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todays seniority lists

Relegated all the way down to having to question another's manhood.
Not implying anything just making sure. I didn't want to be accused of some "Personal Attack" (<--that still cracks me up) if you were a woman. You are VERY petty though. Not pretty but petty before you go typing that I was ....well nevermind, I hope you understand.
Not implying anything just making sure. I didn't want to be accused of some "Personal Attack" (<--that still cracks me up) if you were a woman. You are VERY petty though. Not pretty but petty before you go typing that I was ....well nevermind, I hope you understand.

Now you have a chronic complaint about "women"? Really?
There You go!!, that's the spin factor you guys are famous for. You are way too easy petty man/woman. lol

Did you get a copy of the current seniority list so you can keep track of the "jobs you saved" by voting YES?
With a virtual one time bump, there may not be very much churn.
So they say. I just wonder why they didn't use the concept years ago. They could have saved wear and tear on the employees attitudes and saved a lot of money.

Maybe because there are too many sit on your ass chronic complainers and not enough trying to get things changed?

I just wonder why brains like yourself didn't run for office years ago and lead the path to the change and implement these ideas back whenever you first had a clue? Oh, it would be much easier to sit on your ass and complain.

That is where this all began, now Who needs to stay on topic and that other hurtful stuff you typed. 🙄

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