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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS


Former DIA Director Gen Flynn Says Obama Created ISIS, Supposedly To Overthrow Syrian Government

Retired Army Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, the former director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency is accusing the Obama regime of lying about the rise of ISIS and the assertion that they were somehow caught off guard. He says that far from being surprised by ISIS, the Obama regime allowed them to form in a deliberate act intended to unite Sunni Muslims against the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria.
According to a report in WND, the circumstances surrounding the rise of ISIS are similar to those claimed by Iran and other Arab nations, which state that it was the United States government that created ISIS. They sponsored, which means at a minimum organized and funded and most probably trained as well, radical jihadists who later became the Jabhad al-Nusra and ISIS, supposedly as forces to be used in fighting the Syrian government.
Flynn also verified the authenticity of a 2012 DIA document that was recently obtained by Judicial Watch through a FOIA request which had previously been classified with no foreign access but was now declassified in a heavily redacted form. WND quoted that text as stating, “This is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”

Ifly2 said:
The military part is relatively easy for us ....
Uh..."us"..Riiight...Are you planning on personally attending?...Especially so you can show everyone just how "easy" it is to be in total fear for your own life and yet successfully kill? When's the last time you were ever under enemy fire kid? And people wonder why liberals just plain disgust me. I especially love the "relatively easy" part....Words sometimes, just fail me.
That as America; we could currently accomplish pretty much whatever our people want is correct. To EVER suggest that ANY aspect of war would/even could be "easy" takes a wholly ignorant/liberal excuse for an..umm.."mind".
"easy for us" my ass. It's very clear that you've never been shot at kid.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Give him a break, he's been up all night challenging kids to dogfights.
Both of you poor kids always evidence a very sad need for attention of any kind. No worries. Go pick up your "trophies just for participating" at the nearest exit. 😉

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