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How come AA AMT's cannot grasp the basics?


Hey pitbull, AMP have any plans to rent a minivan or a smart car and attend the rally in OKC on the 15th? Will they offer PBJ's and a juice box for the trip?

AMP the wet dream, out of touch with today's Unions.......http://okea.org/home

I do not know of any plans to attend the red rally If we decided that we shoukd go we certainly could get as many or more than the TWU without having to pay or feed them, as far as out of touch goes you have shown in your post here that you are not only out of touch with unionism today but quite franklly you are out of touch with reality. but as informer stated you are entitled to you opinion and I will not spend time arguing with a croney!
Please tell me that they are not really calling it a Red Rally!!

Indeed believe or not they called it the RED RALLY

At least some truth is coming out these days.

I'd rather be DEAD than RED

It is these Public Teachers that produce the likes of Burchette, Kirk Wells, K. Hammack, K.Thompson, and High Speed Steel.
Yeah, let's go rally for them. Not
Indeed believe or not they called it the RED RALLY

At least some truth is coming out these days.

I'd rather be DEAD than RED

It is these Public Teachers that produce the likes of Burchette, Kirk Wells, K. Hammack, K.Thompson, and High Speed Steel.
Yeah, let's go rally for them. Not
Dont you live in a RED state?
Indeed believe or not they called it the RED RALLY

At least some truth is coming out these days.

I'd rather be DEAD than RED

It is these Public Teachers that produce the likes of Burchette, Kirk Wells, K. Hammack, K.Thompson, and High Speed Steel.
Yeah, let's go rally for them. Not
What type of school did you go to? Public, Private or Home school?
Face it -- states are broke. If you "support eductation" you're really saying you either want higher taxes, or that the state needs to cut back on police, fire, & other emergency services, or maybe cut back on highway repairs...

Cut any of those areas, and aren't you also adversely impacting union workers?... will there be rallies for that?

How about when taxes go up (like they did in Illinois -- income tax jumped from 3% to 5%)? Will there be buses and rallies against that, too?....
Dont you live in a RED state?
Had Okies had a choice in what color our state would be "labeled" in regard to politics it certainly wouldn't be red. I would guess it was the liberal media that designated these colors?

Hey pitbull, AMP have any plans to rent a minivan or a smart car and attend the rally in OKC on the 15th? Will they offer PBJ's and a juice box for the trip?

AMP the wet dream, out of touch with today's Unions.......http://okea.org/home

Lets face the facts
I just love this site it cracks me up. Ken speaks, what a hoot... :lol:

The host site for AMP or the Alternate McTiernan Plan...LOL

I notice of late that when you have no rebuttal to facts, or nothing of value to dispute the pointing out of the Totally Worthless Union, you become cracked up and can do nothing but laugh or attempt a personal attack. Over time this really says it all about your position.
I notice of late that when you have no rebuttal to facts, or nothing of value to dispute the pointing out of the Totally Worthless Union, you become cracked up and can do nothing but laugh or attempt a personal attack. Over time this really says it all about your position.

Just following your lead buddy, see you do it time, and time again...LOL
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AA AMT's are missing the basics

You need to be replaced -
James C Little
Gary Drummond
Don V.tech
And all the rest of you blood sucking Anti-American Appointed, over paid, idiots.
You have leached enough from the working men and women of the US of A.

Time for a Revolution!

If you want to succeed in the AMP Drive, these are the typical items that need to be presented in mass. Such as handout DVD's with these type of interviews, from within our own union and beyond. This type of information will get the job done, along with the payscale data of these appointed leachers and their overpaid secretaries and relatives. Blaming the Overhaul Base, the unlicensed skilled AMT's, and such are NOT getting you anywhere but backwards.

There is plenty of data and factual basis for replacing the TWU, the information needs to be brought to the gates! Why do you think the distribution of material during the AMFA Drive was such a long and costly legal battle to win? USE IT!

Congratulations on getting this one right! Good Luck!

I just love this site it cracks me up. Ken speaks, what a hoot... :lol:

The host site for AMP or the Alternate McTiernan Plan...LOL

I find nothing funny about the site. It kind of disgusts me and many of my twu brothers as to the incompetence and unaccountable unelected retards that are appointed to the ATD. I guess all one can do is laugh because there is no other way to get rid of these bums. If the twu is unionism why have a union. You must be cracking up at the eight year contract boy that is a barrel of laughs. Even funnier are the salaries of Little and his croonies HAHAHAHAHAHA

High Speed simpleton is more like it HAHAHAHAHAAH
1983 – TWU is first in the Industry to allow implementation of the “B” Scale pay rate. This reduced the starting pay for AMTʼs from $13.05 per hour down to $10.00 per hour, and increased the top scale wage progression time from 2 1⁄2 years to 12 1⁄2 years.

1985-1989 Changed the probation period from 90 days to 6 Months, and removed employer provided health insurance during probation. The TWU also lost company provided Long Term Disability Insurance, but it did create an opportunity for the TWU to start selling insurance from the Union Hall. They also created Flex Benefits, which canceled out the full company provided health insurance that we had, and began the current premium/out-of-pocket insurance system that currently cost some members in excess of $300.00 per month in premiums and co pays.

