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How come AA AMT's cannot grasp the basics?

I have to laugh at posters like you. Posters like you raised hell back this past summer to vote NO. I don't know If I ever asked you but there were many I asked "What is no gonna gain me?" My question usually ended with a deer in the headlights look....LOL

Anyhow, you got your no vote! So why all the pissing and moaning? You should have expected a long process to appease you. I voted YES, and am not surprised by what we have seen so far and you don't hear me complaining.... 😛

Clue, clue, clue...They've started releasing articles online, and the last time they did this they were about 6 months from a TA...Better start to read up B)
Our NO VOTE !!! kept us from getting the industry bottom of the barrrel contract !!!
I have to laugh at posters like you. Posters like you raised hell back this past summer to vote NO. I don't know If I ever asked you but there were many I asked "What is no gonna gain me?" My question usually ended with a deer in the headlights look....LOL

Once again, dismal TWU facts posted. You have no rebuttal, no defense to the facts. So what say you?
You have to laugh again.

It is a common predicatabel response by you. No rebuttal, you "have to laugh".

I have to laugh that you have to laugh everytime negative TWU facts are posted.

You use "have to laugh" almost as often as Obama uses "Let me be clear"
Once again, dismal TWU facts posted. You have no rebuttal, no defense to the facts. So what say you?
You have to laugh again.

It is a common predicatabel response by you. No rebuttal, you "have to laugh".

I have to laugh that you have to laugh everytime negative TWU facts are posted.

You use "have to laugh" almost as often as Obama uses "Let me be clear"

Will this work? I could use Obama's line...

"Let me be clear", I'm the typical difficult member of the TWU...... 😛h34r:
Our NO VOTE !!! kept us from getting the industry bottom of the barrrel contract !!!

Ok, but so far the no vote has cost me well over $7,000.00 to date and counting....But I'm hanging in there and not complaining B)
Once again, dismal TWU facts posted. You have no rebuttal, no defense to the facts. So what say you?
You have to laugh again.

It is a common predicatabel response by you. No rebuttal, you "have to laugh".

I have to laugh that you have to laugh everytime negative TWU facts are posted.

You use "have to laugh" almost as often as Obama uses "Let me be clear"
Perhaps HSS is a nitrous oxide addict and simply finds humor in .....................everything. 😀
😛 ------ Hey Highspeed! Here's one for you!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiGg8D4hFLc
Oh hell, I forgot about the duration of the failed TA. To date it would be over $18,000.00 and climbing including the overtime I have worked for the first two months of 2011, but I'm hanging in there as a YES voter and not complaining......

Did you vote yes in 2003 as well? How much has that terrible contract cost you and I? Last i herd it was up to 130K and climbing!!!!!!

All the while your buddies at the top of the TWU have enjoyed huge pay increases and they never took the cuts in pay and benefits that we did!!!!
does that seem reasonable and fair to you?

Not to mention the multi million dollar bonuses and stock options that are handed out every March at HQ's, Those guys didnt take the cuts that we did either!!!!!
Does that seem reasonable and fair to you

When will you stand up and demand a fair and decent contract?
when will you stand and demand full democracy within the TWU?

What is it going to take for you and people like you to wake up to the corruption and wrong doings?
another sub par T/A??? more cuts in pay and benefits? what will it take????

Have you seen the contracts for SWA or Fed Ex??

Have you seen the T/A's for CAL or UPS

We are so far behind these other AMT's it's rediculas!!!!!!!

Have you seen the pay for the TWU national officers? have you seen there benefits? Even there secrataries have better pay and benefits than you and I

Did you vote yes in 2003 as well? How much has that terrible contract cost you and I? Last i herd it was up to 130K and climbing!!!!!!

All the while your buddies at the top of the TWU have enjoyed huge pay increases and they never took the cuts in pay and benefits that we did!!!!
does that seem reasonable and fair to you?

Not to mention the multi million dollar bonuses and stock options that are handed out every March at HQ's, Those guys didnt take the cuts that we did either!!!!!
Does that seem reasonable and fair to you

When will you stand up and demand a fair and decent contract?
when will you stand and demand full democracy within the TWU?

What is it going to take for you and people like you to wake up to the corruption and wrong doings?
another sub par T/A??? more cuts in pay and benefits? what will it take????

Have you seen the contracts for SWA or Fed Ex??

Have you seen the T/A's for CAL or UPS

We are so far behind these other AMT's it's rediculas!!!!!!!

Have you seen the pay for the TWU national officers? have you seen there benefits? Even there secrataries have better pay and benefits than you and I

Russ, go sit in the truck....
Russ, go sit in the truck....

HSS, dont have a truck but perhaps you should go read the facts and educate yourself! your so far out in left field your not even in the stadium anymore!!!! another unacceptable T/A from the TWU will be there demise!!!!!!
Ok, but so far the no vote has cost me well over $7,000.00 to date and counting....But I'm hanging in there and not complaining B)
How about telling us how much the Yes vote in 2003 cost us? I figure at least $150,000 and counting.

Are you aware that we are prety much the only contact group at AA thats not near the top of the industry? So not only are we in an industry that is lagging but we are lagging the industry.

HSS, dont have a truck but perhaps you should go read the facts and educate yourself! your so far out in left field your not even in the stadium anymore!!!! another unacceptable T/A from the TWU will be there demise!!!!!!

Russ, start to look around next week and you will find TWU members huddling and discussing the current table position of the TWU. I'll bet you will find them to be un-responsive to your AMP propaganda, AMP is done. AMP has been done here in Tulsa for many months.....When it's over, it's really over.

This is High Speed Steel signing off....later dudes
Russ, start to look around next week and you will find TWU members huddling and discussing the current table position of the TWU. I'll bet you will find them to be un-responsive to your AMP propaganda, AMP is done. AMP has been done here in Tulsa for many months.....When it's over, it's really over.

This is High Speed Steel signing off....later dudes

Hey Speedy, maybe you can wander on in to them thar TWu huddlin' good 'ol boy's cipherin' the current "bend over the TWu table position" and just say them famous Gomer magic works...... SHAZAM!!!! I'm sure Little Jimmy and the rest of the International sellouts will give ya a "hoot and holler", because that's about the only hope of the TWu bringing back anything but more TWu concessions. Your compAAny friends will enjoy it also, while their fixin' to laugh in the face of the TWu International sellouts again. Funny stuff ain't it??? HoooWeeeee......SHAZAM.....that thar got me another YES vote!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:

Russ, start to look around next week and you will find TWU members huddling and discussing the current table position of the TWU. I'll bet you will find them to be un-responsive to your AMP propaganda, AMP is done. AMP has been done here in Tulsa for many months.....When it's over, it's really over.

This is High Speed Steel signing off....later dudes
Not to sure about that, I've been seeing a few more AMP t-shirts over the last couple of weeks.

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