How come AA AMT's cannot grasp the basics?

I can't believe you want the visitors here to re-visit this video Informer. I get one hell of a kick out of Carlos, Scott, Steven and Peter especially towards the end when Peter raises his eyebrows and winks like, "Yeah baby, we really helped you AMP fellas kick some TWU butt with this one didn't we" ....LMAO

Was he winking at McTiernan hiding in the shadows....:p

Hey Informer, can I get your opinion on this one....LMAO :p :D :lol: :D

Why not view the video? Is it because the twu faithful can not edit/alter the video like they did when Local 564 Members videoed our t/a burning at Ski Beach? Or is it because people other than AA AMTs realize the twu international is a sham? Glad you get a kick out of our friends from Australia, you see they are professional AMEs and carry the same responsibilities we do.

The only people who are kicking the twu's butt are the twu and people like yourself who defend the undefendable. Funny thing, last year the Vice President for the union that represents the AMEs in Australia feels the same way these professionals do on the video. I asked their VP what would happen if he did not perform to the membership's liking and he said flat out "I'd be sacked.". I asked if he was voted into office by the full membership having a vote in his election and he said "Yes. Of course.". I told him we in the twu DO NOT get to vote in international officers and he said that was wrong, that is NOT democracy.

I do not expect intelligent comments coming from a person who promotes the twu. All I expect are more AMP cards getting signed and that is what is happening.

The video speaks the truth about what others feel about the twu and that feeling is mutual to those wanting change. The truth hurts doesn't it?

Remember I'm the difficult member, as you attest....Shall I continue to make you look stupid or stop for now?
HSS. I have been on here a long time and the only one you ever made look stupid was yourself. And that has been many many times!! You are sheltered fool wirh a lot of opinions of things you are totally ignorant of!! Back to your machine in your climate controlled room!
Nice and at the same time humiliating. Little and the rest of you twu clowns. YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE JOB DONE !!! I`d love to see if any of you are MAN enough to come to AFW, and have a chat about what you are and are not doing. On top of all the concessions, I`m still forced to pay you I am 3208 days without a meaningful raise. How about you Jim Little? Gary Yingst? Don V? Are your families suffering?
Gary Yingst is no longer international..just like Burchette.
Yingst is currently working in the TEO in TULE and Burchette is in TULE also..of course they retained all their seniority etc. and TULE took them with open arms.
Go figure !
I've been LMAO over the topic of this thread and the like of Informer, Ken, and now furp (LOL) who hold this video and it's players as some relevant cause to support their REVOLUTION...."Holy crap", I guess I should learn to accept the elementary side of this fight and give the simpletons some credibility.... :blink:
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  • #20
I've been LMAO over the topic of this thread and the like of Informer, Ken, and now furp (LOL) who hold this video and it's players as some relevant cause to support their REVOLUTION...."Holy crap", I guess I should learn to accept the elementary side of this fight and give the simpletons some credibility.... :blink:

This is a typical response of a member who worhips those unelected appointed leaders.

Or even members that worship a union founded by Communist, which left the organization from the very beginning, an organization that leaned towards leadership control and very little membership authority.

Or even a member who is gulible enough to defend the above just because he is made to feel relevant by a simple appointment to the arbitration committee.

You are laughing because you have no other response to a video that points out the injustice of appointed union leadership.

You are laughing because there is no other available response.

You have a choice, laugh, or do something.

I know you well enough to know that laughter would be your choice.

The best I have ever seen from you has either been a fear based concern, or a letter that used a movement towards change as a means to threaten if your "bee hive" was kicked over. Now that's something worth laughing one's ass off about.

Do you actaully believe appointed leadership is superior to elected leadership?
Or are you just too busy laughing to directly respond to the issue?
This is a typical response of a member who worhips those unelected appointed leaders.

Or even members that worship a union founded by Communist, which left the organization from the very beginning, an organization that leaned towards leadership control and very little membership authority.

Or even a member who is gulible enough to defend the above just because he is made to feel relevant by a simple appointment to the arbitration committee.

You are laughing because you have no other response to a video that points out the injustice of appointed union leadership.

You are laughing because there is no other available response.

You have a choice, laugh, or do something.

I know you well enough to know that laughter would be your choice.

The best I have ever seen from you has either been a fear based concern, or a letter that used a movement towards change as a means to threaten if your "bee hive" was kicked over. Now that's something worth laughing one's ass off about.

