How come AA AMT's cannot grasp the basics?

Russ, start to look around next week and you will find TWU members huddling and discussing the current table position of the TWU. I'll bet you will find them to be un-responsive to your AMP propaganda, AMP is done. AMP has been done here in Tulsa for many months.....When it's over, it's really over.

This is High Speed Steel signing off....later dudes

Sorry HSS, Amp is not dead but growing everyday and if AMP was dead you wouldnt be on here trying to defend the corrupt TWU that is now past it's 3rd year with out a fair and decent contract!

Strange how you refuse to answer any questions ??? It's very clear and obvious that you do not have the answers or the confidence to debate your positions!!!!!

TWU 's time is running out, the people are fed up with the corruption and want change. Perhaps its time you take a long hard look at the facts !!!!
1983 – TWU is first in the Industry to allow implementation of the “B” Scale pay rate. This reduced the starting pay for AMTʼs from $13.05 per hour down to $10.00 per hour, and increased the top scale wage progression time from 2 1⁄2 years to 12 1⁄2 years.

1985-1989 Changed the probation period from 90 days to 6 Months, and removed employer provided health insurance during probation. The TWU also lost company provided Long Term Disability Insurance, but it did create an opportunity for the TWU to start selling insurance from the Union Hall. They also created Flex Benefits, which canceled out the full company provided health insurance that we had, and began the current premium/out-of-pocket insurance system that currently cost some members in excess of $300.00 per month in premiums and co pays.

1995 – TWU creates the Shop Repair Person (SRP) classification, and 12 years after reducing starting pay to $10.00 per hour now, it was reduced another 10% to $9.00 per hour. In addition to this pay reduction, the TWU allowed American Airlines to push senior AMTʼs out of shops that previously required 10+ years of seniority to transfer in to. These AMTʼs, despite the “we are going to do this by attrition” speech, were shoved out the doors of these shops and replaced by new hire SRPʼs.

2003 – Under the so-called threat of a Bankruptcy filing, the TWU agrees to a restructuring agreement that still stands as the largest concession package ever negotiated. The TWU Presidents Council voted to allow a one-time vote of an agreement without allowing the members to have 30 days to review the details. The vote was rushed using telephone voting method in attempt to beat a company mandated April 15th, 2003 deadline. On that same April 15th, it was disclosed via an SEC filing that AA had a Special Management Pension/Bonus program that infuriated the memberʼs towards the leaders of the TWU. In correspondence to All TWU AA Members dated April 21st, 2003 James C. Little current International President had this to say: “in order for these agreements to accomplish their purpose they must be credible. The only way to assure credibility is to allow a full re-vote with the full membership knowledge of all relevant company actions” Shortly thereafter James C Little signed our current industry leading concession agreement “Without Further Ratification” of the membership.

2010- Finally, and most recently, the current T/A which if ratified would have only build upon the 2003 concessions by increasing the ASMʼs, doing away with retiree medical anyone under 50, outsourcing the retiree medical of anyone over 50 to a VEBA trust administered by the TWU, and the list goes on.

Ironically enough the only contract the TWU did have success on in this time frame was the in 2001. Remember the one that D. B. said if we ask for $29.00 an hour they will layoff back to 1985 until NWA got 7 dollars an hour raise.

We cannot afford another TWU standard concessionary Contract.

Sign a card today

You've just showcased in one post, the very reasons why American Airlines still performs most all of it's heavy maintenance in TULE.
Russ, start to look around next week and you will find TWU members huddling and discussing the current table position of the TWU. I'll bet you will find them to be un-responsive to your AMP propaganda, AMP is done. AMP has been done here in Tulsa for many months.....When it's over, it's really over.

This is High Speed Steel signing off....later dudes

I'd love to see how long you'd hold the line in a strike.
Probably not even a week...
He has all the traits of a SCAB
A yes voter thru and thru
There will be no strike for people like him
He will waltz across the line

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