How Doug Parker Really Feels about you.

Correct me if I'm wrong......Didn't the AA unions want DP to buy AA just to rid themselves of the prior management team? I recall all the union leaders falling at DPs feet begging him to be their savior.
Lesson learned ...... Be careful of what you wish for. You asked for him and got what you wanted DP as your CEO.
Union "leadership" wanted the merger. The membership, as usual, was not consulted.
As a member, I will admit that "if" we would have been consulted, I would have been in favor of it.
The merger may have been a no-brainer, but that doesn't mean it won't be a no-painer.

There's always a cost for getting your pound of flesh.
eolesen said:
The merger may have been a no-brainer, but that doesn't mean it won't be a no-painer.

There's always a cost for getting your pound of flesh.
Yes pain indeed. 
NYer said:
The merger was a no-brainer.
 Are you saying that the people sitting their representing the creditors were oblivious to the benefits of reduced competition and lower costs that a merger would produce? 
Bob Owens said:
To get out of the rut we were in. Would have been the same old song and dance if Horton would have stayed in control in my opinion..
Now, why not?
I would think that had there been no merge and all unions would have gone public with a no confidence stand against Horton, the board might have replaced him.  Instead we have America West running the show.  Parker and his minions do not know how to run a big airline.  You can see evidence of that right now.  No I was not in favor of a merge but Little didn't ask us.  I am also not in favor of the alliance.  Funny how the TWU does things the members don't want them to doesn't it?
The board might have replaced him, but with the drop in the price of oil and lower labor costs, it's pretty clear that Horton and Cornerstone would have produced fairly decent financial results, and labor being pissed off isn't going to motivate a board into kicking out a CEO on the promises of Hope and Change...

The whole justification for the merger seems to have built around labor peace in exchange for Horton's head.

How long did that peace last -- two months? Two days? Did it even exist beyond the announcement that Horton was leaving?
eolesen said:
The board might have replaced him, but with the drop in the price of oil and lower labor costs, it's pretty clear that Horton and Cornerstone would have produced fairly decent financial results, and labor being pissed off isn't going to motivate a board into kicking out a CEO on the promises of Hope and Change...

The whole justification for the merger seems to have built around labor peace in exchange for Horton's head.

How long did that peace last -- two months? Two days? Did it even exist beyond the announcement that Horton was leaving?
Honeymoons are always too short.
True, but if the fourth wife in ten years wasn't the solution to everlasting happiness, why did you even bother getting the divorce from the third one?...
eolesen said:
True, but if the fourth wife in ten years wasn't the solution to everlasting happiness, why did you even bother getting the divorce from the third one?...
If Whoreton was the third wife then she was giving it up to everyone but me.  The fourth wife was an arranged marriage that I didn't want.
eolesen said:
True, but if the fourth wife in ten years wasn't the solution to everlasting happiness, why did you even bother getting the divorce from the third one?...
I don't know...People crave change when they keep getting screwed over and over again. I don't think any of us will be be happy unless Herb Kelleher himself is brought on board.
I can't wait until the TWU or TWU/IAM, or IAM OR WHOEVER gets to negotiate. Some are going gaga over the 4% and prospect of getting industry leading pay. But the rude awakening will certainly be an eye opener when SOC is in effect. I do not recall any past airline merger NOT being painful. If anyone thinks there will NOT be "adjustments, re-allotments, moves, changes, cuts in any way shape or form, or whatever one wants to call it,,,I think they are going to be disappointed.
MetalMover said:
I don't know...People crave change when they keep getting screwed over and over again. I don't think any of us will be be happy unless Herb Kelleher himself is brought on board.
I can't wait until the TWU or TWU/IAM, or IAM OR WHOEVER gets to negotiate. Some are going gaga over the 4% and prospect of getting industry leading pay. But the rude awakening will certainly be an eye opener when SOC is in effect. I do not recall any past airline merger NOT being painful. If anyone thinks there will NOT be "adjustments, re-allotments, moves, changes, cuts in any way shape or form, or whatever one wants to call it,,,I think they are going to be disappointed.
These "Adjustments" were part of the reason I was against the merge.  

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