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Worse then Franke.....

However, my point is this: Even if Doug Parker, and all the other executives, worked for free, US Airways would not change the way it compensates front line employees. Why should they? Through the agreed upon concessions, it was made clear that labor is ultimately willing to work for what they are being paid. The market sets a value for every position. Some companies, and some industries, choose to pay either above that market level or below it. The employees who work for either type of company choose to do so.


Correct me if I am wrong but DP and the rest of the execs are they not also EMPLOYEES of the corporation? I dont seem to recall DP or any other execs putting up their own dough to fund the corporation. The management employee reeks of a blue blood mentiality and this will create the warm fuzzy feeling that the peasant employee are now feeling. The falling from the grace of the peasant employees is not a good thing and this is when things start to get interesting. 😉

True leaders ...lead by example
It is totally understandable that DP would exercise options that were about to expire. But once he exercised those ooptions, he did NOT have to sell those shares and pocket the gains as cash.

If he was too short of cash to exercise the options and hang on to the shares, he could have used some of the gains to offset the cost of retaining possession of most of those shares. If he was really confident in the stock (or, more importantly, confident in his abilities to get the stock price even higher,) he would have held on to enough to make the transaction cash-neutral to his own pocket. Instead, he made the choice to line those pockets with $9 million and eschew the ownership of the shares. It's very telling about DP on many, many levels.
Why should he not have sold them? The company didn't buy the stocks from him so the company didn't spend any cash. The options were exercised on the Aug 1; LCC stock actually went up the 1st & 2nd.

If he had waited for the price to go up before he sold, people would be complaining that he made even more than $9 million; if he had sold it when it was lower, they would have complained even more that he is "bailing out".

I have no reason to think he's lying when he said he wanted to diversify his portfolio. Maybe he is lying . .I have no way of knowing that.
Why should he not have sold them? The company didn't buy the stocks from him so the company didn't spend any cash. The options were exercised on the Aug 1; LCC stock actually went up the 1st & 2nd.


I cant believe that you would make such a statement. Do you really believe that it does not cost the company? You need to do a little homework on why stocks were created. What about the taxes on their gains? Did the company pay their taxes? If the company did then your wrong again about the company spending.

If the stock options dont cost the company than why dont they just give everyone the same amount and now all are happy? Since they are a non-cost item?

Bad Leaders...lead by bad examples
Well, it looks like I didn't make any friends with my first post, which I admit was rather harsh. Please allow me to rephrase: I understand the frustrations faced by frontline employees. I too have had to deal with customers who are upset for no reason other than they woke up that day. I empathize with everyone who has had to make concessions because that is what their union negotiators agreed to.

However, my point is this: Even if Doug Parker, and all the other executives, worked for free, US Airways would not change the way it compensates front line employees. Why should they? Through the agreed upon concessions, it was made clear that labor is ultimately willing to work for what they are being paid. The market sets a value for every position. Some companies, and some industries, choose to pay either above that market level or below it. The employees who work for either type of company choose to do so.

I admit that I am new to the airline industry, so please fill me in as to when, if ever, airline employees were "well compensated".

I do not intend this post to "translate to if you do not like it get the hell out of here", rather I am suggesting that if you don't like it, make an attempt to improve the situation. Come at it with an action plan, not just a list of grievances.

Finally, back to the original question of the exercised options. I am not one to begrudge anyone their compensation. Was it good timing on Parker's behalf to exercise those options now? Of course not. Did he have the right to do so? Of course he did. I don't presume to know what Parker's personal financial situation is, so I will not pass judgment on his motivations to take such action now.

I hope that this clears up my previous post. Also, thanks to UWCactus who clarified for me the role of these message boards.

