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HP FAs walking?

If any of our passengers got exposed to mono they can thank the schedulers and inflight for the ruthless pressure to make employees fly sick.
Not only that, but if the NIH can track any sort of outbreak of infectious disease to a crew member that felt "forced" to work sick, serious legal implications could result. This could be mono, flu or any other possibly communicable disease. NOT SMART to fly with these, especially during the holidays, when EVERYONE travels, grandma, babies, even folks that would ordinarily not. Maybe folks think it's a stretch, but if diseases and illnesses began getting traced to air travel it would make the last couple of years look like the good times for the airlines. NOBODY SHOULD BE FLYING SICK.
If any of our passengers got exposed to mono they can thank the schedulers and inflight for the ruthless pressure to make employees fly sick.
What retribution from schedulers???? They have no authority to make someone work when they are sick. They simply take the sick calls, and then replace the open trip with very limited resources.

If someone is sick with mono, it would stand to reason that person would go to the Dr. Simply present that note from the doctor, and there should be no retribution from inflight either!!

The problem is not with calling in when actually sick--it's calling in when you are NOT sick--which we all know happens.
Anybody even thinking about walking should take a look at the North West mx walk off. And that was a lic. position. They got creamed.
If any of our passengers got exposed to mono they can thank the schedulers and inflight for the ruthless pressure to make employees fly sick.

Oh, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight, everyone just call in sick whether you are or not. There's no point in running an airline here. Give me a break.

You should be correctly directing your anger at this FA's colleagues who are calling in sick in record numbers. Truly sick employees should call out. Those that aren't truly sick are doing a disservice to all of us.
Exactly, nicely put. The problem is not with people who are legitimatly sick and pose a contagious risk to passengers calling in sick. If you are sick and have dr's note you are in no fear of any "retribution" from inflight or scheduling. It's those who call out just for selfish reason and do to their own poor work ethic. I am pretty sure that there are not 150 cases of mono in one day for flight attendants which has been about the daily sick calls.

What retribution from schedulers???? They have no authority to make someone work when they are sick. They simply take the sick calls, and then replace the open trip with very limited resources.

If someone is sick with mono, it would stand to reason that person would go to the Dr. Simply present that note from the doctor, and there should be no retribution from inflight either!!

The problem is not with calling in when actually sick--it's calling in when you are NOT sick--which we all know happens.

Let's try to remember during this Christmas season, that those "rutheless" people from inflight and scheduling who are "forcing" people to work are in fact themselves sitting at work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, just trying to fill fake sick calls.

Not only that, but if the NIH can track any sort of outbreak of infectious disease to a crew member that felt "forced" to work sick, serious legal implications could result. This could be mono, flu or any other possibly communicable disease. NOT SMART to fly with these, especially during the holidays, when EVERYONE travels, grandma, babies, even folks that would ordinarily not. Maybe folks think it's a stretch, but if diseases and illnesses began getting traced to air travel it would make the last couple of years look like the good times for the airlines. NOBODY SHOULD BE FLYING SICK.
would be difficult to utilize a "black list" when scheduling is computerized to fit the perameters of contract and FAR's.
I doubt seriously that scheduling has a black list, but I disagree that they simply let the contract and computer call the shots. I have had many occasions at America East where I was told that my "___________ (insert the word "contract" or "FAR") was being over-ridden". This is the very reason that all telephone conversations with scheduling at America East are recorded.

My experience with this came at Christmas in 1997. I was off and had been to a party where adult beverages were served in mass quantities. I got home around 3am. I was roused from my stupor, er, slumber at 6 by scheduling. When I told the scheduler I was on a day off, he told me my day was being taken from me. When I told him I had consumed alcohol just three hours early and that I would be illegal to work, he told me he was waiving the FAR and company policy that said I could not fly when under the inlfluence of bourbon. Thank God I had the amazing clairity at that moment to ask to speak to a supervisor and relay the contents of the previous conversation. In my 18 years here, that scheduler is the only employee I have ever written up.
HaHaHa... America East... I love it.. classic. Anywho I've actually had the honor of sitting in with scheduling. During the little SARs thing when our YYZ cancelled I had the oppurtunity to sit at the short PIT (you know the one with the nice view of MOON!!) so I took it upon myself to motor it on over to OCC. I have to say they were very pleased to have me there, showed me all around the joint introduced me to everyone I actually felt like a celebrity. Being serious though, that day changed everything for me (we actually visited in training but at that point who gave a flip)it was such a pleasant surprise to see what actually goes on, I had the oppurtunity to plug in with them and I have to say, it's not easy, I mean the amount of whining alone made me want to slap some teeth out, oh yeah and that beloved bid sheet, EVIL. It is unbelievable the stuff that some of my coworkers came up with. Anyway the point is that there was no list (I even looked under the desk). Yes they may remember the royal pains in the @$$ but it would be pretty difficult to do anything about that. Anyway sorry for rambling.
HaHaHa... America East... I love it.. classic. Anywho I've actually had the honor of sitting in with scheduling. During the little SARs thing when our YYZ cancelled I had the oppurtunity to sit at the short PIT (you know the one with the nice view of MOON!!) so I took it upon myself to motor it on over to OCC. I have to say they were very pleased to have me there, showed me all around the joint introduced me to everyone I actually felt like a celebrity. Being serious though, that day changed everything for me (we actually visited in training but at that point who gave a flip)it was such a pleasant surprise to see what actually goes on, I had the oppurtunity to plug in with them and I have to say, it's not easy, I mean the amount of whining alone made me want to slap some teeth out, oh yeah and that beloved bid sheet, EVIL. It is unbelievable the stuff that some of my coworkers came up with. Anyway the point is that there was no list (I even looked under the desk). Yes they may remember the royal pains in the @$$ but it would be pretty difficult to do anything about that. Anyway sorry for rambling.
It would be great if all crewmembers could sit with schedulers, just for an hour or two.

