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US Airways' marketing ploy crashes

There is no doubt employees made a ton of sacrifices. Some paid with their jobs (myslef included). I find it difficult to swallow that they have one remarkable quarter and the unions want more and more money. Can't you wait to see what the full year has to bring before harping for a raise?

Your argument would have validity if not for the announced 3% raises for non-union employees, and the total lack of respect shown by the company at the bargaining tables.

Fix those two things and we can talk about waiting a full year (which happens on September 25th.)
I read this article this morning and was disgusted by the rhetoric by the union. Though unions and company alike will posture themselves, it's very disappointing to see what is supposed to be a positive, fresh look at a new company get beat down in front of the public in such a way that makes employees feel embarrassed. All employees, not just union employees.

There are thousands of employees that support this effort and would like to feel proud to work for their company. Some areas of embarrassment we cannot completely control, lost bags, customer complaints, misconnects, it all goes with the territory, but to have unnecessary public bashing of the company by its' employee unions is just shameful.

I support the union and their cause, but I do not support they're negative impact on non-unionized employees by these harsh words.

Again, this union leader makes it sound to the public that raises are being given to "management"..that is not the case, at US West, its grade 22 and above..and not all of those employees are management, trust me I share an office with them.
What many fail to graps is perception is reality and the perception is that if there is money for raises for non-union then there is money for union.

I completely agree with this statement. The "cost neutral" stance by the company on it's FA and Pilot contracts is further aggravated by the increases being given. However, a contract is a contract, wages and increases are negotiated, plain and simple. Administrative wages are not a negotiated item and will occur much quicker than negotiations. Its is equally as important for the union to recognize the the "cost neutral" stance by the company is what is expected of the company side in negotiations, just like unions stance of "higher wages". It's all posturing and everyone negotiating from the top..down.

My point of the original post, was how hard it is to read this sort of internal battle made public and how it can affect the morale of other employees when they read these articles, thus making it difficult to bring this new company into a positive light.
Some of you guys are such naysayers. I watched the video and I'm On Board. No doubt this campaign will fix the company just like TWA's "Vision 2000" did. A slickly produced video can convince me of anything.
However, a contract is a contract, wages and increases are negotiated

I agree with that statement except in the case of U's east unions as in their case they were "negiotiated" while a pistol was held to their heads!!! That makes a little bit of difference compaired to truly negotiated contracts. Typical company response"you voted for it live with it" :down:
I read this article this morning and was disgusted by the rhetoric by the union. Though unions and company alike will posture themselves, it's very disappointing to see what is supposed to be a positive, fresh look at a new company get beat down in front of the public in such a way that makes employees feel embarrassed. All employees, not just union employees.

There are thousands of employees that support this effort and would like to feel proud to work for their company. Some areas of embarrassment we cannot completely control, lost bags, customer complaints, misconnects, it all goes with the territory, but to have unnecessary public bashing of the company by its' employee unions is just shameful.

I support the union and their cause, but I do not support they're negative impact on non-unionized employees by these harsh words.

Again, this union leader makes it sound to the public that raises are being given to "management"..that is not the case, at US West, its grade 22 and above..and not all of those employees are management, trust me I share an office with them.

What you fail to understand is how many of those getting raises qualify for food stamps and section 8 housing??? I bet VERY few. Every FA at the old HP with under 5 years seniority qualifies for those items! We need a raise too! So share the wealth.

Good for the union to finally show some balls! The company wants cost neutral???? Cost neutral will result in CHAOS!
My point of the original post, was how hard it is to read this sort of internal battle made public and how it can affect the morale of other employees when they read these articles, thus making it difficult to bring this new company into a positive light.

Incredible. A lecture on employee morale from a prick who previously advocated finding a way to have employees fired.
What you fail to understand is how many of those getting raises qualify for food stamps and section 8 housing??? I bet VERY few. Every FA at the old HP with under 5 years seniority qualifies for those items! We need a raise too! So share the wealth.

Good for the union to finally show some balls! The company wants cost neutral???? Cost neutral will result in CHAOS!

No matter how many times you white wash a Zebra his stripes always come through. The old USAir employees have seen this song and dance over and over again and are sick of it. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you worried the public will learn that this airline is being used as Dougie's and a select few's cash cow.
The "cost neutral" stance by the company on it's FA and Pilot contracts is further aggravated by the increases being given. However, a contract is a contract, wages and increases are negotiated, plain and simple.

sky high states: IT WILL TAKE SIX YEARS, I repeat, SIX YEARS for the (East) Flight Attendant group to make what they "made" in the year 2004.

:down: Wonderful, in the year 2012, they'll be at 2004 wages. You think the media news is bad now......just wait.
No matter how many times you white wash a Zebra his stripes always come through. The old USAir employees have seen this song and dance over and over again and are sick of it. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That video is right on par with when they made us all go to "Impressions of Excellence". Everyone remember that bogus crap? I work with people and have been doing it here at UsAirways for ohhhh what 10 years now. I'm not finding a cure for cancer or anything, I'm a flight attendant. I already know how to do my job with a smile. Hell if I made it through the last 4.5 years I can surely smile today. Like I said though in another post, ice cream and hot dogs just don't cut it. I'm not asking for all my concessions to be reinstated only fair negotiations. THAT is not happening. If I hear COST NEUTRAL from managements mouth one more time they won't have to worry about a slide blowing...it will be ME. COST NEUTRAL your 9million + dollars and have a hot dog. you know where. I'm with you......SHOW ME THE MONEY.
And then the Prince chimed in with his take on the subject...

The promotion is a failure.

Doug Parker and crew will have a lot of questions to answer if they ever show up for town hall meetings again.

Birds across the nation are learning to read, and finally,

The Prince was informed by his coworkers that his scrawling out of the words "US fly" and replacement with "me sick" on the stupid booklet somehow travelled clear across the airport in less than an hour to someone else with connections in the local print media.

Makes me so proud when I'm recognized for my achievements!