Ed Norton
Are we going to be provided with K-Y dispensers also?
Still haven't offered a viable name, eh? Please just name for me ONE person (you will of course need more) who can run your airline after the employees buy out 100% of it. Make sure it's someone who will give EVERY work group whatever they demand....after all, they are there to serve the "owners".wrx said:KC,
Since you think that you know everything, why dont you buy AA and run it? Then you can build up STL again, since you are from the redneck state of MO. I vote you to run AA, then I can laugh at you when you fail. You have failed at everything else, so I know you would fail at running AA!
No need to seek greener pastures. I fly low time and make money in another business.
Well I will tell you the obvious one. I guess you forgot this one. You actually were in American Airlines flight attendant training. You were in class 99-23 and got released due to not passing your exams. I call that a failure. I know who you're and you were in AA training. Now we all know why you hate AA so much.KCFlyer said:I'm curious because I'm not aware of any failures I've endured, so I'd like to be enlightened about the ones you know about.
Wow...here's my resume since 1985wrx said:Well I will tell you the obvious one. I guess you forgot this one. You actually were in American Airlines flight attendant training. You were in class 99-23 and got released due to not passing your exams. I call that a failure. I know who you're and you were in AA training. Now we all know why oyu hate AA so much.KCFlyer said:I'm curious because I'm not aware of any failures I've endured, so I'd like to be enlightened about the ones you know about.
I actually would like to see you take your big mouth and try to run AA. I would bet my house, car and my life savings that you can't do it.
You just showed everyone your resume. Now all AA f/a's will know that you were actually in class 99-23. You just proved that you were in it. I said I would like to see you KCFlyer run AA. I'm willing to bet my house, car and life savings on it that you will fail at it!KCFlyer said:Wow...here's my resume since 1985
Electronic Data Systems 1985-1987
International Paper Company 1987-1993
StorageTek 1993-1994
Sprint 1994-1997
Tri-Tech Consulting 1997-1999
Current Employer - 1999 - present
When exactly was AA class 99-23 held? Where was it held...I was in Kansas City since 1987. They don't hold training here, do they? You know, if you're shouting to the moderator about being "outed", you should at least be a little more sure about who you are trying to "out" before you "out" them. The last Airline I applied at was Braniff International - just out of high school. I'll chalk that little ditty up as a "failure" on your part, okay?
Still no names to head up AA? You've got 14 whole years of experience, you ought to be able to turn this ship 180 degrees.
YOu got a lot of techies as FA's on flights? There's no doubt that I'd fail trying to run AA. As long as I had to contend with "team members" like yourself, the airline is doomed to fail, regardless of who is running it. And the beauty of it is, I couldn't do squat to rid the airline of the cancers in the ranks, because they are protected by a "worthless" union, who despite their shortcomings, would protect your sorry ass.wrx said:You just showed everyone your resume. Now all AA f/a's will know that you were actually in class 99-23. You just proved that you were in it. I said I would like to see you KCFlyer run AA. I'm willing to bet my house, car and life savings on it that you will fail at it!KCFlyer said:Wow...here's my resume since 1985
Electronic Data Systems 1985-1987
International Paper Company 1987-1993
StorageTek 1993-1994
Sprint 1994-1997
Tri-Tech Consulting 1997-1999
Current Employer - 1999 - present
When exactly was AA class 99-23 held? Where was it held...I was in Kansas City since 1987. They don't hold training here, do they? You know, if you're shouting to the moderator about being "outed", you should at least be a little more sure about who you are trying to "out" before you "out" them. The last Airline I applied at was Braniff International - just out of high school. I'll chalk that little ditty up as a "failure" on your part, okay?
Still no names to head up AA? You've got 14 whole years of experience, you ought to be able to turn this ship 180 degrees.
Suprise suprise! A TWU official praising managements efforts!Checking it Out said:Lets see, everyone complains that we can do it better than management. Anyone heard this before?
Sounds like Arpy is giving you and US an oppurtunity to show we can run AA better!! In order to survive and not go by the way of Panam than we need to think outside the bubble.
Hate to say the low cost-low budget airlines are knocking at the door and if we do not change the door will open and AA will drop out of site like so many in the past!!
We have no choice but to change, we have to step up to the plate and help chart the course, if we do! Than we will get back what so many of us gave up. The Majority of us voted to help save AA, are we only going half way up the stairs just to give up or are we going to finish climbing the stairs?
The choice is ours to take!!!!
I devote plenty. I fly low time and have great employees, no need to work a ton of hours. Why dont you ask all the other f/a's and pilots who have a business on the side the same question? At least I treat my employees with respect and dignity, unlike AA.AAviator said:wrx, why not devote all of your time to your business?
CR Smith returning from the great beyond wouldn't make wrx happy ,it's a lost cause.AAviator said:wrx, why not devote all of your time to your business?