Hey all, been away for a bit intergrating, but anyway. Remember they are mixing two IT systems into one, so the things will happen, but slowly. Also remember that they are going to switch over to Shares in under a year, so there will be hiccups here and there.While we are on the subject of HP manifests, do any of the FAs on here actually use the long prelim report for anything? I understand you might use the FC section and if there were a way to condense it, the assist section, but do you really need to know who checked in at home, who had their agency advised of a debit memo and all the other "stuff" printed on there? It seems like a waste of paper to me, especially on a full 757. We used to print out the name lists for Metrojets (not sure why now), but how often are there dupe seats that can be worked out from the manifest anyway? Anyone who checked in and changed seats after its pulled isnt going to show right and its useless then. Just curious if anyone uses it and what for. Maybe a suggestion is in the works! 😉
I can tell you there are some very interesting things going on and both US/E and US/W are excited about it in our station.
The prelim. What a pain in the blank! The issue is all the web check-ins show on the prelim as a SSR/MODS but we are trying to get that removed. Also the GGold/Plat and all is being worked on too, baby steps.
Security info, yes and no. Is there security info on them, yes, is it where the F/C FA is getting their F/C cust names? No. Most FA take the FC list and seperate it from the rest of the prelim and use that only. The only thing, if anything the FA that uses just the list is violating is the Company Privacy Policy, but please! That is not an issue.