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Cabin Agreement

Another thing commuters trying to J/S on SWA need to realise is that if they do not get on one flight and they move to the next SWA departure, they need to re-checkin and the order they checked in for the first flight does NOT roll over.
Speaking of Usairways commuters using Southwest I heard someone say not long ago that Southwest could really put the screws to Usairways. All Southwest would have to do is pull out of the PIT-PHL market and all those commuters couldn't make it to work. Thats a lot of folks that wouldn't otherwise be able to make it to work. :lol: Just thought that was pretty funny and not that far from the truth.
Another thing commuters trying to J/S on SWA need to realise is that if they do not get on one flight and they move to the next SWA departure, they need to re-checkin and the order they checked in for the first flight does NOT roll over.
Not necessarily true.
Two of us tried for a flight that went out full and the agent said she was rolling us over to the next flight. We were the first non-revs to be called- so check with the agent.
Another thing commuters trying to J/S on SWA need to realise is that if they do not get on one flight and they move to the next SWA departure, they need to re-checkin and the order they checked in for the first flight does NOT roll over.

Honestly, that depends on the agent. I was checked in on an earlier flight and the list was rolled over to the next flight>
I also know of an incident where some of our great Philly gals zoomed up to the SW gate 5 min to departure on there Nimbus 2000 broom and threw a fit because they were in the middle of flight close out. Did they not read the agreement people!? NO LESS THAN 30 MIN PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. They are going to %&* it all up for us I tell ya. Southwest pulls out on time ...everytime. Sorry we don't run an on time operation but it doesn't let you act like the Sanderson Sisters. You don't show up and throw a fit like that PERIOD!

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I have a friend who commutes on SWA, he said their operation isn't as smooth out of PHL as one would think. He said he has yet to be on a flt that leaves after 4 pm that has been on time. He did also say thank God because he was able to get on because of the late departures. I think everyone has issues with the PHL factor, SW is no exception.
It is all pretty simple, and I am not sure what the big deal is, but Seinority carries on your own carrier, not on others. Duh, you dont work for them. IT IS A PRIVILAGE.
Oh , hell it's Philly. Why am I not surprised??

And I'd like to know if this was main line employees?
I know of a few incedents where it was newbies from Express that were the problem.

No, this is Pittburgh flight crews commuting to Philly.

None of the Express carriers have cabin agreements with Southwest. Only mainline.
No, this is Pittburgh flight crews commuting to Philly.

None of the Express carriers have cabin agreements with Southwest. Only mainline.
Actually the contract carriers all have the same pass benefits with SW and the other airlines that mainline has. Express doesn't have the "Cabin Seat Agreement" but they do have our ZED and interline agreements.
Not all, it depends on the 'offering' airline itself. Some have agreements with individual carriers on thier own, some are included through US if the carrier extends the privelege to Express affiliates. A quick look through our interline and ZED agreements shows that some include mainline and wholly-owned only, some include parents some don't, some include companions and some don't. Agreements between carriers vary quite alot.

None of the Express carriers US Airways works with have cabin seat agreements with Southwest. JetBlue has always had a very easygoing policy, they seem to let anyone but Osama Bin Laden board as a jumpseat rider.

OAL non-revs are relatively rare, as it's often a time consuming and confusing process. Official cabin jumpseating between carriers is pretty new, at least on this scale. US Airways (the airline, not the collection of carriers that wear the name) is actually kind of at the forefront of this, which is terrific. Let's hope a few idiots don't ruin it for all of us, and lose us our current agreements or prevent future ones. We are already the laughingstock of the industry without some of our stupider employees getting us thrown off other carriers.

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