Do you actaully believe appointed leadership is superior to elected leadership?
Or are you just too busy laughing to directly respond to the issue?

Sorry Informer, I just can't stop laughing at this video and how you try to substantiate it as some epic event in AMPvsTWU history.... Believe it or not I expected more from you!

Did you fall and hit your head? Come on Informer....geeesh :blink:
Sorry Informer, I just can't stop laughing at this video and how you try to substantiate it as some epic event in AMPvsTWU history.... Believe it or not I expected more from you!

Did you fall and hit your head? Come on Informer....geeesh :blink:
Now here's a funny video! Jimmy "L" says " two years without a contract is dispicable." LMAO
Martina's HOT! Vegas card dealers get more pull than the ATD, that's funny too!
Here is a video worth watching. Bob, I hope you can follow through with what you are saying.
Now here's a funny video! Jimmy "L" says " two years without a contract is dispicable." LMAO
Martina's HOT! Vegas card dealers get more pull than the ATD, that's funny too!

Wow! "Two years too long!" Nice slogan.

What's our slogan?

"Three years not long enough!"
"Three years, heck we can wait longer!"

Or my personal favorite.

"Three years without a contract DOESN'T effect the twu international who negotiate your contract because we don't live under the contracts we negotiate so phooy on three years!"
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  • #25

March 7, 2011
TWU 514

Republicans, Educators & Democrats Must Work Together

We personally invite you to join in rallying for Teachers’ rights, benefits, and education funding on Tuesday, March 15 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Republicans, Educators and Democrats must work together to put education first.

TWU is planning to provide bus service to those who willing to go to OKC for the “RED Rally” You Must Reserve a Seat by calling 918-437-4300 or signing up at the union hall.

Bus leaves promptly at 7am and returns at approximately 3:30pm. Last day to sign up is Friday March 11, 11am.

TWU will provide Soda pop, water, sandwich and chips for lunch or you may bring your own.

OEA t-shirts “We won’t Be Silenced”will be on sale at Capitol for $15.

Note: *Trip must be conducted on your own time, request vacation or change shift as early as possible.
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  • #26
TWU cannot get us a contract but sure can load up the bus and go RED RALLY in OKC for teachers pay and benefits.

They are like magnets...anywhere there is a t-shirt with a slogan, TWU will be on their way or already there.
Sorry Informer, I just can't stop laughing at this video and how you try to substantiate it as some epic event in AMPvsTWU history.... Believe it or not I expected more from you!

Did you fall and hit your head? Come on Informer....geeesh :blink:

You ought to change your handle to "Boat Anchor"! It's blind followers that can't think for themselves, that never question the status quo, that keep us stuck in the suck. Based on your posts and logic, you seem to be a perfect example of one of these followers. How long can you continue to defend the indefensible? Wouldn't it be nice to shake things up a bit? Well....
View attachment 8977

March 7, 2011
TWU 514

Republicans, Educators & Democrats Must Work Together

We personally invite you to join in rallying for Teachers’ rights, benefits, and education funding on Tuesday, March 15 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Republicans, Educators and Democrats must work together to put education first.

TWU is planning to provide bus service to those who willing to go to OKC for the “RED Rally” You Must Reserve a Seat by calling 918-437-4300 or signing up at the union hall.

Bus leaves promptly at 7am and returns at approximately 3:30pm. Last day to sign up is Friday March 11, 11am.

TWU will provide Soda pop, water, sandwich and chips for lunch or you may bring your own.

OEA t-shirts “We won’t Be Silenced”will be on sale at Capitol for $15.

Note: *Trip must be conducted on your own time, request vacation or change shift as early as possible.

Please tell me that they are not really calling it a Red Rally!!
Please tell me that they are not really calling it a Red Rally!!


Hey pitbull, AMP have any plans to rent a minivan or a smart car and attend the rally in OKC on the 15th? Will they offer PBJ's and a juice box for the trip?

AMP the wet dream, out of touch with today's Unions.......

Hey pitbull, AMP have any plans to rent a minivan or a smart car and attend the rally in OKC on the 15th? Will they offer PBJ's and a juice box for the trip?

AMP the wet dream, out of touch with today's Unions.......
"Today's unions," as you state, are negotiating decent contracts for their employee's ie; CAL,SWA and UPS. The twu, on the other hand, is yesterday's union, unaccountable, out of touch with it's membership,
and soon to be off the property. GO AMP!

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