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HP FAs walking?

Do you really think that scheduling remembers YOU out of all the other FA's? Get over yourself.

Scheduling has a "Black list" and they tag the ones that they do not like. Believe me, everyone has complained to the Union about this. I can't believe the Union negotiated this awful system. I just hope that when they integrate the contract, the tagging be removed. It's inhumane!
I am a colleague who gets sick of hearing paranoid FA's claiming they are "imprisoned" by a contract that they signed. And one who doesn't appreciate selfish people calling in sick over the holidays thereby screwing their own fellow colleagues.

You must be a scheduler.
Do you have proof of this? I can tell you from experience this is not true. Schedulers don't have time to look at the schedule and say "Hmm .I see so-and-so is ending a trip today. I dont' like this person, so I'll tag him/her, even though I'm fully staffed."

Scheduling as a whole do not have a "blacklist", however individuals make up their own mind. So if a scheduler is not a professional, doesn't like someone, then yea, they can justify their actions somehow. But the is true in many professions. The direction of an area may be a professional stance, the actual workers are the ones that may stray from that stance.
I don't think you know what it's like to be on reserve at US West. Scheduling tags reserves after working a flight and they take away their day off.

As I understand it, "tagging" refers to involuntary assignment of a lineholder after their scheduled trip. This is done due to a critically low or even zero number of remaining reserves.

Reserves are on reserve for their whole block of days and can be expected to be reassigned for the whole block if necessary. I agree, you shouldn't have to call to ask "mother may I?". If it's important enough for you to be reassigned, then scheduling should get ahold of you as they would a lineholder.

If they released reserves automatically as soon as they finished any trip, they would probably need alot more of them and everyone would make less money. If they could flag those reserves who want all the time they can get and reassign them first, maybe it would make the system less painful.
As I understand it, "tagging" refers to involuntary assignment of a lineholder after their scheduled trip. This is done due to a critically low or even zero number of remaining reserves.

Lineholding FA's under the AWA contract are not subject to tagging. Once your trip is over, it is over. Reserves are the ones that get tagged. Sometimes the tag is made while you are still on the trip, but more often it happens when you call in to be released.
Do you really think that scheduling remembers YOU out of all the other FA's? Get over yourself.

I am not really sure that there is this "Black List", but believe me, scheduling remembers people; We all do. Not too difficult to remember a slacker

I am a colleague who gets sick of hearing paranoid FA's claiming they are "imprisoned" by a contract that they signed. And one who doesn't appreciate selfish people calling in sick over the holidays thereby screwing their own fellow colleagues.

Hit the nail on the head. Thank You
would be difficult to utilize a "black list" when scheduling is computerized to fit the perameters of contract and FAR's.
Sounds likt the system some express carriers use.

By being able to tag reserves does this system keep the need for excessive reserves down and thus creates more lines?
I am a colleague who gets sick of hearing paranoid FA's claiming they are "imprisoned" by a contract that they signed. And one who doesn't appreciate selfish people calling in sick over the holidays thereby screwing their own fellow colleagues.
Very well put. And for those that think the company should have extras to cover those holiday sick calls--that's ridiculous. Sick calls DO go up on the holidays--that's pretty much true for any job, any company, any industry. It would be a huge waste of money to have extra FA's all year, just for the holiday season. And an airline can't afford "temporary FA's" ..not like hiring temporary cashiers at Walmart!
Very well put. And for those that think the company should have extras to cover those holiday sick calls--that's ridiculous. Sick calls DO go up on the holidays--that's pretty much true for any job, any company, any industry. It would be a huge waste of money to have extra FA's all year, just for the holiday season. And an airline can't afford "temporary FA's" ..not like hiring temporary cashiers at Walmart!

🙂 I have an idea.....why not call back some of the 1700 involuntarily furloughed East F/A's to help cover flying 😉
🙂 I have an idea.....why not call back some of the 1700 involuntarily furloughed East F/A's to help cover flying 😉
I would be all for that. But employees should also not call in sick unless they are actually SICK (and everyone knows that's not always the case). That should especially apply during the holidays when airline employees know there are a lot of people counting on the ailine to get them to their destinations.
That should especially apply during the holidays when airline employees know there are a lot of people counting on the ailine to get them to their destinations.

I just flew a 4 day trip over Christmas with a reserve Flight Attendant who had Mononucleosis (VERY contagious). The reason she flew sick was because of fear of repercussions from Inflight Svcs Management and Schedulers. Sad, but many, many people (customers, fellow employees) have probably been exposed to her virus (including myself). All because of the intimidation and threat of disciplinary action up to and including suspension and termination for staying at home and taking care of themselves.

If any of our passengers got exposed to mono they can thank the schedulers and inflight for the ruthless pressure to make employees fly sick.

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