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This, For The If-you-don't-like-it, Leave Guys

Well than bright-eyes......

SINCE LABOR DOESN'T RUN USAIRWAYS AND HAS NO INFLUENCE OVER BUSINESS ....When LABOR votes NO, as a majority than we shouldn't be hearing a PEEP out of you, now should we, when management DECIDES to shut the doors because of non-compliance to their BOD voted-business-plan.
Proving once again that you don't read what I write. I said
mweiss said:
None of the unions run US Airways
which is very different from saying
PITbull said:
Plenty of factors have influence over business and, specifically, US Airways. That doesn't mean they run the business.

Honestly, it's hard to have any sort of debate with you when you don't even read before you spout off.

You are just too busy trying to convince others that you must be right. It is difficult to debate anything with someone who refuses to acknowledge points anyone else makes that has any validity.

That is why you continue to berate others "line by line"...to prove what? That you can "link" us to a dictionary word? OK...I was right. The constitution? OK. I was right again! What kinda debate is that?????

You can't debate your way out of a paper bag.... 😛
mweiss said:
Honestly, it's hard to have any sort of debate with you when you don't even read before you spout off.
Then why do you even bother?

It's kinda sad watching you take on PITbull. The intellects are so mismatched. It's like watching George Bush trying to answer an unscripted question at a press conference. Makes one kinda cringe and change the channel.
In the end, the employees are the losers. It does not matter if the vote is yes or no. One way or another, jobs will be lost, salaries will be severly cut, benefits and pensions ransacked.

Yes, I believe that we all have the right to vote the way we please without being bombarded with propaganda or thinly veiled threats.

So, if and when we have the oppoturnity to vote, Union by Union on what we want, feel or need, as long as an individual votes based on their own mindset, The end vote and the result will not be wrong and cannot be wrong.