And yes, everybody in SOC remembers who is a regular pain in the @$$. But like you said . .there isn't much they can do. They don't go out of their way to tag or reroute those crewmembers--but they probably have less sympathy when they do it to them than to other crewmembers.
Thank you USstew23. Any f/a or pilot can visit scheduling at any time. I'm sure the schedulers would appreciate seeing you see what they do on a daily basis. Scheduling is not evil. They have a job to do, and they do it well. You may not like what you end up with, but again, it is all within contract and FAR. A scheduler can not, AND WILL NOT violate or attempt to waive FAR's or contract. The most they can do is waive check in...IF you want to waive check in, depending on staffing needs.
HP F/A'are not walking. There is a spike in sick calls as there is every year at this time and it puts Crew Scheduling in a pinch to cover trips. If short staffing is a problem and there are also operational problems, scheduling will find itself starting to lose some track of undercovered flights out of Phx only. That is probably why they want you to call if you don't have a full crew listed in the DRS.

There was a rumor that junior FA's who are tired of being on reserve and believe that Crew Scheduling mistreats them, would quit at once. But that has not materialized as some would like.
I'm sorry I just find this funny, "junior f/a's tired of being on reserve"...we have 23 yr f/a's on reserve in PIT, does that mean they are junior?
Scheduling tags crew members when they are short staffed. They don't do it for no reason, nor to make crew members "their bitches".

Scheduling will only take away a "DO", which again PER THE CONTRACT is a movable day off. If a DO is taken (again, only when staffing requires it to be taken away), the crew member gets another GD (which is NOT movable).

Don't complain about what schedulers do--they simply try to cover open trips to mininmize invconvenience to PASSENGERS--or put another way: their job.

Complain to your union to get tagging taken out of the next contract. Complain to the union to demand more flight attendants.
When trying to combine contracts, AFA 66 needs to look at the Ueast contract on this issue. When a reserve completes a trip you are "free from duty for 10+15, 9+15 at your option," and you cannot be contacted from crew sched for 8+30. If you are contacted prior to the 8+30 rest, your rest starts again. There are no jetway tags going on over here.
When trying to combine contracts, AFA 66 needs to look at the Ueast contract on this issue. When a reserve completes a trip you are "free from duty for 10+15, 9+15 at your option," and you cannot be contacted from crew sched for 8+30. If you are contacted prior to the 8+30 rest, your rest starts again. There are no jetway tags going on over here.

F/A's can be doubled up, if scheduled within parameters of contract and fars.(east)
F/A's can be doubled up, if scheduled within parameters of contract and fars.(east)
This is true, however it rarely, I mean rarely ever happens that you would be assigned a trip when you are walking off a trip. I have been here 20 yrs, on reserve for the past year, its never happened to me. I dont know of anyone that it has happened too.
Let me get this straight..correct me if I am wrong, the UWest reserves are on a trip and then finish it and then have to fly somewhere else the same day after they finish one trip and then start another the same day? At east I have been called or left a message if I made myself available for a trip for the next day..other than that they could not bother us for 8 1/2 hours after the trip ended.
Let me get this straight..correct me if I am wrong, the UWest reserves are on a trip and then finish it and then have to fly somewhere else the same day after they finish one trip and then start another the same day? At east I have been called or left a message if I made myself available for a trip for the next day..other than that they could not bother us for 8 1/2 hours after the trip ended.

xoxo....you can be assisgned a double up.

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