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Shame on you Doug

It's a "bit" amusing to hear you folks talk about Parker, and Meeting the employees.(or NOT)

TRUST me, you KNEW you were "paid a visit" in your local station, or in a large public gathering, when you encountered, my ol' boss....the ONE and ONLY.........(Uncle BOBBY)...Robert(BOB) CRANDALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

That S O B , would be putting the employees "feet to the fire", ANY Time, any place, ...AND if the troops had a legit problem, that he was'nt aware of, AND that he agreed with you, well responsible supervisors/MANAGERS were "sent Packing" in a NY Minute !!!

1. He was a SON of a B-TCH !!
2. He was "OUR" SOB !!!
3. There will NEVER be another one like (uncle) BOBBY !!

Speaking of Doug, where is the Q&A that was suppose to be here months ago?
Stop whining. He gave you 50 bucks for simply doing your job this weekend. Who cares if he says HI. 🙄

Who's whining? Just stating the facts. I don't care about Doug and his "earning your trust" BS. I knew it was a ruse when he couldn't walk the walk.

And fifty bucks isn't a big deal. It's just a free tank of gas for this week.
NHBB, for once, I agree with you, Crandall was a supremely arrogant jerk. I got to see him once, at a conference in DFW, he pitched a fit about having to give a speech without "his" podium. He had to have a special podium just for him, no one else to give his spiel.

The poor AA folks had to stand there with fake plastered smiles while he spoke. It was like being in a dictatorship.
Im just glad I got a good thing started here. I mean if the upper managment cant enguage his employees than what.
Im tired of managment thinking there above us.
Look there are other stations besides PHL that have some real issiues with manpower and equipment.
All Im hoping for is a fair deal with all the groups and right now it seems all there focused on is DL.
Lets get this deal right first.
All the town meetings I ever attended DP was a cool cucumber even under the most pointed attacks. I give him an A...maybe even an A+ when it comes to Q & A sessions in a public forum. He's not afraid of the tough questions . . . You may not agree with him, but at least he allows you the opportunity to tell him in person.

The original premise of this thread is based upon a (mis)assumption of what DP should or should not do or say. It's irrelevant to judge him on that basis, especially since he is as much a pax as an airline executive on the day in question. I agree with those who have stated thus.

Your comments/observations interest me as they touch upon the essence of DP's character/fortitude and the sort of individual he might be apart from this T-Day rant. And that's very relevant given the bold ( and uphill ) merger proposal he puts forward days ago. How else do any of us evaluate others than by our gut reaction to what we feel and perceive in how they talk and interact < I guess it also applies to how we post here as well >

I've never been fortunate enough to hear him other than when I listen to the audiocast of the other week's merger proposal. And I was listening as much to how he was speaking as much as what he was saying. He sounded exuberant and excited ( no suprise given the merger ), but I could not get a true impression of the man. So your observation has perked up my ears, and I'm curious as to how others who have listened to him feel in that respect.

Word has it that DP is cancelling his PHL dog and pony show next week- Probably busy with the merge.
Oh boy, if you are so bitter, just quit.

Honestly, you can't please some people.

Too bad you have become so addicted to smooching goobers you can't stop, even though no one cares if you do anymore.

You can quit. Just stop believing the only way you can better yourself is by goobersmooching.
Too bad you have become so addicted to smooching goobers you can't stop, even though no one cares if you do anymore.

You can quit. Just stop believing the only way you can better yourself is by goobersmooching.
I retired.

I'm the boss now.
All the town meetings I ever attended DP was a cool cucumber even under the most pointed attacks. I give him an A...maybe even an A+ when it comes to Q & A sessions in a public forum. He's not afraid of the tough questions . . . You may not agree with him, but at least he allows you the opportunity to tell him in person.

Your comments/observations interest me as they touch upon the essence of DP's character/fortitude and the sort of individual he might be apart from this T-Day rant. And that's very relevant given the bold ( and uphill ) merger proposal he puts forward days ago. How else do any of us evaluate others than by our gut reaction to what we feel and perceive in how they talk and interact < I guess it also applies to how we post here as well >

I've never been fortunate enough to hear him other than when I listen to the audiocast of the other week's merger proposal. And I was listening as much to how he was speaking as much as what he was saying. He sounded exuberant and excited ( no suprise given the merger ), but I could not get a true impression of the man. So your observation has perked up my ears, and I'm curious as to how others who have listened to him feel in that respect.


Like you I listen to not only what he says, but how he says it, eye contact, body language, etc. Shortly after the US Airways merger was underway DP and crew made a stop at the Phoenix hanger for a merger kickoff party. They had been flying all day from Philly, Pitt, and Char and arrived around 5pm at the Phx hanger. The festivities lasted until around 8pm or so, and DP and his family were leaving. He was notably very tired, but my co-worker approached him and asked to take a photo with him. He glady put down his suitcase and gave a him smile and handshake for the photo. That to me spoke volumes. Combine the above aspects of his character with giving AWA employees annual bonuses when profits could have easily been fanagled so bonuses didn't have to be paid...well it was easy believe in DP. Not all agree, more so the union folk than the non-union, but at minimum he is not rotten to the core as other major corporation CEOs are. JMHO.
Um, sixties, if you don't like it here n......, why don't you go back to Africa.

Yep, makes about as much sense...
Hopefully you work at some commuter where they, in your case, pay you well above your worth.

what does going back to Africa have to do with anything that was written?
Things like Body Language, Eye Contact, hand gestures can be and often are taught. Not that DP has had that type of training but those folks are often called "Image Consultants"

An example often noted is the politician taking off his suit coat in an effort to "Be one of us"

Doug Porker will sometimes twirl a chair around on one leg if he is fielding a question he doesn't like. Does that count?
. . . Things like Body Language, Eye Contact, hand gestures can be and often are taught. Not that DP has had that type of training but those folks are often called "Image Consultants" . . .

I think that folks who work in law enforcement would beg to differ about that one as body language and eye movements are crucial parts of evaluating a suspect. Since some folks here think DP is acting like a criminal, that might actually be useful.

More to the point, I like to look a man in the eye, as it does indeed tell you so much more about their credulity and character. Not scientific, not Madison Avenue, no spin control, just plain and simple human interaction and gut feelings. Business deals, marriages, bets, and lots of other human decisions are made in precisely this manner. And a lot of times, you're right onthe money.

Of course it doesn't work in this virtual world, but that's why we go out the door into the real world when we finish surfing the web.
