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HP FAs walking?

Um, back to the original topic for a second...does anyone know if HP FA's are walking in large numbers? I heard last week 100 quit, then 100 more Christmas Eve? Does anyone know if this is true or false? Thanks for the info.!
If any of our passengers got exposed to mono they can thank the schedulers and inflight for the ruthless pressure to make employees fly sick.

Well, I've had mono twice (6 weeks) and was hospitalized once (3 weeks). Your not suppose to get mono twice...once and your done. After the second time I did some research on it and some doctors believe that in some cases mono hibernates and you can have relapses. This is probably what happened to me even though 15 years lapsed between episodes. Mono is very contagious, but only thru some type of bodily fluid contact such as kissing (why it's called the kissing disease) or sexual contact. Breathing on someone will not transport the disease (unless your breathing is so hard your spitting at them). If a person with mono drinks from a glass, don't drink from the same glass. While yes it's very contagious it's not easy to transfer the illness from one person to the next. Mono is no fun. I slept 16 to 18 hours a day and wanted more. If you think you have mono see a doctor (extremely tired most or all of the time, feel like you have a mild cold, and chills are common symptoms). Mono can be dangerous if you participate in phyiscal activities. No lifting heavy objects as you can rupture your spleen and die!
Well, I've had mono twice (6 weeks) and was hospitalized once (3 weeks). Your not suppose to get mono twice...once and your done. After the second time I did some research on it and some doctors believe that in some cases mono hibernates and you can have relapses. This is probably what happened to me even though 15 years lapsed between episodes. Mono is very contagious, but only thru some type of bodily fluid contact such as kissing (why it's called the kissing disease) or sexual contact. Breathing on someone will not transport the disease (unless your breathing is so hard your spitting at them). If a person with mono drinks from a glass, don't drink from the same glass. While yes it's very contagious it's not easy to transfer the illness from one person to the next. Mono is no fun. I slept 16 to 18 hours a day and wanted more. If you think you have mono see a doctor (extremely tired most or all of the time, feel like you have a mild cold, and chills are common symptoms). Mono can be dangerous if you participate in phyiscal activities. No lifting heavy objects as you can rupture your spleen and die!

You can not get full blown acute infectious mononucleosis twice. Why? Because the body builds an antibody...that's how they know you had mono when they do blood work. You may have been misdiagnosed the first time OR misdiagnosed the second. You could have Epsteinbarr virus (EBV) which can relapse.
JUST a sidenote from a pilot: I just flew a 4 day that left Christmas day. The Captiain had a bad cold, he is a nice guy and I like to fly with him; however, now I have his cold. I suspect he was afraid to call in sick over Christmas. Before everyone starts to put the blame on him, I want to express my opinion, that it is fear and intimidation that caused his actions. Just look at the brow beating we (pilots) got from management yesterday about Christmas sick calls. Thanks Capt. Bular, now I feel like doodoo and I am sure my family will get sick and my son will miss school. And by the way, did you come out and fly Christmas to help cover the so called shortage? I seriously doubt it!
Flight crews are more subject to flus and colds than most. We are in an enclosed area, with recycled, dry air. We are handling used cups, glasses and napkins. Many times our customers are sick. They just want to get home, I don't blame them. Many are quite considerate and will use the airsick bags for their used tissues.

But, with crews we are often in circadian rythym (did I spell that right?) disturbance which further impairs our immune systems. Ever notice how often flight attendants wash their hands? How many of us carry antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizers? A whole lot of us!

I'm sick to the point of staying home in bed about three times a year. I get my flu shots and take care of myself. If I may plug a product, Zicam is darn good!

But to put the fear of termination into those who are genuinely sick and contagious, is just not right.

And to be honest, I lose all respect for anyone who comes to work sick and puts the rest of us at risk.

I'm sick to the point of staying home in bed about three times a year. I get my flu shots and take care of myself. If I may plug a product, Zicam is darn good!

I agree Zicam is darn good. Zinc throat lozenges like Cold-EZ are also very good. Over the past few years I've been taking a very good mult-vitamin AND 3 or 4 supplements to boost the immune system. I have yet to get a cold or flu since taking them. There is a really good website where you can get just about anything you feel you want or need and the prices are really good. If you suffer from a lot of colds like I used to or other nagging aliments I recommend you check out this website.
Mono is very contagious, but only thru some type of bodily fluid contact such as kissing (why it's called the kissing disease).

