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How to improve morale at US AIRWAYS

Hey #### , you try working even ONE shift in 110 degrees heat and tell me how YOU like it , now try working it for TEN dollars an hour ....... we're pissed over here at our fucked up payscale vs what the east is making ....

I did it for 10 years! Bottom line is the only way to change your course in life is to do something about it, and stop blaming others for your problems. I understand the issues that you are facing, but I hate it when someone uses their personal life as an excuse. Get a second job if you can't survive, get another job somewhere else and make more than $10, surely you are qualified for more than that!
I hate to say it but you knew what the pay and working condtiotions were when you took the job. If things are reaaly that bad ,QUIT. We all knew what we were getting into when we got hired . Bad weather, bad shifts , working nights,weekends, and holidays. Those were all given facts of the job. On the east our seniority has deteriorated badly. With 20 years one could expect days and partial weekends off , not anymore , still nights and mid week. Either deal with it or leave.
<SNIP> I got the impression that Doug didnt KNOW HIS FACTS. He was asked about Non Rev fees for parents, didnt know. He was asked about the Gold Passes for 25 year F/A's, didnt know. He kept referring to someone else in the room.
I bet if someone asked him about mergers, you’d never get him to shut his pie hole.
No one put a gun to your head and forced you to accept the $10/hour (or less for that matter). You chose to accept your position, be it for benefits, job (in)security, whatever. The complaining that goes on reminds me of a waitress letting out an exhausted sigh when you ask for a glass of water. Do your damn job.

Yea what we're getting paid is BS compared to what the east gets paid for doing the same job...DEAL WITH IT. If you don't like it, QUIT. If In-N-Out pays $9.75 down the street, I'm very sure you can get a higher paying job doing something else.
Improving morale could be easily accomplished by giving every work function DATE OF HIRE SENIORITY for all purposes. Once that is done, it will alleviate a lot of the problems we encounter with management and also each other. For instance junior employees would not be ahead of senior employees, thereby creating animosity between the two. Once DOH occurs, everything else should begin to work itself out.

One other thing that would surely boost morale is that Leads or Supervisors should make 4 or 5 dollars more than a regular agent. That way we would have Senior employees as Leads and Supervisors, and not the junior agents and new hires that we have now. $1.08 more per hour doesn't get quality agents these days. Furthermore the senior employees don't listen to them anyway. It's going to get even worse on the ramp once we merge workforces and we are able to bid together. That is why higher compensation is needed to assure that the more knowledgeable and senior agents are willing to become superviors and leads.
Since when did you discover that it gets 110 degrees in PHX? I knew it ever since I was 6 when My brother and I drove thru AZ from San Diego to Pennsylvania. That was along time ago but the memory is etched in me. Maybe if you can not tolerate that heat, I suggest looking for another job. Other than hoping Tempe going to night-ops, (which won't happen) the temperature will always be hot. The Desert wasn't made for humans to live there. So its by choice that you are there, and its by choice on what career you choose. Whether it be the right decision or the wrong decision, thats in your control.
I respecfully disagree.

As I approach the thirty year mark working for USAirways, I fail to see how giving everybody DOH will help morale. You fail to take anybody else into consideration with that assinine statement other than yourself. We have merged with a carrier that was founded in 1983. They have employees that have been there since day 1. Who in the east has been here since day 1? NOBODY! The only fair thing to do is to integrate the seniority rosters 1 for 1 with the exception of AFA who had the foresite to make DOH a part of it's bylaws.

Time to grow up and put the self serving mentality of DOH behind you. The only thing DOH will get you today, is the demise of the company. Has nobody learned from the pilot group? East would not budge on DOH and agreed to binding arbitration assuming that the ruling would go there way. Well, it didnt...because it IS NOT FAIR in this situation.

Morale is low because we have piss poor middle managment, we have employees who feel "entitled", and employees who are lazy and skate because the horrible management team wont hold them accountable.

Face reality, this beast on the east needs to be flushed out to get rid of the dead wood that has been permitted a free ride through 2 mergers and 2 bankruptcies. This includes frontline, behind the scenes, and management type.
i will not quit because QUITERS NEVER WIN....

I AM in control of my life , i DO make my own decisions ,and while things may not always go my way , that doesn't mean you just throw in the towel .

You people disgust me , rather than stay at a job for a time , as soon as there are problems , things you don't like ,you QUIT , that's such a sad mentality ... pathetic really , i bet your the types that have never held down a job for more than 2 years straight ....

If everyone quit their jobs because things were tough and never tried to make ANYTHING better , then every job everywhere would suck , there would be no minumum wage , no anti discmination laws etc etc ....

You sad pathetic saps can't think beyond "if you don't like it quit " and here we are in the HOW TO IMPROVE MORALE AT US AIRWAYS thread .. i have a challenge for ya instead of the best advice that you can offer up being QUIT , how about you offer some advice on HOW TO IMPROVE MORALE AT US AIRWAYS ....

and if you can't do that , then why don't you start a

As I approach the thirty year mark working for USAirways, I fail to see how giving everybody DOH will help morale. You fail to take anybody else into consideration with that assinine statement other than yourself. We have merged with a carrier that was founded in 1983. They have employees that have been there since day 1. Who in the east has been here since day 1? NOBODY! The only fair thing to do is to integrate the seniority rosters 1 for 1 with the exception of AFA who had the foresite to make DOH a part of it's bylaws.

Time to grow up and put the self serving mentality of DOH behind you. The only thing DOH will get you today, is the demise of the company. Has nobody learned from the pilot group? East would not budge on DOH and agreed to binding arbitration assuming that the ruling would go there way. Well, it didnt...because it IS NOT FAIR in this situation.

