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How Doug Parker Really Feels about you.

OldGuy@AA said:
These "Adjustments" were part of the reason I was against the merge.  
Yes and the former aa management's 5 cornerstone plan was going to be an act of sheer brilliance. That's why every annalist, creditor, banks and Wall Street hated it.

As an example of Wall Street concerns, analyst Daniel McKenzie of Rodman & Renshaw wrote Tuesday: “Looking ahead, AMR’s plan to grow 20% over five years is toxic to industry pricing, which makes it bad for AMR & the industry in our view.”

WeAAsles said:
Yes and the former aa management's 5 cornerstone plan was going to be an act of sheer brilliance. That's why every annalist, creditor, banks and Wall Street hated it.

As an example of Wall Street concerns, analyst Daniel McKenzie of Rodman & Renshaw wrote Tuesday: “Looking ahead, AMR’s plan to grow 20% over five years is toxic to industry pricing, which makes it bad for AMR & the industry in our view.”

now you're gonna speak for creditors and wall st?
They WANTED THE MOST FOR THEIR BK DOLLAR.....You rthink they care about employees welfare in bk? these same creditors and wall st bankers would choose to liquidate a company if they had the final say.
MetalMover said:
now you're gonna speak for creditors and wall st?
They WANTED THE MOST FOR THEIR BK DOLLAR.....You rthink they care about employees welfare in bk? these same creditors and wall st bankers would choose to liquidate a company if they had the final say.
I invested and bought a ton of USAIR stock at $18.50 before the merger. I've almost TRIPLED my value in a year and a half.

How you doing there?
Parker would get rid of everyone if he could , his management crew loves to outsource work , watch out CLP and Operation agents.
WeAAsles said:
I invested and bought a ton of USAIR stock at $18.50 before the merger. I've almost TRIPLED my value in a year and a half.

How you doing there?
Did you have a say in BK? Did they listen to you with your couple or few hundred shares of stock?







[SIZE=x-small]Doug Parker, CEO[/SIZE]






[SIZE=x-small]Scott Kirby, President[/SIZE]






[SIZE=x-small]Derek Kerr, CFO[/SIZE]






[SIZE=x-small]Stephen Johnson, EVP[/SIZE]






[SIZE=x-small]Robert Isom, COO[/SIZE]






[SIZE=x-small]Elise Eberwein, EVP[/SIZE]











MetalMover said:
Did you have a say in BK? Did they listen to you with your couple or few hundred shares of stock?
Nope and neither did you. So what are you or have you done about trying to get the laws that screw workers in bankruptcy here in America changed? We knew that it might be coming for years. Saw 2 pieces of legislation in the last 10 years that were designed to help workers in BK. You know what happened to them? "Died in committee"

Was pretty positive though from reading that the merger was going to be a success before the ink was even put on the paper.

So far I have MORE than made up for my first years losses from my own personal investment and plan to keep letting it ride. So what Parker feels about me I could personally care less. All I care about is that he keeps making this airline profitable so I can capitalize on it in more ways than one.
WeAAsles said:
Nope and neither did you. So what are you or have you done about trying to get the laws that screw workers in bankruptcy here in America changed? We knew that it might be coming for years. Saw 2 pieces of legislation in the last 10 years that were designed to help workers in BK. You know what happened to them? "Died in committee"

Was pretty positive though from reading that the merger was going to be a success before the ink was even put on the paper.

So far I have MORE than made up for my first years losses from my own personal investment and plan to keep letting it ride. So what Parker feels about me I could personally care less. All I care about is that he keeps making this airline profitable so I can capitalize on it in more ways than one.
That's good for you..but unless you bought shares by the thousands or were given thousands upon thousands  at the initial $22.50 a share,  i would't be able to quit tomorrow and retire on the earnings. Now if you bought shares pre BK,,,even better for you. Personally, I never cared for stock or profit sharing as form of compensation.The execs and upper management can have it all. We get a pittance in share amount compared to them anyway  I'll take the hard cash any day. Because, should the economy tank or some other event which impacts the airline industry occur, i won't have to watch my holdings nose dive.
MetalMover said:
That's good for you..but unless you bought shares by the thousands or were given thousands upon thousands  at the initial $22.50 a share,  i would't be able to quit tomorrow and retire on the earnings. Now if you bought shares pre BK,,,even better for you. Personally, I never cared for stock or profit sharing as form of compensation.The execs and upper management can have it all. We get a pittance in share amount compared to them anyway  I'll take the hard cash any day. Because, should the economy tank or some other event which impacts the airline industry occur, i won't have to watch my holdings nose dive.
I did buy my first batch pre merger not pre BK at .42 unfortunately. I bought US at $18.50 the day before the DOJ annoced they wanted to scuttle the merger. Watched it drop $7.00 that day. Pissed as hell but I took a breath and held on.

