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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS

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I once asked, “What if Obama can’t lead?” The answer after Paris is painful.
In his mem­oir, Le­on Pan­etta ar­gued that for all of Barack Obama’s strengths, he is miss­ing an es­sen­tial in­gredi­ent of lead­er­ship. He lacks “fire,” wrote Obama’s former CIA dir­ect­or and Pentagon chief. “The pres­id­ent re­lies on the lo­gic of a law pro­fess­or rather than the pas­sion of a lead­er.”
Obama has proved Pan­etta right again and again dur­ing his pres­id­ency, but nev­er more dan­ger­ously so than with his shoulder-shrug ap­proach to IS­IS. Obama called it a “J.V. team” be­fore it star­ted be­head­ing Amer­ic­ans. He said it was “con­tained”be­fore it at­tacked Par­is. Now he’s call­ing it “a bunch of killers with good so­cial me­dia.
That’s how you de­scribe a street gang—a bunch of killers with good so­cial me­dia. The Is­lam­ic State is no street gang.
"In his mem­oir, Le­on Pan­etta ar­gued that for all of Barack Obama’s strengths, he is miss­ing an es­sen­tial in­gredi­ent of lead­er­ship. He lacks “fire,” wrote Obama’s former CIA dir­ect­or and Pentagon chief. “The pres­id­ent re­lies on the lo­gic of a law pro­fess­or rather than the pas­sion of a lead­er.”

That criticism I agree with.

Still infinitely better than boldly leading the country off in completly the wrong direction, and for the wrong reasons, while misleading the public about even those, a la W and his neoCon handlers.
Ifly2 said:
"In his mem­oir, Le­on Pan­etta ar­gued that for all of Barack Obama’s strengths, he is miss­ing an es­sen­tial in­gredi­ent of lead­er­ship. He lacks “fire,” wrote Obama’s former CIA dir­ect­or and Pentagon chief. “The pres­id­ent re­lies on the lo­gic of a law pro­fess­or rather than the pas­sion of a lead­er.”

That criticism I agree with.

Still infinitely better than boldly leading the country off in completly the wrong direction, and for the wrong reasons, while misleading the public about even those, a la W and his neoCon handlers.
How long you gonna let GWB live rent free in that tiny space between your ears?
Dog Wonder said:
Laughing out loud about Muslims supposedly cheering 9/11?
Kids will be kids. Even if he is a 39 +/- year old child who has found his Internet voice. He is a perfect keyboard warrior. I can hear mom calling him upstairs from the basement now for dinner.

It is quite sad.
townpete said:
How long you gonna let GWB live rent free in that tiny space between your ears?

It's history
An interest
I will keep reminding people just how big a failure the W admin was for exactly as long as they need to be reminded

Nice hour long special on the telly about ISIS right now

Very clear explanation of just how ISiS got it's start at Camp Bucca, including a thorough examination of how we provided a safe haven for the future leaders of IS to get together create the idea, how they deliberately capitalized on the vacuum we created and especially how IS provided a new mission and employment for the basically intact army - including weapons large and small - that we disbanded.

Real nice bit about how FOX etal play right into IS' hands with their tough guy anti-Obama rhetoric and how IS uses the supposed patriots' words as recruitment tools and against US interests.
Thnk this bit of history might have "inspired" a few radicals or extremists

"The events in Srebrenica in 1995 included the killing of more than 8,000 Bosniak ("Bosnian Muslim") men and boys, as well as the mass expulsion of another 25,000–30,000 Bosniak civilians, in and around the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, committed by units of the Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of General Ratko Mladić.[12][13]

The ethnic cleansing campaign that took place throughout areas controlled by the Bosnian Serbs (_____majority Orthodox_____) through the VRS targeted Bosniaks (majority Muslim) and Bosnian Croats (_____majority Catholic_____). The ethnic cleansing campaign included unlawful confinement, murder, rape, sexual assault, torture, beating, robbery and inhumane treatment of civilians; the targeting of political leaders, intellectuals and professionals; the unlawful deportation and transfer of civilians; the unlawful shelling of civilians; the unlawful appropriation and plunder of real and personal property; the destruction of homes and businesses; and the destruction of places of worship.[14]"
Glenn Quagmire said:
Kids will be kids. Even if he is a 39 +/- year old child who has found his Internet voice. He is a perfect keyboard warrior. I can hear mom calling him upstairs from the basement now for dinner.

It is quite sad.
Dude, you thought I was TownPete.......you just outed yourself as his brother.
Ifly2 said:
I can guarantee a few hundred Americans will die either way

Can you guarantee that not accepting refugees will prevent that?
OK. Let's even assume (for a moronic moment) that somehow, as if by magic NO terrorists would be included: I can sure-as-hell guarantee that NOT accepting a group of proven, utterly worthless COWARDS, who refused to even fight for their very own country, rather than run away, would harm the USA in the slightest.
I'm all ears here as for any logical "reasons" to allow this disgusting bunch into America?...Well? They won't even fight for their OWN country. Explain to me just what actual use they'd EVER be in ours?

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