Perhaps this should be added to the boarding announcements.

"Please do not wet kiss the flight attendant."
But to put the fear of termination into those who are genuinely sick and contagious, is just not right.

Your post is absolutely correct. And your earlier post regarding your own personal work ethic is a testament to the professionalism required of this job that would consider not only our customers' needs, but also our colleagues as well when making these sick calls. We are lucky to have you with us.

To those who think this sick out is a good idea: Remember those other F/A's who feel overworked? Yeah, a frivolous sick call put them in a position to cover excessive open shifts. It's even making your colleagues, your Union brothers and sisters, who are legitimately sick feel as if they can't stay home and get the proper rest. Remember those schedulers who called to ask you to take a shift? Well, amazingly enough they weren't at their home on Christmas when they called. How about those in REZ who have to take irate calls due to delayed planes or crew cancel flights? The list goes on and on. And there are countless other departments you don't even know exist that analyze and manage every ferry reposistion flight, that try to anticipate and manage actions such as this one. And let's not forget, if you are successful in slowing down the airline with a few extra crew cancel flights, that's a full plane of passengers that the airline pays a full Y fare to put on the competition.

It's been said before on this thread, and I'm going to say it again. Genuinely sick employees are not being intimidated to come to work sick. However, we as a company are very well aware of HP AFA's threat to slow the airline down with a sick out, proven by more than a week of triple-digit year-over-year increases in sick calls, and posts on this thread about getting Management to come to the table. Not enough proof? How about those of you striding through the gate area for the launch of HNL and OGG making comments like, "This is just the beginning" and "Wait till we melt this place down. The games are just beginning"? You really shouldn't spout off where people can hear you. Not smart, IMHO. Again, those of you (and you know who you are) who are not sick and calling in are putting a strain on the entire system, your colleagues, and those beautiful customers who keep us coming back for more.

There are more productive ways to deal with this, so why don't we?
It's been said before on this thread, and I'm going to say it again. Genuinely sick employees are not being intimidated to come to work sick.

Intimidation is in the eye of the beholder. Finding some one who admits to being a bully is very difficult.
Intimidation is in the eye of the beholder. Finding some one who admits to being a bully is very difficult.

Agreed. But do you not admit that those who are legitimately sick should call in sick while those who are not should report to work as scheduled (and agreed per contract)?
With certain folks sometimes pride is as much a factor as being "bullied". I know in my profession if I didn't show up for work because I had a runny nose and a cough that would be considered whimping out. Now if a high fever is involved I wouldn't think twice. FAs and Pilots who expose themselves to customers probably have a different set of personal standards. Everyone is different and a little common sense will go along way.
Anybody even thinking about walking should take a look at the North West mx walk off. And that was a lic. position. They got creamed.
Not exactly. Their fellow employees, (pilots, F/A, etc.) stood by and allowed scab work on their property and did nothing. Gotta keep making them Hummer payments, ya know.

No courage, no honor, no shame.
Um, back to the original topic for a second...does anyone know if HP FA's are walking in large numbers? I heard last week 100 quit, then 100 more Christmas Eve? Does anyone know if this is true or false? Thanks for the info.!

Not true at all..this is another famous AWA rumor
After reading parts of this thread I have to make a few comments. First off..there really isn't a "walkout" of HP FA's in PHX, Yea, some are quitting, but they always quit, sometimes more than others. Others are being terminated as usual, and probably for good reason, it's take an act of god to terminate someone at AWA. Not all terminations stick, but 99.9 percent do.

The HP FA's as a whole appear to be very much into their own world and don't pay a lot of attention to the "grumblers" ie, those that say things in the boarding area while trying to launch OGG and HNL. You will find that most are happy, but you can't always say that while you're around a grumbler. The AFA union board, seems to have to biggest moaners of all from what I have heard and unfortunatly people read that discussion board and take what they read to be the "real thing". This rumor that got started of people quitting all at once has people really believing it happened and from my inside knowledge, nothing of the sort has occured.
I have heard of a few people quitting - especially since UA is hiring (like I would want to go there) - but it is rumor. Our attrition rate at US West is about the same. No big startling changes to report. Most on the bottom are trying to figure out what will happen to them when we "really" merge and they are afraid of being on the street where before they were holding some type of schedule.

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