1995 – TWU creates the Shop Repair Person (SRP) classification, and 12 years after reducing starting pay to $10.00 per hour now, it was reduced another 10% to $9.00 per hour. In addition to this pay reduction, the TWU allowed American Airlines to push senior AMTʼs out of shops that previously required 10+ years of seniority to transfer in to. These AMTʼs, despite the “we are going to do this by attrition” speech, were shoved out the doors of these shops and replaced by new hire SRPʼs.

2003 – Under the so-called threat of a Bankruptcy filing, the TWU agrees to a restructuring agreement that still stands as the largest concession package ever negotiated. The TWU Presidents Council voted to allow a one-time vote of an agreement without allowing the members to have 30 days to review the details. The vote was rushed using telephone voting method in attempt to beat a company mandated April 15th, 2003 deadline. On that same April 15th, it was disclosed via an SEC filing that AA had a Special Management Pension/Bonus program that infuriated the memberʼs towards the leaders of the TWU. In correspondence to All TWU AA Members dated April 21st, 2003 James C. Little current International President had this to say: “in order for these agreements to accomplish their purpose they must be credible. The only way to assure credibility is to allow a full re-vote with the full membership knowledge of all relevant company actions” Shortly thereafter James C Little signed our current industry leading concession agreement “Without Further Ratification” of the membership.

2010- Finally, and most recently, the current T/A which if ratified would have only build upon the 2003 concessions by increasing the ASMʼs, doing away with retiree medical anyone under 50, outsourcing the retiree medical of anyone over 50 to a VEBA trust administered by the TWU, and the list goes on.

Ironically enough the only contract the TWU did have success on in this time frame was the in 2001. Remember the one that D. B. said if we ask for $29.00 an hour they will layoff back to 1985 until NWA got 7 dollars an hour raise.

We cannot afford another TWU standard concessionary Contract.

Sign a card today

1983 – TWU is first in the Industry to allow implementation of the “B” Scale pay rate. This reduced the starting pay for AMTʼs from $13.05 per hour down to $10.00 per hour, and increased the top scale wage progression time from 2 1⁄2 years to 12 1⁄2 years.

1985-1989 Changed the probation period from 90 days to 6 Months, and removed employer provided health insurance during probation. The TWU also lost company provided Long Term Disability Insurance, but it did create an opportunity for the TWU to start selling insurance from the Union Hall. They also created Flex Benefits, which canceled out the full company provided health insurance that we had, and began the current premium/out-of-pocket insurance system that currently cost some members in excess of $300.00 per month in premiums and co pays.

1995 – TWU creates the Shop Repair Person (SRP) classification, and 12 years after reducing starting pay to $10.00 per hour now, it was reduced another 10% to $9.00 per hour. In addition to this pay reduction, the TWU allowed American Airlines to push senior AMTʼs out of shops that previously required 10+ years of seniority to transfer in to. These AMTʼs, despite the “we are going to do this by attrition” speech, were shoved out the doors of these shops and replaced by new hire SRPʼs.

2003 – Under the so-called threat of a Bankruptcy filing, the TWU agrees to a restructuring agreement that still stands as the largest concession package ever negotiated. The TWU Presidents Council voted to allow a one-time vote of an agreement without allowing the members to have 30 days to review the details. The vote was rushed using telephone voting method in attempt to beat a company mandated April 15th, 2003 deadline. On that same April 15th, it was disclosed via an SEC filing that AA had a Special Management Pension/Bonus program that infuriated the memberʼs towards the leaders of the TWU. In correspondence to All TWU AA Members dated April 21st, 2003 James C. Little current International President had this to say: “in order for these agreements to accomplish their purpose they must be credible. The only way to assure credibility is to allow a full re-vote with the full membership knowledge of all relevant company actions” Shortly thereafter James C Little signed our current industry leading concession agreement “Without Further Ratification” of the membership.

2010- Finally, and most recently, the current T/A which if ratified would have only build upon the 2003 concessions by increasing the ASMʼs, doing away with retiree medical anyone under 50, outsourcing the retiree medical of anyone over 50 to a VEBA trust administered by the TWU, and the list goes on.

Ironically enough the only contract the TWU did have success on in this time frame was the in 2001. Remember the one that D. B. said if we ask for $29.00 an hour they will layoff back to 1985 until NWA got 7 dollars an hour raise.

We cannot afford another TWU standard concessionary Contract.

Sign a card today


I have to laugh at posters like you. Posters like you raised hell back this past summer to vote NO. I don't know If I ever asked you but there were many I asked "What is no gonna gain me?" My question usually ended with a deer in the headlights look....LOL

Anyhow, you got your no vote! So why all the pissing and moaning? You should have expected a long process to appease you. I voted YES, and am not surprised by what we have seen so far and you don't hear me complaining.... 😛

Clue, clue, clue...They've started releasing articles online, and the last time they did this they were about 6 months from a TA...Better start to read up B)

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