You may not like the action plan that comes your way. Trying to improve the situation could eventually mean striking workgroups. Obviously, you havent been thru the"take the pay cut or there wont be any company left" whining that many have dealt with. Once all the contracts are signed management gives themselves bonuses. You dont want to presume anything about Dougs financial situation than dont presume you know anything about anyone elses. I work on the west side and although we havent dealt with concessions(it would be illegal-there is a minimum wage law), I cant imagine someone telling me to take a pay cut when my expenses are rising and than watching someone else make millions from the situation. Im sure many would leave if they hadnt put their hearts into a company and worked with their friends(co workers) for so long. Its hard to start elsewhere after so many years, Im not saying people cant or arent doing it but its not easy. Many love their jobs and being forced to go elsewhere after years of dedicated service is just plain sad. And just for your edification you have no clue what front line employees go thru. Just because you have dealt with a customer or 2 doesnt make you an expert just like reading P&L statements doesnt make me a CEO.
:down: I never thought I would say it but.......Parker is worse then Franke. Well folks he has finally stepped over the line. Yesterday in the Arizona Republic it had an article about the CEO of the NEW US Airways and how he sold 272,000 shares gaining a grand total of around 9 million in profits. Now I know DP was given these stocks in the merger. For what nobody knows...just for showing up I guess. But here is a person that came to power smiling with a big knife in his hand. He came to the door of AWA...like a clean cut missionary...stating he was one of the gang..."I'm here to help you.... to lead you to a better day and life....". Well BS is all I can say. He has been telling the employees "we don't have any money to give you..." ......really what about the $305,000 million dollar profit this quarter? But all the executives sure got a wallet full of bonuses. DP said he was not going to except his bonus...am I supposed to think "what a nice guy...."? EXCUSE me DP....but you got over $6 million in 2005...why should you get MORE. The workers of both airlines has given.....wait let me rephrase that... the employees have had a lot more taken off them...so you need to have that $6 million taken off you. DP is no different than Icon or Lorenzo.....he has become this "GREED MACHINE"..... Everyone would love to live in Paradise Valley and have a Nanny...but we don't have a Cash Cow to turn to. What DP has done is to diminish the trust in the New US Airways......and this statement about "....wanting to diversify his investments..." OH YARRRR and the check is in the mail. He is starting to believe his own BS. I was just wondering what he would do if EVERY employee at the New US Airways decided not to go to work...just for 24 hours. Maybe...just maybe he would get it...... WOW I'm not that important.... I need my employees..... (He needs to read the book "NUTS"). This is why DP is worst than Franke...you see with Franke you know where you stand... DP comes up to you with a smile on his face and his hand reached out and when you get close enough he stabs you in the back with his lies. I saw a program on the TV last night about the CEO of COSCO...this mans salary is around $350,000.......and that companies profits are in the BILLIONS. So here is what I think should happen. DP should drop his salary to what the highest pilot makes.....and his executive should get what the highest flight attendant makes....and NO BONUSES. These salary would stay in place until the problems of these two companies are fixed. Then THE employees would decide what they should make....this would solve a lot of the problems...and these people would have to really get down to the problems at hand and FIX THEM. Not just move them around on a plate....like some anorexic teenager who can't eat. OH....and the executive have to take the same benefits they have laid on you and that includes the same health insurance....so if you don't have a retirement pension...DP and his gang don't either. For they seem to be squeezing the employees so they can get more money for their over stuffed piggy banks.

I say stand up for YOUR rights.....make these greedy...lying....selfish....P.I.G.S walk the plank of truth......make them realize they are not the power....YOU the EMPLOYEE ARE the POWER. After all the AA flight attendants got rid of their CEO....take a leaf out of their book...... *BAD MANAGEMENT IS NOT REWARDED... :down:

Good Luck
Stay Strong
Fight for your rights
Let them know who really has the power

Get a life-read all of the information.
Good thing DP cashed out when he did; LCC is down 7% so far today and is off $19 from its 52 week high.
You may not like the action plan that comes your way. Trying to improve the situation could eventually mean striking workgroups. Obviously, you havent been thru the"take the pay cut or there wont be any company left" whining that many have dealt with. Once all the contracts are signed management gives themselves bonuses. You dont want to presume anything about Dougs financial situation than dont presume you know anything about anyone elses. I work on the west side and although we havent dealt with concessions(it would be illegal-there is a minimum wage law), I cant imagine someone telling me to take a pay cut when my expenses are rising and than watching someone else make millions from the situation. Im sure many would leave if they hadnt put their hearts into a company and worked with their friends(co workers) for so long. Its hard to start elsewhere after so many years, Im not saying people cant or arent doing it but its not easy. Many love their jobs and being forced to go elsewhere after years of dedicated service is just plain sad. And just for your edification you have no clue what front line employees go thru. Just because you have dealt with a customer or 2 doesnt make you an expert just like reading P&L statements doesnt make me a CEO.
I am left wondering how you reached these conclusions (see bold). I won't even comment on them since I'm left puzzled by them.

All I am suggesting is that everyone take action to make their situation better. And why is it that if I suggest action the only thing you can think of is strikes? That's very telling. "Hey, I don't like the way things are going at work, so I'm not going to go to work anymore!" That accomplishes a lot.

And for the record, I have never presumed to know anything about anyone else's financial situation. Oh, and by the way, there is a federal minimum wage law as well. Just FYI.
I empathize with everyone who has had to make concessions because that is what their union negotiators agreed to.

