 kinds of employees here, the first takes care of our customers and the second takes care of the first. I see the I make US fly campaign in the same context. Each and every employee does make US fly. Each employee can earn a customer for life or chase 20 away forever. As a customer I know you'd agree with that point. Once the workgroups pull together and buy into the new company in theory they will pull together for the customer who, again in theory, will be won over every time. Now, with the Pollyanna hat thrown back into the chest (don't you ever tell anyone you saw me wearing it) I understand the other side. I realize that a cute slogan and a free tee shirt (even in teal) isn't going to change the most hardened "who gives a sh*t" thinking Philly bag smasher into a picture of pure spirit instantly. It will take time, maybe even lot's of Koolaid, but if the walk can match the talk progress can be made. I came from a place where 20 years after the merger people are stll refered to as 0's or 1's. A place where "that's not we did it at Republic" is heard more often than "do ya need a hand?". I can tell you that if everyone does not pull together, if Tempe cannot walk the walk, if everyone does not take ownership of making US fly then 20 years, 2 more concessions, and maybe another bankrupcy from now you'll be sitting in Philly hearing, "that's not how we did things at the old USAirways" (or USAir or PSA or Piedmont or Mohawk or America West or Allegheny or Empire or Eastern or Trump).
Hey, who's bringing the Kool-Aide to the hoedown?

I've got some good supplements to add to it!

The problem is that the AWA folks, for all they did surviving against LUV, never learned the lesson that the frontline takes care of customers and that the frontline is the rest of the airline's customer. Trust me, been there and done that. The folks with the 9-5 jobs have the whole thing exactly backwards.

The problem is that the AWA folks, for all they did surviving against LUV, never learned the lesson that the frontline takes care of customers and that the frontline is the rest of the airline's customer. Trust me, been there and done that. The folks with the 9-5 jobs have the whole thing exactly backwards.

Really? I don't think you speak for everyone on this account. When volunteering was allowed, Myself and plenty of others worked with the CSAs over the busy spring break for crowd control, and assisting passengers with the kiosks. I like it so much I came back for a second and third day. I even went for a couple of hours after work. The best part was there was plenty of volunteers from the hangar all pitchin in. Being in the trenches helping out when the CSAs were being run ragged was a big thrill for us. I guess those days are gone!
Being in the trenches helping out when the CSAs were being run ragged was a big thrill for us. I guess those days are gone!

The sad part is though once your volunteer days were over the CSAs were probably still being run ragged without anyone out there to help them. A computer system that is lacking, kiosks that arent always user friendly, codeshare deals with reservations and tickets (now with UA and HP/US flights), Sabre not talking to Shares, outsourced rez deals, website issues, 401 tickets and 037 tickets, missing reservations, etc.... I dont mind working harder, but with the constant deals getting dumped on us, I feel like we're having to just work more to try to control the screwups. Forget about having the time and employess to be able to give good customer service to everyone.
...and the usual players tried to bring it down. If you're not into the propoganda, that's OK. No one really cares.

Yeah! I hope that refers to me. "Yo, G! I'm a playa! Not a hata! Whoop, whoop!

FWIW the cost of development and materials was covered by Coca-Cola, and distribution costs are being handled by Budweiser. It goes to reason, then, that if you feel you deserve a raise because of the money spent on "I Make US Fly", then you need to petition the management of those companies.

Why not just let them buy the company? They both understand pressurized aluminum tubes. Did we make a profit this quarter via corporate sponsorship?

BTW, S.C.U.M. has wrangled $49.85 from various laundromats and Pepsi machines, so the video should be a reality in, hmm......maybe six months. At least we'll let you know in advance who's footing the bill when we make our video.
The sad part is though once your volunteer days were over the CSAs were probably still being run ragged without anyone out there to help them. A computer system that is lacking, kiosks that arent always user friendly, codeshare deals with reservations and tickets (now with UA and HP/US flights), Sabre not talking to Shares, outsourced rez deals, website issues, 401 tickets and 037 tickets, missing reservations, etc.... I dont mind working harder, but with the constant deals getting dumped on us, I feel like we're having to just work more to try to control the screwups. Forget about having the time and employess to be able to give good customer service to everyone.
Every deal you speak of rings true at every station around the system you know it I know it but management keeps it hush hush. Our customer service agents are the best it seems management is putting us down despite them self.

You are completely correct on that one.

I am finding it harder and harder to give US, my OPTIONAL business (routing that other airlines I have elite status with flys will simular or better equipment)

With the down grade of service and equipment it is getting harder and harder.

I even considered flying SW MHT-PHL last week. 500 bucks for a one hour flight on an RJ is just plain stupid. But SW was sold out. The later US flight was much cheaper.

If they want this premium revenue, (more than a buck a mile) the people in Tempe better learn who is paying the overhead of this airline, if not I'll be cuttin 1/2 my business by the end of the year. I have given them that much time to get their act togeather.