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A Moral Imperative

USFlyer, A320 Driver

The farming out the heavy maintenance probably is the most cost effective.
In terms of "quality" third party would not compare.
Third party maintenece "was" were alot of mechanics in the industry got there expierence prior to getting on with a major.

For example let's farm out the flying of all are A330's
Could we find a pilot to fly these routes for less pay than what are pilots are making. I bet we could put an add in the paper and pay some unemployed pilot half what our crews are flying for. Would he meet the FAA qualifications? "barely"
Would he have the expierence that our crews have, I doubt it!
The bottom line is the work is ours, just like the flying of the A330's
It my opion this managment staff would like to eliminate as many employees that they can, being they have so much difficulty in supervising.

I have worked with alot of smart folks in Maintenence, former Eastern, Brantif, Frontier, Pan-AM With many great ideas only to be herd by death ears.
I think you answered your own question of sorts. You have a pilots point of view...and you confer with other pilots on a piloting perspective....yet you are talking in a maintenance oriented thread...and telling us how wrong we are about speaking ill of mechanical and structural issues. Take a break Joystick !!

I wouldn't care if the Airbus was made in Washington D.C...and was only delivered on the 4th of July....it's not a robust Acft..and it will not last like it's Boeing counterpart..the issues are already showing up. It is a pilots dream. The negatives are just the structural facts...and the logistics nightmares that Capt. or FO Jones never begins to see , So to debate this with you is fighting with an un-armed oppostion , if you are being honest with yourself and the fellow board members? ..or is that a concern to you?.

I do not engage in Piloting threads...Cuz it isn't my thing.... see Maintenance and Logistics of our Aircraft isn't yours either...but it doesn't prevent you from telling us how wrong we are for feeling the way we do about inferrior construction ..and long term durability concerns.

Hell you are the lucky one in this..when the Buses Rag Out...you can be type rated in the next generation of acft that much sooner...because what you are in now , isn't going to deliver an alike service life as what we had before.

I'm thrilled that you are having the time of your life in this acft...that's a plus. But you do not have the exposure to the nuts and bolts issues...and certainly not the logistics issues that keep these things aloft.

My counterparts at UA , HP , NW , F9 and even B6 have the same complaints...and keep in mind that B6 has nothing historically to compare this too....as do the rest of us....even UPS and Fed Ex have thier issues...but few dancing partners other than AA's fleet of A300-600R's to draw from , when a cup of parts is needed.

I realize that Airbus has 1800 supporting Vendors...and I know the break down on the percentages of US Vs. Foriegn contributors...it's been that way to a degree for years. Even the DC-9's tail area was assembled in Canada..then railed to Long Beach Ca...so a prejudice toward Europeans is not very valid....un-less it's about how they continually fail us in aftermarket support....again Something an esteemed pilot has no line of sight of.
First, my apologies. I didn't know this thread was not for pilots. Second, I do know my way around the tool box. Helped maintain aircraft for 135, did my own maintenance on corporate aircraft under the supervision of an AI and worked my way through flight school repairing televisions and electronics. Over the last 28 years I've accumulated at least some knowledge regarding the inner workings of an airplane. My knowledge is not confined to the nose only and some very learned people of whom I have great respect, tell me that the A320 is a fine airplane. It's not a Boeing or a Douglas (thank God) and never will be, but in the opinion of many people with the smarts to know the difference, it's a great machine.

That's my responce to your responce. Now I'll go back to the pilot threads where you think I belong. <_<

A320 Driver

Tell you what, I'll serve you your coffee and you just drive the damn thing. Unless you have taken an airbus or any plane completely apart and put it all back together, I'll safely leave it to the expert mechanics we have on the property.

God has shown you kindness and by the grace of God, has allowed you to learn to fly planes and be an expert, in stead of making a living fixing them, and as a result, has been kind to us as well.

Do you take cream in that? Little humor here too..
ALPA caved on the pension issue. If the IAM wants to stand and fight for what they think is right, then I believe everybody (other airlines included) should stand side by side with them. Just my two cents.
Do you people realize there is nothing to prepare it is our work plain and simple and has been since 1949 and the langauge has not changed.

Let me say it would be the equvilant of Siegel saying Mesa pilots will fly all our mainline airplanes! What would ALPA and the pilots do?
Hey Bob,

From we on the inside...do not underestimate the members of the IAM here at U.

Forget UAL.

Our members are MUCH stronger, don't matter what union is repesenting them. "They are in control, here. In the truest meaning of that concept."

"ain't over...til it's over....I'll be seeing you on the other side" of this, my friend.

Next few months will be very interesting for Labor, Mangagement and the public.
We are with you bob...

Major ground swell is brewing.....It is in our midst.

This when mangement will pay the consequences for stupidy, ineptness, disregard, disrespect, and the demorilization of the human condition here at U. Their lack of earnest focus to save a great airline for longevity and for the sake of all emplolyees, on and off the property, they have just been had by all...Congress, state offiicials , employees, public scrutiny, airline bystanders, will watch what happens when "union busters" have been had and their MO is all figured out.

Can't have it all boys....didn't you mommy ever tell you that, otherwise it becomes "obscene".

Time to pay the piper to the business, and leave your reputation on the table on your way out.
Got 2 cents sez Dave dangles pension 'cooperation' in front of ALPA to hold still during the farmout.
So are you saying that since Delta does alot of mtc for World Airlines that Delta's mechanics are second rate? Delta does alot of contract mtc for many airlines and does it very well. Where is all the uproar form you ML types about all the outsourcing of pilot jobs to 3rd party pilots? Mesa, Scumtaqua and all the rest are 3rd party operations. The Wholly Boned airlines got reamed but I don't recall you guys bitchin about that. Maybe all the airlines are trending towards 3rd party mtc because its the mtc is just as good for 1/2 he price.

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