The ibt is known for raiding, in fact the IAM just beat back a raid at ATT from them.
The IAM does not raid, I don't have to provide factual proof as the only proof would be a filed with the NMB and since they don't raid, no need to file.
The IAM has over 500,000 active and retired members, a bunch of 25 renegades does not show the stupid decision they made came from the anyone else except them.
Show me proof the International President Buffenbarger, GVP Robert Roach or DL 141 President Randy Canale order the melee.
And from a high source in the IAM the Headquarters including legal is investigating the matter and will take action against the wrong doers.
And to awa please show me one Utility person who works at HP?
And the US stock clerks top out at $16.50, way better then the ibt stock clerks.
And how many unlicensed people work on your planes in your hangars that take away jobs from AMTs?