Morale is low because we have piss poor middle managment, we have employees who feel "entitled", and employees who are lazy and skate because the horrible management team wont hold them accountable.

Face reality, this beast on the east needs to be flushed out to get rid of the dead wood that has been permitted a free ride through 2 mergers and 2 bankruptcies. This includes frontline, behind the scenes, and management type.
What is the emoticon for standing ovation?!!! :up: :up: :up:

i will not quit because QUITERS NEVER WIN....

I AM in control of my life , i DO make my own decisions ,and while things may not always go my way , that doesn't mean you just throw in the towel .

You people disgust me , rather than stay at a job for a time , as soon as there are problems , things you don't like ,you QUIT , that's such a sad mentality ... pathetic really , i bet your the types that have never held down a job for more than 2 years straight ....

If everyone quit their jobs because things were tough and never tried to make ANYTHING better , then every job everywhere would suck , there would be no minumum wage , no anti discmination laws etc etc ....

How do you define winning? Perpetual unhappiness?

Minimum wage is for folks who perpetually want the lowest paying job. Anti-discrimination laws deal with people who are perpetually bigoted. For those folks who have committed their lives to perpetually playing the victim and never being satisfied, then they should quit. That would improve the morale for the rest of those who can digest reality and who are committed to serving the people who pay their salaries without the alterior motive of sticking it to the man whenever possible.
The only fair thing to do is to integrate the seniority rosters 1 for 1 with the exception of AFA who had the foresite to make DOH a part of it's bylaws.

AFA, has and always will promote, defend, and honor DOH. US Air's AFA also granted seniority to previous AFA carriers to their original DOH.

DOH is not an just an east thorn in ones side, it is a problem encounterable by many carriers besides LCC. Don't allow your judgement of the east be shaded by the assumption DOH is just an east issue.

The basic ASSumption is that when you get hired, that is your starting date. Un-changable. Un-wavering. Un-calculated. No need to tell someone "Hey buddy, you no longer have the seniority to do what you have been doing your entire career","I'm gonna put someone off the street in your place instead". Yea... That's fair... Aint it...
What is the emoticon for standing ovation?!!! :up: :up: :up:
How do you define winning? Perpetual unhappiness?

Minimum wage is for folks who perpetually want the lowest paying job. Anti-discrimination laws deal with people who are perpetually bigoted. For those folks who have committed their lives to perpetually playing the victim and never being satisfied, then they should quit. That would improve the morale for the rest of those who can digest reality and who are committed to serving the people who pay their salaries without the alterior motive of sticking it to the man whenever possible.

I define winning as making the other side agree with my logic .

First of all , anti discrimnation laws deal with factors that are beyond an individuals control , such as race or gender .. The reason you can so carelessly disavow the importance of these laws is because they have been in place for awhile now and we don't normally see that type of behavior these days ...
i can assure you , that if you were indeed the victem of discimination on the job you would be quite pissed , as were many MANY americans long ago , that's why we enacted these laws , so good people don't have to quit their jobs because of a few bad apples. You can take this thought and relate it to my rebuttle of why people should not simply quit when the going gets tough .

Minimum wage is not always for people who want the lowest paying jobs , i'll take this moment to point out to you , that not every town is a large city , there are many small towns across the US were there are only minium wage paying jobs , because that's all there is ....
you can now take this point and relate it to my example of why it's good not to give up ... If there was no minium wage many people would be impoverished in small towns ..

You talked about commiment to serving the public , sadly there are very few people who actually think like that , in ANY field .. the ones who DO think like that are usually the WELL PAID ONES , and the reason they are commited to good serivce , is that they are in fact commited to keeping their jobs ...

As far as digesting reality goes , yes one should digest it , and then one should act on it , given the level of anger on this board , i would say that many people have digested the current reality and are now commited to changing it ... Logic previals , i know that i can't build a space shuttle in my backyard to travel to the moon , but i DO know that i can make a difference at my place of employment . THAT is the reason i am still there , do you honestly think anyone who hates this job would still be there IF there was ABSOLUTELY nothing they could do to change it ? of course not , they would all quit and leave because that would be the most logical thing to do .
AFA, has and always will promote, defend, and honor DOH. US Air's AFA also granted seniority to previous AFA carriers to their original DOH.

DOH is not an just an east thorn in ones side, it is a problem encounterable by many carriers besides LCC. Don't allow your judgement of the east be shaded by the assumption DOH is just an east issue.

The basic ASSumption is that when you get hired, that is your starting date. Un-changable. Un-wavering. Un-calculated. No need to tell someone "Hey buddy, you no longer have the seniority to do what you have been doing your entire career","I'm gonna put someone off the street in your place instead". Yea... That's fair... Aint it...

Safetystud, what I was saying is AFA is the only union on the property that has DOH in the bylaws, therefore I was not including them in my previous statement. I'm not saying they are wrong or right, merely pointing out why they were excluded from my previous post. If all unions had DOH in their bylaws as does AFA, we wouldnt be in the turmoil we are in now. Kudo's to AFA for having the foresight to have it included.

As for your stand on DOH, I agree IF you are talking one single company. We are not. It;s a merger, lists will merge. You seem to forget that we were on the brink of extinction. DOH does diddly in the unemployment line
Safetystud, what I was saying is AFA is the only union on the property that has DOH in the bylaws, therefore I was not including them in my previous statement. I'm not saying they are wrong or right, merely pointing out why they were excluded from my previous post. If all unions had DOH in their bylaws as does AFA, we wouldnt be in the turmoil we are in now. Kudo's to AFA for having the foresight to have it included.

As for your stand on DOH, I agree IF you are talking one single company. We are not. It;s a merger, lists will merge. You seem to forget that we were on the brink of extinction. DOH does diddly in the unemployment line

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