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How to improve morale at US AIRWAYS

After the Piedmont and PSA mergers, there were over 80,000 employees and we were still the highest paid in the industry with the best benefits and making a profit. Now we are down to a bit over 30,000 employees, sitting on the most lucrative markets in the industry, with a CEO who made over $14,000,000 last year and we are now the lowest paid in the industry with the worst benefits.....What's the freaking problem???
After the Piedmont and PSA mergers, there were over 80,000 employees and we were still the highest paid in the industry with the best benefits and making a profit. Now we are down to a bit over 30,000 employees, sitting on the most lucrative markets in the industry, with a CEO who made over $14,000,000 last year and we are now the lowest paid in the industry with the worst benefits.....What's the freaking problem???
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Amen. That and point-to-point low cost carriers eating your lunch for years while you kept strangling the golden goose.

Stop blaming management. Blame the consumer, I mean your customer. Ask the fax repairman how advances in technology treated him.
Fire Al Heminway and Jerry Glass. That would be a good first step.

...and once you finish with that,raise the payscales for west ramp and F/As to reflect what their counterparts in the east make and then raise the eastcoast pilot's pay to reflect what the west coast pilots make. That should help still the waters. Once you accomplish this task,then sit down and start negotiating like your life depended on it...because it probably does.
Why, has this tread gone South! Where are the solutions! This merge is a a crucial point! They.(The Management) have tried mixing oil and water. It is almost an impossible accomplishment. But! It can be done! The brains behind the function can and have to come up with solutions. The worst has come, Pilots/Inflights/Mechanics/ and I wish, Fleet, first, but alas!.
I, like all everyone, want Pay and recognition. But, the shareholders and Revenue per mile passenger need to Know they can get the best with us. Employees know we have losers for leaders, but, I'm not sure they are the ,only, reason. We might have LOSERS for BOARD OF DIRECTORS! These people are LEECHES! They sit on everything! Just listen to the audio shareholders meeting where no one cares. There is only about 10 people that even care USAirways is in Existence. Money, is only a fraction of where we need to go to survive. The World is at everyone' throat!
Amen. That and point-to-point low cost carriers eating your lunch for years while you kept strangling the golden goose.

Stop blaming management. Blame the consumer, I mean your customer. Ask the fax repairman how advances in technology treated him.

Management can do no wrong.

If only a business could run without customers. Every idiot would be a success.

Are you a success?
Management can do no wrong.

If only a business could run without customers. Every idiot would be a success.

Are you a success?

I have the wherewithal to get up and do something different if it doesn't bring me satisfaction. Instead of complaining, I got on with it and chose a path I enjoy. I am the most successful person I know.

And I don't have nearly the pay or benefits that a mid-seniority pilot at US Airways has.
Well if you goons were "paid what you were worth" you would be looking at still another paycut.

TO: All Employees
RE: Company Morale

It has come to your management's attention that morale has hit an all time low. Starting today we will be implementing the following program to improve morale company wide.
When an employee is found with low morale we will immediately begin beating said employee.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
i was watching the phx fleet service town hall and one girl started crying and telling doug that she wants him to work a double shift with her in the middle of july on the ramp . man i felt bad for her . she asked if he could please raise their pay to the east as a gesture of good faith . she is trying to feed 2 kids and with the current salary it just is not enough.

So it's management's fault that she got pregnant and can't raise her children???????????
So it's management's fault that she got pregnant and can't raise her children???????????

I'm sure Doug Parker doesn't have to worry about HIS kids!! Actually, his kids need to work about their dad. <_<
So it's management's fault that she got pregnant and can't raise her children???????????

Hey #### , you try working even ONE shift in 110 degrees heat and tell me how YOU like it , now try working it for TEN dollars an hour ....... we're pissed over here at our fucked up payscale vs what the east is making ....

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