Like I've said before, I could care less what they get. I didn't go to the Wharton school of business. Just give me a decent, fair compensation package and I'm cool. That amount we see is 7% above Delta's TOP rate that they're offering.

I can't retire yet either on my AAL holdings, but they are making me a lot more comfortable. On top of that I have 20% going into my 401k and when we get the raises I'll put it in at 25% for the last 12 years I hopefully have left at AA. They can keep the PS IMO. I'll find other ways to get my profit out of AA or the other companies I'm investing in.

Check this one out though Metal.

"The stock is trading at a huge forward-valuation discount to the overall market, with a forward price/earnings ratio of 6, well below the overall market’s P/E ratio of 17 and the average P/E ratio for its big competitors of 10, the research company wrote in a report published Friday."
American should be trading with a forward P/E ratio of 10, which would represent a 50% stock-price gain that doesn't even include the company’s growth potential, it said.

“So rarely is there a momentum stock that is also this undervalued; investors should take advantage of this,” said the report.

WeAAsles said:
I did buy my first batch pre merger not pre BK at .42 unfortunately. I bought US at $18.50 the day before the DOJ annoced they wanted to scuttle the merger. Watched it drop $7.00 that day. Pissed as hell but I took a breath and held on.

Like I've said before, I could care less what they get. I didn't go to the Wharton school of business. Just give me a decent, fair compensation package and I'm cool. That amount we see is 7% above Delta's TOP rate that they're offering.

I can't retire yet either on my AAL holdings, but they are making me a lot more comfortable. On top of that I have 20% going into my 401k and when we get the raises I'll put it in at 25% for the last 12 years I hopefully have left at AA. They can keep the PS IMO. I'll find other ways to get my profit out of AA or the other companies I'm investing in.

Check this one out though Metal.

"The stock is trading at a huge forward-valuation discount to the overall market, with a forward price/earnings ratio of 6, well below the overall market’s P/E ratio of 17 and the average P/E ratio for its big competitors of 10, the research company wrote in a report published Friday."
American should be trading with a forward P/E ratio of 10, which would represent a 50% stock-price gain that doesn't even include the company’s growth potential, it said.

“So rarely is there a momentum stock that is also this undervalued; investors should take advantage of this,” said the report.

No one can argue the stock's performance...But remember, we only got a few hundred shares, the big boys at the top got tens of thousands. Big difference when that stock moves up a dollar. Also, the stock is moving even further thanks to DP's stance AGAINST profit sharing...
MetalMover said:
No one can argue the stock's performance...But remember, we only got a few hundred shares, the big boys at the top got tens of thousands. Big difference when that stock moves up a dollar. Also, the stock is moving even further thanks to DP's stance AGAINST profit sharing...
Yes that is PART of the reason. Many multiples involved in it's upward motion. Yea we got a few hundred but I dropped my entire prefunding return into the stock plus some savings. And I've also moved capital around and bought more.

I don't want to look backwards to the past anymore, I want to look forward. (With lessons learned from the past though)
WeAAsles said:
Yes that is PART of the reason. Many multiples involved in it's upward motion. Yea we got a few hundred but I dropped my entire prefunding return into the stock plus some savings. And I've also moved capital around and bought more.

I don't want to look backwards to the past anymore, I want to look forward. (With lessons learned from the past though)
So in other words you are OK with no profit sharing because it helps boost up the price of the shares you own. 
Bob Owens said:
So in other words you are OK with no profit sharing because it helps boost up the price of the shares you own. 
NO. I'm OK with no profit sharing because I don't want to play Vegas with my income. PS only allows me to catch up on Credit card debt at the end of the year whereas direct wages keep me ahead of that curve.

Yes Bob I do believe that the company is going to "probably" pull down profits like we've NEVER seen in our careers before but I also know that the combined company still has 17 Billion in debt, UAL has 12, Delta 11 and SWA 3. I DO want the company to pay down some of that debt since I still have 12 years to go IMO.

And no I don't want them to pay down that debt off of my back so I'm ok with that 7% above the TOP Delta rate. AA is the foundation of my house. It pays my bills by the work I perform for it. I want that foundation rock solid so I never have to go through what we all went through for at least the last 14 years EVER again.

Can you understand that or do you consider that anti union?   
WeAAsles said:
NO. I'm OK with no profit sharing because I don't want to play Vegas with my income. PS only allows me to catch up on Credit card debt at the end of the year whereas direct wages keep me ahead of that curve.

Yes Bob I do believe that the company is going to "probably" pull down profits like we've NEVER seen in our careers before but I also know that the combined company still has 17 Billion in debt, UAL has 12, Delta 11 and SWA 3. I DO want the company to pay down some of that debt since I still have 12 years to go IMO.

