
As a frequent flyer I don't give a damn how old people are as long as they give me a friendly smile, a good attitude and competent service. Thats what I pay for.
Jeez, there are enough age discrimination remarks by some posters on this thread that will provide ammunition TWA F/As EEOC age discrimination case against AA and APFA. Thanks for your help, every little bit that provides evidence will be of assistance in winning the case.
fliboi78 said:
one time we were in zrh and it was a VERY junior crew...

everytime i do tokyo...

but i am only 25...

i only have 4 years.
OK, this is a question for someone in the know.

It is possible for fliboi78 to have held an international base, having started flying in 2000?

Does not seem possible to me, but then every now and then I am surprised.
Andre1980 said:
LiveInAHotel said:
We have a few "senior" ladies at my base, too. In fact one is 68 years old and she should be retired. This f/a needs help to crack the door on an S80 and 737, because she doesn't have the strength to crack it herself. Can you imagine her primary door is the only safe exit in an emergency and she can't get it open?

We also have another f/a who just flies the all-nighter/red-eye and she falls asleep on her jumpseat after the service in finished. Both of these ladies should be forced to retire because it's a safety hazard.

I bid accordingly so I don't fly with either of these ladies. It's not that I don't like either of these ladies, it's knowing that they could be the only f/a's that are conscious if something goes wrong. :shock:
You made a lot of sense.
It didn't make sense for you because you're not a f/a!! :rolleyes:
TWAnr said:
OK, this is a question for someone in the know.

It is possible for fliboi78 to have held an international base, having started flying in 2000?

Does not seem possible to me, but then every now and then I am surprised.
Yes, it's very possible. The last LAX-I proffer went to a f/a with less then 5 years.
My concern would be the safety issue. As mentioned above, I have been on flights where I would be concerned if an emergency would arise. Makes me wonder about the legitimacy of the EPT’s
TWAnr said:
fliboi78 said:
one time we were in zrh and it was a VERY junior crew...

everytime i do tokyo...

but i am only 25...

i only have 4 years.
OK, this is a question for someone in the know.

It is possible for fliboi78 to have held an international base, having started flying in 2000?

Does not seem possible to me, but then every now and then I am surprised.
yes, with my lowly almost 4 years i have been at jfk for about 3 of those years. even after i got furloughed after 5 months i got jfk again. i knew my mother making me go visit my father in japan would help me in the long run. it did. i hold tokyo almost every time. i will hopefully be doing brussels too, being a dutch speaker. thats if i don't get furloughed or something worst happens. oh and that person under 5 years who got LAX-I is also a japanese speaker, my best friend and roommate.
Oh lord...I've had such a giggle reading all this. I can't even begin to pick out the quotes. Too many, from too many sources.

I'm gone, you don't have to worry about me. 36 years with TeeDub. and 2with AA. I won't come back, (sounds too nasty now) but while I was there, I was damn good.

No, I never evacuated an aircraft, but even now I could (I keep fit at the gym, do you?). But let's face it, in everyone's career, how many of us have ever had to do it? And it's not just strength, it's common sense. And some of you young'uns don't have none. (regional idomism intended).

To borrow from some of your more vocal members, "get over it". They'll go when they are damn good and ready (did I get that right Mark?) I hail the senior ladies and gentlement in your AA midst, they have earned their right to be there.

So, your only objection is their age, then I say, you are too YOUNG to be where you are. That job takes maturity, and, once again, some of you don't have none. I'm reminded of the junior F/A who asked, just before landing in Munich if we were going to the Wall. Wall? Which wall? The Berlin Wall. Why do you think they call it the Berlin Wall? Ah, there are so

It's late, I'm rambling. I don't post often, forgive me.
I will take a senior person on my crew any day. They are the typically a pursers dream. Less bitching more working. Less about how to get out of work more time just doing the job at hand. I find them with a better positive attitude. I know what ever the situation I can go to them because they have likely already gone through it. They dont run from a medical emergency. The list goes on and on. As for your whining about opening a door. Been through EPT's with some who seemed to have more seniority than God. Seen that door fly open harder and faster then me. seen junior people who had a harder time not wanting to mess their hair and nails up. Since a good portion of out A/C have a power assist, you open and begin the motion. The door does the rest its self.
FA Mikey said:
I will take a senior person on my crew any day. They are the typically a pursers dream. Less bitching more working. Less about how to get out of work more time just doing the job at hand. I find them with a better positive attitude. I know what ever the situation I can go to them because they have likely already gone through it. They dont run from a medical emergency. The list goes on and on. As for your whining about opening a door. Been through EPT's with some who seemed to have more seniority than God. Seen that door fly open harder and faster then me. seen junior people who had a harder time not wanting to mess their hair and nails up. Since a good portion of out A/C have a power assist, you open and begin the motion. The door does the rest its self.
I agree, I loved our senior people. They had done and seen it all...and the stories.
MiAAmi said:
I have seen this forum stoop pretty low but this thread takes the cake.
kind of like replacing an entire fenced in base of very senior more experienced and exspensive f/a's by emporting an entire lower costing group of jr f/a's.
TransWorldONE said:
kind of like replacing an entire fenced in base of very senior more experienced and exspensive f/a's by emporting an entire lower costing group of jr f/a's.
Not at all. This thread is about age. Some very junior people are above 50 yrs old. Don't try manipulating this thread into a seniority debate too.
fliboi78 said:
i knew my mother making me go visit my father in japan would help me in the long run. it did. i hold tokyo almost every time. i will hopefully be doing brussels too, being a dutch speaker.
I knew there had to be an asterisk there. The reason that you can hold international is your Japanese speaker qualification.

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