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I Make US fly!


I can only react by what I see here and already know. His postings here have sure as hell make it seem he is so upset that there is nothing that can please him and that everything about LCC is unacceptable. If he is posting one thing here and other things elsewhere, then he shouldn't post the stuff he posts here and expect to get away with it. If he is backchanneling somewhere, then don't diss it here.
Then these boards wouldnt be any fun would they? 😛h34r: 😉

I think his "dissing" comes from the fact that it appears that Tempe has turned a blind eye and ear to some VFFs and is doing things as they please. Granted, they are in charge of how they run the company, but to p-o your FFers, snub your nose at them (dont respond to their concerns) and tell them everything is going fine, is not going to make things better. There is so much knowledge and commitment out there by FFers and employees alike if someone in Tempe would just take the time and effort to actually ASK, LISTEN, and RESPOND. I'm sure part of the problem is no one is sure who is in charge of what with the merging and changes. Maybe Tempe would be wise to have someone (1 designated person inside HQ) in charge of getting emails about employees and FFer concerns and making sure someone who is in charge of that area actually gets them. I'm sure there's an email box somewhere in Tempe stuffed to the gills with problems just sitting there waiting for someone to take action on them.

Regarding taking his posts here at face value, there sure seems to be a lot of "disgruntled" folks here all around. Luckily they dont appear at work in most cases as either employees or customers. Sure there are some that have issues, but overall I think most posters on here are here to blow off steam and vent and hope that someone who can do something is actually watching and can do something about it. I could come up with massive posts here about the stuff I see on a daily basis with problems and come here every day after work and #### and moan, but I've decided that I just have to pick and choose my battles since it appears no one is listening to most things. Others just dont have that attitude and give it with both guns blaring. Different posting styles I guess.
Hello All,

I just wanted to share with our workgroup that the Marketing team has successfully created a new branding campaign that should be rolling out in July 31st! In addition, August 8 will be "I make US fly day!"

This campaign will enlighten ALL employees of the NEW US Airways!!

As it will help educate ALL employees both East and West as to the NEW company Business Casual Branding.

It will also educate that the NEW US Airways is a Low Cost Carrier..no longer the Legacy carrier that the Old US Airways was.

This Video took 6 months to get created from idea to finished concept. I applaud all those involved in this video and know that you all will be excited to view it yourselves. It was extremely well done, and for some may bring tears to your eyes.

In my opinion, this new branding will help smooth the waters between East and West and bring ALL employees onto one playing field and help raise the morale as well as bring this merger together creating ONE NEW company.

Be sure to watch for this video/dvd coming Monday, every employee will be receiving this as well as a few other "freebies"- lanyards, pins, maybe t-shirts.

The last thing we need to hear regarding this Marketing wonder is everyone complaining about the company spending a penny to give you something....the negativity needs to stop and we ALL need to look forward to making the NEW US Airways the company everyone will want to work for and be proud to be a part of!

Remember, It's Not East, It's Not West, It's what's BEST!

"I make US fly!

Wow, was it good for you? :lol:
They didn't and we both know it. There was NO beta testing. And I don't think you want the post on here as to why, so let's just agree they didn't........

As the second person on another board to first observe and post about the mess IT made of this, I have one question? How much future business has been lost because of the lack of judgement to see that the new site needed a full alpha AND beta test. I'd say this site was bearly cleared in an alpha test... it was not even beta test quality when it first came out.

To say the IT department makes US fly is one of the biggest laughs in a long time.
When it shows US not flying to and from CLT to anywhere and the same for PHL, it is quite clear it was never tested.

Stop making excuses for inept management.

I beat you any amount of money it was tested. How throughly it was tested is the question. To make a statement that it "was never tested" is just irresponsible. The questions that need to be asked is: Did those testing know what to look for? Did they have the field experts involved (i.e. res agents). Engineers design aircraft, but anyone in maintenance knows that most products are not designed with maintenance in mind. I would say it's obvious that IT and Res did not work closely enough together...not that the system wasn't tested.
The questions that need to be asked is: Did those testing know what to look for?

CLT and PHL flights being in the schedule would be a big thing to look for! :shock: Unfortunately they often werent there.
His postings here have sure as hell make it seem he is so upset that there is nothing that can please him and that everything about LCC is unacceptable.

Perhaps if you would really read my posts, you would understand that what you are saying is not the case. The problem is you half read my posts and can't get by someone complaining. As soon as you read a complaint, the person is evil. I will complain on here about the problems I see at US. Actually, I have hope that complaints will ultimately be heard--US may not be the airline I want it to be, but in the end, we may all reach a happy middle ground. Unfortunately, this management team does not respond to our complaints and concerns. My biz is slowly going to UA, particularly on big ticket flights, hopefully things will change before all of my biz goes that way.

If he is posting one thing here and other things elsewhere, then he shouldn't post the stuff he posts here and expect to get away with it. If he is backchanneling somewhere, then don't diss it here.

I think you mean backpedaling....but in any event, I am tired of people at US giving me wrong information and insisting it is correct information--often that information is causing US to lose biz and inconvenience me. In any event, tadjr and I discussed a problem that he found out was indeed a problem despite five US1 desk agents insisting that I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

And finally, lighten up a little.

He may be a pain in the a$$ in his postings at times, but I am grateful he (and the rest of the Ffocus guys) have decided to stick it out. They probably do more to keep the company on its toes and get the problems corrected than many of the employees here do.

thank you tadjr...someone has to keep you guys honest B)

and, for the record, i am NOT a member of FFOCUS.
6 months to make a branding video for employees?
Why couldn't they spend those resources on making a web site that works?
Why couldn't they spend those resources responding to customer complaints?

sky high states: Anyone remember the last time the company sent VIDEO TAPES to the FLIGHT ATTENDANTS? During contract negotiations and the threat of CHAOS. I forgot her name, now gone, she pleaded on the tape for the F/A group to sign a contract. LOL, half those tapes ended up in the crew lounge, stomped on, broke and left for management to see.

I dont think a video tape will make anyone feel valued. A tape?.....not good enough! :down:
The questions that need to be asked is: Did those testing know what to look for? Did they have the field experts involved (i.e. res agents).

What is the difference between no testing, and testing by people who don't know what they are doing?
theres a lot of things going "our" way but all they are stuck up about is losing "2 weeks vacation." DP has already said, give up the 2 weeks, get a raise.. why wouldnt you give it up? If your a line holder, sell your trips and drop to 40.. theres your 2 weeks.

sky high states: 2 weeks OR get a raise? This airline is NOT in bankruptcy! No more concessionary contracts!