What is the emoticon for standing ovation?!!!

How do you define winning? Perpetual unhappiness?
Minimum wage is for folks who perpetually want the lowest paying job. Anti-discrimination laws deal with people who are perpetually bigoted. For those folks who have committed their lives to perpetually playing the victim and never being satisfied, then they should quit. That would improve the morale for the rest of those who can digest reality and who are committed to serving the people who pay their salaries without the alterior motive of sticking it to the man whenever possible.
I define winning as making the other side agree with my logic .
First of all , anti discrimnation laws deal with factors that are beyond an individuals control , such as race or gender .. The reason you can so carelessly disavow the importance of these laws is because they have been in place for awhile now and we don't normally see that type of behavior these days ...
i can assure you , that if you were indeed the victem of discimination on the job you would be quite pissed , as were many MANY americans long ago , that's why we enacted these laws , so good people don't have to quit their jobs because of a few bad apples. You can take this thought and relate it to my rebuttle of why people should not simply quit when the going gets tough .
Minimum wage is not always for people who want the lowest paying jobs , i'll take this moment to point out to you , that not every town is a large city , there are many small towns across the US were there are only minium wage paying jobs , because that's all there is ....
you can now take this point and relate it to my example of why it's good not to give up ... If there was no minium wage many people would be impoverished in small towns ..
You talked about commiment to serving the public , sadly there are very few people who actually think like that , in ANY field .. the ones who DO think like that are usually the WELL PAID ONES , and the reason they are commited to good serivce , is that they are in fact commited to keeping their jobs ...
As far as digesting reality goes , yes one should digest it , and then one should act on it , given the level of anger on this board , i would say that many people have digested the current reality and are now commited to changing it ... Logic previals , i know that i can't build a space shuttle in my backyard to travel to the moon , but i DO know that i can make a difference at my place of employment . THAT is the reason i am still there , do you honestly think anyone who hates this job would still be there IF there was ABSOLUTELY nothing they could do to change it ? of course not , they would all quit and leave because that would be the most logical thing to do .