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How to handle the forum post-merger

Should the forums be combined?

  • Yes, merge everything now even though there are still two operating certificates

    Votes: 32 40.0%
  • No, keep the forums separate until the operating certificates are merged

    Votes: 48 60.0%

  • Total voters
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eolesen said:
Apparently WT can't see the humor in having 20 people poke fun at his bad habits...

Is that a Northwest Airlines bag cart in MSP?
Since the poll's results are somewhat inconclusive on what to do, I'd guess that the best thing to do is leave things as they are for now, but it is interesting to see how closely divided the results are on what to do later.
WorldTraveler said:
please don't try to make a living using your medical skills.
Don't worry -- I'm still gainfully employed *in* the industry...

The purpose of the poll was to see how people associated with AA and US wanted to handle the transition of the actual forum structure.

It's unfortunate someone had to make a joke about you, but now it's turned into a "WT gets to respond to each and every criticism" fest.

A reasonable person would have cut their losses by now and stopped responding to the negativity. Instead, you soldier on...

Let's be clear -- this poll had nothing to do with you, sir.

It's time for you to sit down and shut up. There are no facts you can bring to *this* conversation.
How about this?
Let's take our AA topics over to the Delta board...And flood WT's beloved DL with AA issues!
eolesen said:
Since the poll's results are somewhat inconclusive on what to do, I'd guess that the best thing to do is leave things as they are for now, but it is interesting to see how closely divided the results are on what to do later.
thanks for the respectful use of the word "sir" but did you really expect to come to a conclusion on how to handle the board? This board THRIVES on conflict and diversity. It has been the TWU supporters vs other unions, AA mgmt loyAAlists vs the rank and file.....

The only conclusion is that I have very effectively communicated what I believe to be true about the industry and people on here know my positions.

Anyone who wants to discuss issues on any forum is welcome to do so.

I personally am not sure why there is a need to divide topics by airline on here. Given that the vast majority of the participants of this forum are now AA or US employees or fans, the board might do well to consider eliminating all artificial attempts to compartmentalize topics. Many aviation chat forums have no such divisions.

The reason why the whole discussion is taking place is because this board doesn't want to admit that its audience is heavily concentrated in the hands of now one airline.

As for where you work, E, no you do not work IN the industry. You work in a support industry that supports the airline industry. Your company doesn't carry passengers or cargo. You do not work for an airline.

I love your little comment "it's time for you to sit down and shut up."
You've been trying to do that for years now.
eolesen said:
It's time for you to sit down and shut up. There are no facts you can bring to *this* conversation.
Your brain has never been able to accept the concept that the world is composed of diverse opinions and many of them will be different than yours.
Whether you accept it or not, it is the reality.

Others, including me, aren't about to sit down and shut up just because that is what you want to happen. Not on your life.

YOU need to learn that the acceptance of your ideas will be determined on their acceptance in the marketplace and the effectiveness with which you can communicate them. Not because you slam your hands on the table and demand that someone else go away so you can have the stage to yourself.

Not surprisingly, you aren't the only one on this forum that lives with that type of distorted thinking.
And you dont work in the industry, but yet you say you speak for all of Delta's employees and you now claimed that WN and US employees were upset about DL and profit sharing.
So which side of your mouth are you posting from today?
no, I do not say I speak for all DL employees or any others as groups.

that is yet one more of your distortions of the truth - is a problem with comprehension or is intentional?

it isn't the truth whatever the reason.
Funny go ask Kevin, SWAAMT and others who have quoted you and called you out on it numerous times.
You know my Mother told me something when she was alive "If you are gonna lie, you better have a good memory", and its apparent you dont have a good memory.
Ah yes, the curious use of the word "we" when referring to DL employees.

Who could forget such a curious attempt at "controlling" a conversation?
You keep using the word "ALL" which I have never used.

I do know what a number of DL employees think but I did not even say I speak for them. They spoke at the ballot box.

DL remains a largely non-union airline. Unions are still licking their wounds from the loss of members as a result of the merger.


Now it will be consolidation and layoffs at other carriers that will reduce union ranks.

DL employees are not going to fix the strategic failures of the labor movement.

So very sorry to hear that you have lost your mother, 700. And I do mean that.
So why did over 7,000 Delta Flight Attendants take the survey?
Why did the Delta FAs and Ramp start their own grassroots efforts to be represented?
700UW said:
So why did over 7,000 Delta Flight Attendants take the survey?
Why did the Delta FAs and Ramp start their own grassroots efforts to be represented?
yet they don't vote in a union.... DL employees don't mind sharing their opinion.

You fail when you translate their willingness to talk to mean they are interested in unions.

They have had the opportunity over and over to vote for unions and no major union has been seated for one of the largest groups outside at DL outside of ALPA. Those results are all that matters.
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