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How to improve morale at US AIRWAYS

We definitey! have answers for the disfunctional management. I never thought we would have to fight our DIRECTS, to survive. It is probably the same as fighting Bush. ( He had the right idea but evaded good advice). Now, we will have to replace him. We have a candidate. We will find a way for the Board of Directors to get Excited. This company needs a new focus! and New Blood. The World will not wait for NICE GUYS, But innovators and Financiers! Good Luck, Mr. Parker!

We definitey! have answers for the disfunctional management. I never thought we would have to fight our DIRECTS, to survive. It is probably the same as fighting Bush. ( He had the right idea but evaded good advice). Now, we will have to replace him. We have a candidate. We will find a way for the Board of Directors to get Excited. This company needs a new focus! and New Blood. The World will not wait for NICE GUYS, But innovators and Financiers! Good Luck, Mr. Parker!

I Hate the rules of this Blog! I have to say we have a candidate from Az Fleet, that really has the Balls to run against Mr. Parker. I saw it in his eyes, today, he would easily know how to run US Airways. He, didn't flinch! Known him nearly 8 years. He'll either be a researcher for Biology, 175,thousand to start, or as he stated, he could run this company , NO DOUBT. I say, lets give the shareholders a chance to check him out. I would give this guy CREDULITY! over Mr. Parker any day.
Just a definition per websters.
One entry found.


Main Entry: se·nior·i·ty
Pronunciation: \sēn-ˈyȯr-ə-tē, -ˈyär-\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : the quality or state of being senior : priority
2 : a privileged status attained by length of continuous service (as in a company
It's what it is all about. It is what it is. (er, or should be.)

"Priority over others by reason of service."
The company or the unions never bought into this amd have done nothing to make it right. Tenure means nothing. At least not for everyone.
You cannot discount seinority for what it is. It is so not right.
I am living proof.
As I approach the thirty year mark working for USAirways, I fail to see how giving everybody DOH will help morale.

The only fair thing to do is to integrate the seniority rosters 1 for 1 with the exception of AFA who had the foresite to make DOH a part of it's bylaws.
Well how about putting someone with 5 years seniority ahead of you with your 30 years of seniority. Where do you think your morale is going to go if that was to happen? Does anyone in your station with less seniority than you, bid before you? Well that is how it is in my station, and I'm sick of it. I was laid off while employees that were junior to me kept their job. Does that tell you where my morale is?

As far as your idea for integrating the seniority lists 1 for 1, that would mean that someone hired by HP in 1986 would be ahead of your 1977 hire date. Are you ready for that? Which direction do you think your morale is going to go then?
From the Cust Svc end

1) Get rid of Shares/ Bring Back SABRE. It's nice that he finally admitted the mistake . Now correct it. And correcting it does not mean trying to make shares work , but it DOES mean getting rid of this pig once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear Hear.....Sadly, that ain't gonna happen. How about letting users choose between the QIK "gooey" overlay and native SHARES. CO lets their people choose between using their "gooey" and native. (The CO people I know use native).

Then, we can only hope that US will acquiesce to the Star Alliance goal of going to Amadeus.
If all unions had DOH in their bylaws as does AFA, we wouldnt be in the turmoil we are in now. Kudo's to AFA for having the foresight to have it included.

As for your stand on DOH, I agree IF you are talking one single company. We are not. It;s a merger, lists will merge. You seem to forget that we were on the brink of extinction. DOH does diddly in the unemployment line

First you say we should be integrated with 1 for 1 seniority. Then you agree if we are one single company it should be DOH. Well we are one single company, or we soon shall be once we receive the single carrier certificate. So what shall it be Mr. Wishy Washy? The way that you are straddling the fence, you would be a perfect ceo or president!

All the way with DOH!
I sadly agree that I believe SABRE is gone,so we are stuck with this POS for now. All we can do for now is bombard IT with the changes we want made to the pig. Unfortunately all we are doing is dressing up the pig and putting on more makeup in an attempt to make this system look appealling. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN THOUGH. A PIG IS A PIG IS A PIG> (I'm actually sorry but this system is an insult to the pigs of the world) At least a pig does what is supposed to do. We need to demand access to Native shares so we don't have to use qik. DP said what a good flexible system shares is. If the system was as good as he says more than 2 airlines would use it. Of the 2 airlines that use shares CO & US, they use radically different versions. One works (CO) , one doesn't(US). Meanwhile 200+ airlines worldwide use SABRE. Unfortunately working for this company has become more of an embarrassment than one can imagine.There is nothing we do well, but many things we are good at screwing up.
2 airlines would use it. Of the 2 airlines that use shares CO & US, they use radically different versions. One works (CO) , one doesn't(US). Meanwhile 200+ airlines worldwide use SABRE. Unfortunately working for this company has become more of an embarrassment than one can imagine.
OK look at it this way CO will be the next MERGER?????LOL and this time we all will be bought out right and here it is snap back and back to the same stalls! Bet that one is on DP's game black board in the war room??? Makes you think doesnt it.... :lol:
We definitey! have answers for the disfunctional management. I never thought we would have to fight our DIRECTS, to survive. It is probably the same as fighting Bush. ( He had the right idea but evaded good advice). Now, we will have to replace him. We have a candidate. We will find a way for the Board of Directors to get Excited. This company needs a new focus! and New Blood. The World will not wait for NICE GUYS, But innovators and Financiers! Good Luck, Mr. Parker!
I Hate the rules of this Blog! I have to say we have a candidate from Az Fleet, that really has the Balls to run against Mr. Parker. I saw it in his eyes, today, he would easily know how to run US Airways. He, didn't flinch! Known him nearly 8 years. He'll either be a researcher for Biology, 175,thousand to start, or as he stated, he could run this company , NO DOUBT. I say, lets give the shareholders a chance to check him out. I would give this guy CREDULITY! over Mr. Parker any day.

Lead-based paint and gasoline was one of the greatest tragedies for the children of your generation.
That has to be the worst scenerio of all. LCC wouldn't liquidate. Downsize, yes... Loss of many jobs...yes
The viability of LCC would remain intact in some sort of shape. None of it good to anyone without seniority. Even then...a tragic sight...
This company needs a new focus! and New Blood. The World will not wait for NICE GUYS, But innovators and Financiers!

You'll have better luck if you look for for a new job with a company that runs like you want it to. Waiting for this company to get it together could take a lifetime. It's not worth your effort. Trust me, I did that.
First you say we should be integrated with 1 for 1 seniority. Then you agree if we are one single company it should be DOH. Well we are one single company, or we soon shall be once we receive the single carrier certificate. So what shall it be Mr. Wishy Washy? The way that you are straddling the fence, you would be a perfect ceo or president!

All the way with DOH!

Geezus....Lets try this again.

AFA has DOH in their bylaws. Do you understand that part? Ok, follow along carefully.....
ALPA does not
TWU does not
CWA does not

Therefore there is no question when it comes to AFA of how to integrate the seniority roster. If you will look back at post # 45, I clearly indicated that I was not proclaiming it right or wrong.

Having said that, with NO OTHER LABOR GROUP having DOH in it's bylaws, I favor 1 for 1 integration of the seniority roster(s).

I stand to lose a great deal with 1 for 1, but on the other hand, I will still have a job that I enjoy, that pays competive wages in this market, and affords me flexibility. I'm looking at it from a different point of view than you, obviously. I dont believe in stapeling rosters as apparently you do. I don't believe that HP employees should be sacrificed, as apparently you do.

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