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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS

EastUS1 said:
OK. Let's even assume (for a moronic moment) that somehow, as if by magic NO terrorists would be included: I can sure-as-hell guarantee that NOT accepting a group of proven, utterly worthless COWARDS, who refused to even fight for their very own country, rather than run away, would harm the USA in the slightest.
I'm all ears here as for any logical "reasons" to allow this disgusting bunch into America?...Well? They won't even fight for their OWN country. Explain to me just what actual use they'd EVER be in ours?
You have not the slightest idea what these folks are going through and you are calling them worthless cowards.  How utterly pathetic your life must be that you feel you can pass judgment on others. 
All the immigrants who can to this country could be accused of the same thing.  They all came to this country for a better future than the one that they faced in their own country which according to you, were unwilling to fight for.

12 people?

How about you pull up the data for 12 actual american citizens over the same time frame who did actual harm to actual citizens?
Glenn Quagmire said:
12 people?
How about you pull up the data for 12 actual american citizens over the same time frame who did actual harm to actual citizens?
Still blows the liberal narrative to bits.

Remember the one that zero refugees have been arrested committeting acts of terrorism?

What now buttercup?
Ifly2 said:
The downside of a blanket refusal to accept any?

Recruiting tool for IS, plays right into their "narrative".
So what? What you suggest there, however unknowignly, is surrender and FEAR. Just give 'em all a nurturing "group hug" and all will be well? Is it even possible that any creature able to so much as walk upright could ever even imagine that to be true? Hint: They want us enslaved to their 8th century murderous death cult or dead, and any actually SANE and even half-azzed semblance of a "man" quiter reasonably wants them dead instead. Excuse me if I've not the slightest interest in EVER kissing the enemy's arse, as liberals seem unable to ever miss ANY chance to do.
You pathetically clueless little liberal fools just don't get this whole thing at all. It's a matter of western societal and even our national survival...Period.
i msut assume your wholesale ignorance stems from a hopless lack of education in both history and human nature....and that's being extremely kind on my part.
Dog Wonder said:
Give hate, get hate.
Why don't you go to Syria and give ISIS a big fat liberal hug and a kiss..

Don't forget to apologize for the "climate change" that's responsible for making them want to behead people by the thousands.

Let us know how that works out for you.

EastUS1 said:
So what? What you suggest there, however unknowignly, is surrender and FEAR. Just give 'em all a nurturing "group hug" and all will be well? Is it even possible that any creature able to so much as walk upright could ever even imagine that to be true? Hint: They want us enslaved to their 8th century murderous death cult or dead, and any actually SANE and even half-azzed semblance of a "man" quiter reasonably wants them dead instead. Excuse me if I've not the slightest interest in EVER kissing the enemy's arse, as liberals seem unable to ever miss ANY chance to do.
You pathetically clueless little liberal fools just don't get this whole thing at all. It's a matter of western societal and even our national survival...Period.
i msut assume your wholesale ignorance stems from a hopless lack of education in both history and human nature....and that's being extremely kind on my part.

Completely wrong

I think we should and must fight them

The military part is relatively easy for us and our allies, if we would just get on with it.

The hard part comes after that. Capturinging the hearts and minds of the populace. They have to collectively make the change from their ways to a whole new way of thinking and living, and then and only then will groups like AQ and IS become irrelevant.

You can dismiss that idea as liberal poppycock, or whatever.

I'm not even a liberal, other than on social issues.

It is just time to fight these wars smarter, and that means learning to win the peace.

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