And no I don't want them to pay down that debt off of my back so I'm ok with that 7% above the TOP Delta rate. AA is the foundation of my house. It pays my bills by the work I perform for it. I want that foundation rock solid so I never have to go through what we all went through for at least the last 14 years EVER again.

Can you understand that or do you consider that anti union?   
Why are you worried about AA's debt? It means nothing. Its a big figure in a bigger company that the company and suck asses in the Union who are company apologists throw out there to try and frighten the workers. $17 billion in debt and they are bringing in close $50 billion/yr in revenues.
Thats nothing.
AA survived having $22billion in debt with only $20 billion/yr in revenue, not only survived but paid off half of it before they filed BK. Think about it.
What is that $17 billion in debt made up of? Something that needs to be paid back now, or over the next ten to twenty years? 
AA is immortal, they are not like us where we need to eliminate debt and build up assets to carry us through either illnesses or retirement when we no longer produce. AA will always have debt because thats how the banks extract their share of the profits ahead of everything and everyone else. There is no retirement for corporations, they either produce or die, and you are unwittingly helping them apply that same rule to human beings. You are doing this by buying into a false line of reasoning that the company and their allies want you to believe because it gets you to act against your own true self interests and put more of your money into their pockets. 
When you bought your first house how much debt did you have compared to your "revenues"? For most their mortgage(debt) was double their annual revenues (income), so in other words that would be the equivalent of AA having $100 billion in debt, most of us survive and eventually clear that debt and you are worried about AA having Debt thats less than a third of their revenue? Sure how that debt is structured can make a difference but $17 billion thats paid off over many years isn't likely to be much of a load for a $50 billion a year company. Imagine if on a $50,000 a year job you only had to carry a 15 year mortgage of $17,000 even at a whopping 20% interest rate, it would only cost you less than $300/month. 
The only debt I want them to pay down is our pensions. 
Your Labor is your foundation, if you are relying on AA or any one company you do not control to be your foundation then you are living with the illusion of having a foundation, where one day, when its too late you will realize that. 
7% above Delta is 7% above a Bankruptcy set rate in a non-union company, a rate thats at least 30% in real terms below what we used to get. 
I dont consider your beliefs as stated to be anti-union, I consider them to be naive. 
Bob Owens said:
Why are you worried about AA's debt? It means nothing. Its a big figure in a bigger company that the company and suck asses in the Union who are company apologists throw out there to try and frighten the workers. $17 billion in debt and they are bringing in close $50 billion/yr in revenues.
Thats nothing.
AA survived having $22billion in debt with only $20 billion/yr in revenue, not only survived but paid off half of it before they filed BK. Think about it.
What is that $17 billion in debt made up of? Something that needs to be paid back now, or over the next ten to twenty years? 
AA is immortal, they are not like us where we need to eliminate debt and build up assets to carry us through either illnesses or retirement when we no longer produce. AA will always have debt because thats how the banks extract their share of the profits ahead of everything and everyone else. There is no retirement for corporations, they either produce or die, and you are unwittingly helping them apply that same rule to human beings. 
When you bought your first house how much debt did you have compared to your "revenues"? For most their mortgage(debt) was double their annual revenues (income), so in other words that would be the equivalent of AA having $100 billion in debt, most of us survive and eventually clear that debt and you are worried about AA having Debt thats less than a third of their revenue? Sure how that debt is structured can make a difference but $17 billion thats paid off over many years isn't likely to be much of a load for a $50 billion a year company. Imagine if on a $50,000 a year job you only had to carry a 15 year mortgage of $17,000 even at a whopping 20% interest rate, it would only cost you less than $300/month. 
The only debt I want them to pay down is our pensions. 
Your Labor is your foundation, if you are relying on AA or any one company you do not control to be your foundation then you are living with the illusion of having a foundation, where one day, when its too late you will realize that. 
7% above Delta is 7% above a Bankruptcy set rate in a non-union company, a rate thats at least 30% in real terms below what we used to get. 
I dont consider your beliefs as stated to be anti-union, I consider them to be naive. 
Bob we ARE NOT going to be in Section 6 and the APFA does not have PS and there is a very good chance that the APA won't have it either?

So you tell me? What is YOUR plan to get us back to where we belong in real wages and also be a part of the company PS plan? I have to assume that your plan will include the support of the entire 100% participation of the membership nationwide?

Do you have the support of those members outside of the Tri State area of NYC? Naive would be not knowing your members and how they think. And your members do not all live in NYC Bob.

Having spent 12 years in DFW I think I just might have a leg up on you there in knowing how these people think Bob.

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