However, my point is this: Even if Doug Parker, and all the other executives, worked for free, US Airways would not change the way it compensates front line employees. Why should they? Through the agreed upon concessions, it was made clear that labor is ultimately willing to work for what they are being paid.
I admit that I am new to the airline industry, so please fill me in as to when, if ever, airline employees were "well compensated".

I do not intend this post to "translate to if you do not like it get the hell out of here", rather I am suggesting that if you don't like it, make an attempt to improve the situation. Come at it with an action plan, not just a list of grievances.

Finally, back to the original question of the exercised options. I am not one to begrudge anyone their compensation. Was it good timing on Parker's behalf to exercise those options now? Of course not. Did he have the right to do so? Of course he did. I don't presume to know what Parker's personal financial situation is, so I will not pass judgment on his motivations to take such action now.

Hey Stucky,

What are you some new-to-the-industry,kumbskull? Or do you think you can snow all of us; all the time? Let me refresh my memory on those words you just posted...yes, it was JG verbatim telling the employees in e-mails that they shouldn't be complaining because this is what "your negotiators agree to", BS. And this one: "it was made clear that labor is ultimately willing to work for what they are being paid".

Made clear to whom? The union busters on the property, indeed. It is not clear to labor.

"New to the Industry", huh? "Fill you in"?
Not all of labor has signed new contracts. And only the East sits with profound concessions who were forced to the table much earlier than their amendable date stated in their original contracts...the contracts were closed (all three times). The company requested the contracts open because of the financial position of the company, not because labor thought they were over paid. But, I don't need to tell you that...I write it for those who are actually NEW to the forum.

Here's an action plan:

Labor east and west set up pickets at every airport. Pound hard and relentlessly informing the public that the execs are profiting in the millions on the backs of the employee concessions with the company showing hundreds of millions in major profits inspite of the highest fuel prices in aviation history. Many labor contracts are at amendable dates taking management years to negotiate these contracts. Labor needs to hold media blitz every week on the discontent with labor and that LCC pay the lowest wages of any airline in its class. That will make the workers handle their situation better.

How'se that for an action plan...just bring that stock down and piss on the investors. That would make workers come to work more happy. It sure makes me happy just writing it.

There's enough kool-aid being made. No one needs your "special batch".

Bottom line, Dougie took the money off the table and ran, specifically cashing in 80% of the options that wouldn't have expired until 2015. He could retire tomorrow; only being CEO of this new airline 10 months is a pretty good speed to be an instant millionaire. The rank and file provided that path. Would I do it if I were granted the options..Yes. Would I begrudge the employees wage increases or discussion on wage triggers? No.
I empathize with everyone who has had to make concessions because that is what their union negotiators agreed to.
Um, no we did not, I was part of the IAM M&R Negotiating Committee and we NEVER reached an agreement, as well Fleet Service did not either, our CBAs were abrogated and the membership ratified a final offer from US.
Lets just bring this back up to the top and see if Stucky has any more profound comments to share.
Thank you for your post, it is very enlightening to many.

After you read this board for a while, you will realize that many posts are created from front line employees, who do not have the benefit of working in an office environment where the big picture can be seen, readand heard on a regular basis. Most posts (mostly negative) are from employees that, unfortunately see the operational front which, by nature becomes a point of frustration. Even if you have a great day in the operation...some will find it to be a miserable day. Running the operation for many employees is very very frustrating and they will tend to vent more often than other employees. Just keep that part in mind. Crews can be the worst,but only because they only experience a very small element of of the operation, but it can truly frustrate the hell out of them.
An arrogant and condescending post. Not really a surprise though. You underestimate the skills and intellect of the minions. Don't discount an elephant's memory either.....
Hey UW,

Get out of your office and go out to the airports and see the real big picture, people in their cubicles have no idea what the front line employees face everyday.

You know those front line people who keep the passengers happy and the planes flying, the employees making money for the company, not some desk jockey.
An arrogant and condescending post. Not really a surprise though. You underestimate the skills and intellect of the minions. Don't discount an elephant's memory either.....

You better face reality, I don't mean this in a mean way, but this is how Tempe views the frontline people...simpletons who can be replaced in a second for less expensive labor. They are so much wiser in the Sandcastle. They are used to dealing with the GED's and HS grads on the West side who have never been East of Tempe. However, the Sandcastle can't get the website right. It can't respond to customer concerns. It can figure out how to define itself. Still, the frontline people are the dolts.

I think another poster is right...it may be a good time for CHAOS...let's see how much Tempe needs you.

Oh, and don't underestimate the memory of the customer--it seems that the airlines are back to their old ways of screwing the customer. This time we will fight back more than we did in the past...I just love reporting you for each instance I believe you are using unfair pricing techniques and providing poor service, etc., etc., etc.