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How Doug Parker Really Feels about you.


We understand your hatred of Doug Parker and all who came before him. You will never have the CEO you want will you?

How many posts did you need overnight to get this out of your system...10 or so?

Here you go: http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/personal/02/16/tf.anger.management/index.html?eref=ib_us

I happen to agree with his statement that it is not the way to base an airline employee's pay. I think profit sharing should be used as a bonus type pay, not an integral part of the compensation package.
AA people need to realize that DP went for AA only after a failed attempt at DL.
AA was Parkers #2 choice. Can you believe that?
because a big part of the DL takeover strategy was to decimate the DL workforce and the part of the combined route system.

wasn't hard to see the opening he provided not only for DL employees to rally behind their leaders but also for Dl to ensure the government put a nail on Dougie's plans.


DP has proven that he is 180' opposite from the DL CEO who seems to take great delight in DP's blunders and isn't shy about pointning these blunders out.
internal strife is far more damaging that anything a competitor can say or do.
well he might not be the most perfect speaker - should we take every statement an employees make about management out of context as well - he is right if you want to risk your pay on fuel prices - what the government does to the economy, etc - then push for profit sharing - the folks from DL that are riding high on profit sharing checks at the moment will long forget it when the industry which is very cyclical is in the trash can and no profit check is coming
Remember profit sharing is no sure thing that money will come - you take the ups with the downs - which is OK if you can remember that
whether you believe in profit sharing or not never excuses a CEO from saying ANY employee has no influence on profits in a profit oriented company.

whether it is sure or not, DL people are expected to get 15% OF their pay in profit sharing for 2014... that's about 7 weeks of extra pay... apparently DL thinks highly of its employees' ability to influence profits - and WN has long believed the same thing.

as E says "This is the airline you wanted".... only to add.. this is the leader you wanted.
jcw said:
well he might not be the most perfect speaker - should we take every statement an employees make about management out of context as well - he is right if you want to risk your pay on fuel prices - what the government does to the economy, etc - then push for profit sharing - the folks from DL that are riding high on profit sharing checks at the moment will long forget it when the industry which is very cyclical is in the trash can and no profit check is coming
Remember profit sharing is no sure thing that money will come - you take the ups with the downs - which is OK if you can remember that
Not that I am defending his statement, but he did clarify his remarks. No matter how you feel about him or anyone else, taking statements out of context or only quoting that one questionable remark without the entire piece is not being fair to anyone, no matter who they are. The media and their reporters and even politicians do the same exact thing and is not always accurate.
I seem to remember all the jabs at management when US, AA, etc. were losing money hand over fist, and almost everyone was saying "it's management's fault" and "management is incompetent".  So ... what I'm reading is when the company is making profits, it's the result of everyone's contributions ... but when the company is seeing losses, it's only management's fault.  That's a heads I win, tails you lose scenario, which doesn't make sense.
I'm not saying I agree with Parker having made the statement, but a few of us need to reconcile what we're saying in response to what had been said for many years prior.
Not really E.
I believe deep down he is a nice guy who tried do do what he though was best but failed.
He had a serious lack of leadership that may have been from poor communication skills. Plenty a things to blame post 9/11. Were AMR's hands tied due to short sighted large institutional shareholders not willing to take risks to their monthly debt payments? I surely don't know and am not interested in a discussion. I may put a #2 pencil through my eyeball reading Delta Boy's inevitable bloviation on the subject.
The business world obviously scooped up the former titans of AMR senior leadership enabling them to run bigger and better businesses where their hands aren't tied by union interference. (sarcasm alert) 😉
Well ! Well ! Well ! Will the real DP please stand up ? WELCOME ! AAL Brothers /Sisters to reality and OUR pain . The Tempe Brat Pack is showing their true colors . Happy Holidays. Fasten your seat belts. 2015 is going to be a bumpy ride .
He had a serious lack of leadership that may have been from poor communication skills. Plenty a things to blame post 9/11. Were AMR's hands tied due to short sighted large institutional shareholders not willing to take risks to their monthly debt payments? I surely don't know and am not interested in a discussion. I may put a #2 pencil through my eyeball reading Delta Boy's inevitable bloviation on the subject.
since you asked, I will only add that he majorly miscalculated some significant issues in the industry starting with the belief that other carriers would die so AA didn't need to lay off as many people in 2003 and then failing to move aggressively enough to turn AA around, arguing that he was protecting shareholder interests.

that all sounds great but when a company is inevitably going to end up in BK, the long-term interests of the company are better served by cutting and filing for BK rather than pretend you can recover and end up losing market share in many markets that can never be recovered - on top of ending up being last in line in terms of restructuring which carries significant disadvantages in merging/restructuring last that will become increasingly apparent in the coming years.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
AA people need to realize that DP went for AA only after a failed attempt at DL.
AA was Parkers #2 choice. Can you believe that?
It wasn't going well and got worse when DP got a DUI which DL famously took advatage of.
DP has proven that he is 180' opposite from the DL CEO who seems to take great delight in DP's blunders and isn't shy about pointning these blunders out.
Don't care about the DWI, but I think DP has to go and all the Unions on the property should demand it. His stance on locking us into concessionary deals and out of profit sharing is probably driven by a desire to outdo Delta. In other words his personal ego. His way of saying "Yes I have a drinking problem and some had their fun with that but I can still deliver to the shareholders better than that pompus stuffed shirt Anderson, I locked in lower labor costs without sharing any of the profits with the employees and I did that with Unions on the property."
He is so driven by a desire to maximize ROI that he is destroying the place. Bethune said "You can make PIZZA so cheap nobody will buy it".  He is being so cheap with the employees and morale is so low he doesn't see that its costing him more in cancellations and delays than he is saving. Where was he in the Summer of 2000? Did he miss what happened at UAL, and other carriers? 
The sooner the Unions go after Parker the better, we should do this before the Arbitration.  Sadly whats most likely to happen is everyone will just sit back and see what happens to the APFA. 
+ 10 BO. De-regulation,Bankruptcy,RLA, WS, and Apathetic Union Workers are DP Tools of his Profession . 

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