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HP FAs walking?

As long as the company sees employees as disposable commodities instead of assets, incentives will be limited to rewards for performance that save the company more than they cost.

Incentives and rewards are for employees who ago above and beyond the call of duty. Coming into work on a scheduled shift (holiday or not) is part of the everyday job. Our incentive for that is our paychecks and in some cases a feeling of a job well done.

Correct me if I'm wrong but did not the Job posting for all the FA positions in both networks say, "expected to work day and nights, holidays, and weekends?"

I believe the FA / Pilot groups are part of the company Hat Trick incentive plan for company goals accomplished. $50 and $100 checks to thousands of employees is a lot of money to give away. The FA / Pilots play a real part in the attainment of these goals.. These are the kind of incentives that are deserved.
Actually incentives and rewards can be used effectively to mend poor employee relations, boost morale and establish a positive mindset going forward. This pays far greater dividends than the reward costs.
Actually incentives and rewards can be used effectively to mend poor employee relations, boost morale and establish a positive mindset going forward. This pays far greater dividends than the reward costs.

All those things can be mended by communication and willingness work as a team. Moral comes from within.. No body decides if you're happy in a job except for you.

I think it's selfish of us to want extra for doing what we agreed to do in the first place.
No, I disagree. Communication and fostering team spirit can prevent relations from deteriorating to the point that rewards are necessary, but once you've allowed your airline to fall into a hole, it takes extrordinary effort to get out and wisdom to avoid falling back in again.
Incentives and rewards are for employees who ago above and beyond the call of duty. Coming into work on a scheduled shift (holiday or not) is part of the everyday job. Our incentive for that is our paychecks and in some cases a feeling of a job well done.

Incentives and rewards to upper management at US Airways have lead to substantial losses over the last number of years leading to numerous disposed employees.

Please excuse me from failing to mention those rewards in my previous post.

Incentives and rewards do work however, when provided to the people who do the work.
Interesting the differences in opinions. I think I can tell who is from the east and who is from the west. Good conversations and sharing of thoughts. I think it's great. East and west are getting to know each other.....via screen names but it's a start.

Happy New Year!
Moral comes from within.. No body decides if you're happy in a job except for you.

Part you and part how your treated. Some people have a higher tolerance level of being mistreated, but supervisor's absolutely play a major role in employee morale. IMO all supervisor's should go thru some sort of supervisory training and I'm really not sure that happens. Fortunately I have had terrific supervisors who had the skills needed. Unfortunately I've heard too many stories from others that violate very basic concepts of how to treat people. It's a shame because many of the incidents could have been avoided had these supervisors had some training. Then again some people will always be a-holes no matter how much training they receive.
If the company offered real holiday pay the holidays would go so senior that even God couldn't hold it. I would add a stipulation that if you had a holiday trip then sick'ed it out, then you would only get regular pay. Naysayers will say the company can't afford it/shouldn't have to do it....which is cheaper - holiday pay or meltdown payouts??
Why should there be extra pay to work holidays? Any person with the slightest bit of common sense shold know that working holidays is part of the airline business.

Beyond that, a person's own work ethic should prevent them from calling in sick unless they actually are sick--holiday or not.
Why should there be extra pay to work holidays? Any person with the slightest bit of common sense shold know that working holidays is part of the airline business.
Why should you get paid while on vacation? The company doesn't make any money from your effort while you're on vacation?

They built the Roman Coliseum to meet the needs of folks with your mindset.
Why should you get paid while on vacation? The company doesn't make any money from your effort while you're on vacation?

They built the Roman Coliseum to meet the needs of folks with your mindset.

Vacation is a built in benefit like healthcare. It's part of your basic compensation.

Once again I believe all FA / Pilots were told they must be willing to work days, nights, weekends, and holidays. If you need an incentive to come to work, think of all the airline employees everywhere who've been furloughed. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to come to work for day, night, weekends, or holidays.
Vacation is a built in benefit like healthcare. It's part of your basic compensation.

Well, many of our colleagues were also promised a pension in writing as a benefit of their basic compensation.
Vacation is a built in benefit like healthcare. It's part of your basic compensation.

Like my the pension I earned over the last 26 years WAS?

Like the memdical benefits whose periums increase every year along with the co-pay and up-front annual deductibles?

Like the vacation days I was promised that were taken back?

Built-in benefit like those????
Plus, we were under the impression that one day we would be senior. When I was hired, a 19 year employee was a fearsom thing. Now, we are on reserve and working holidays perpetually.
Like my the pension I earned over the last 26 years WAS?

Like the memdical benefits whose periums increase every year along with the co-pay and up-front annual deductibles?

Like the vacation days I was promised that were taken back?

Built-in benefit like those????

Pensions were lost due to bad business. Most of which the FA group had no effect on I know. However, paying an employee extra to work on a day they knew they had to work in the first place is bad business.

By the way.. The FA sick call for the US West side was 136 for New Years Eve. I heard the US East had 90.. Can anyone confirm that?? That's an awesome number conidering they have more than two times the FAs than we do.

If so, Good Job US East side
It is called an incentive because they HAVE to work.

See they dont get the day off like Executives, support staff, managers, secretaries and admin staff.

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