AFA 66 has had the seniority list done for months. There are several instances where flight attendants did not receive their certified letters regarding seniority numbers, and there are legal protests which are being investigated. They haven't stopped working on it, they are diligently dealing with the protests as well as the screw up from the national office in getting the required certified letters to flight attendants. Now, go have a mai tai and chill outThis is in blatant violation of the AFA-CWA Bylaws. The merger representatives are required to work "without delay", and the dictate of the Council 66 MEC president is without merit. There are two seperate and distinct processes here... one is the negotiation of the U-West contract, and the other is the seniority integration. The stall tactics are unacceptable and should immediately be investigated by Pat Friend. If U-West MEC and merger representatives don't complete their work in the timely manner required by the bylaws, and if they arbitrarilly stopped working on the seniority integration process, then U-West flight attendants should be stapled to the bottom. The process is the process and there is no excuse for their constant delays, cries, gripes, complaints, and general overall bitching.
Let's get the frucking thing done so we can all move forward.