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House raises our gas prices bigtime...

Right Left, Left Right what does it really matter, where is the real difference?

There is none whatsoever! Both sides are mostly lost souls whose only true interest is SELF resulting in only helping those that help them. In their minds they come first. This is the natural condition of the lost.

It doesn’t matter what side they are on, GOP or DEM, DEM or GOP because one is as lost as the other.

We live in a lost world, it’s just that simple. Nothing you see should surprise you, nothing. The regenerated mind expects such behavior from the lost, it’s only natural.

Of course if you yourself are lost then it’s the other guy, the other side and certainly not your lost state.

Sadly most are helplessly lost which has them blind to this world’s realities. Satan is indeed alive and well on planet earth as he convinces everyone to point the finger at everyone else EXCEPT themselves.

The Bible calls these souls fools. We live in a world overflowing with them and have some perfect examples right here on aviation arguing about nonsense while they are accelerating directly into eternal hellfire completely unaware of that fact.

Satan is indeed the master which is the only respect I give him. His most deadly tool/trap is convincing everyone he is a fantasy in a tortured mind. He is good in a very bad way.


By JESUS brother,

You just portrayed ..(Dirty) DICK Cheney...to a tee !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go............700 :up:

And instead of simply calling people tree huggers or a nimby, try bringing facts to this argument.

Sorry delldude, the facts speak for themselves, your responses paint you as a simpleton or an apologist for big oil, which is it?

Whats the matter? Shoe fit? :lol:

Look in the mirror Pal....

Did I ruffle your little liberal feathers? :lol:

Check out my boys...got new shades from Nancy.

BTW,how's that foot? :lol:
And instead of simply calling people tree huggers or a nimby, try bringing facts to this argument.


Please don't burden Delldude with facts. He finds them a burden and runs from threads when too many of them come out and his childish retorts aren't enough for a logical argument. Kind of like the Supreme Court nomination thread that he thought was about Obama and the still complex (to him) idea that the Muslim FAITH and Arab CULTURE are not one-in-the-same. It's these kind of facts that terrorize him. THAT is where the real war on terruh with he and his group is being fought...against the world of logical thought and fact-based decisions. Please don't make him join the enemies by using fact and abandoning schoolyard taunts. If it's not on his cue card he is lost (of course...according to 700, everybody but 700 is lost so we're all doomed anyways).
Couldn't tell you but jobs in that industry seem very bleak......
Very interesting link. I took it a step further that cutting and pasting a link, and ran a little check on how many jobs IN THE US were on that list. There were a total of 1159 jobs mentioned on your link. 235 of them were in the United States. How much were those takes breaks again?

The only windfall here is the air movin' from blowhard politicians and liberals who don't have the guts to admit that they actually hate people ( B43 excepted of course ) so they blame all the Earth's woes on "corporations". Vladimir Lenin did the same thing.

Now a corporation is indeed where the money is, but a corporation is a conglomerate of individual human beings engaged in some sort of commercial activity. Yeah some of them are the "bad guys" 😛h34r: who sit on the board and make decisions. Others are employees trying to feed a family. Still more are stockholders trying to build a retirement future. Any of you guys here in a pension plan? Guess what? Your 404k probably owns XON.

And cut the BS about windfall profits. Read the annual reports of all of the majors as well as the industry reports and government figures. All oil companies made more money because We the People are burning through energy with our SUVs and our daily lives ( which coincidentally revolves around the car ). And the real fact behinid rising energy consumption/cost is that China and India are also ramping up their energy consumption. Oh I forgot, Democrats don't do foreign policy -- they obstruct it.

Delldude is right. This is a bait and switch game which will ultimately be a wallet biopsy for John Q Public. The only irony is that the dems are robbing their own people as well. But libs are too busy hugging trees ( or is that humping? :wub: ) and hating Bush to see the real economic process behind oil and energy consumption.

Dems will never grow up. Should the voters let children drive is a better question to ask.


Please don't burden Delldude with facts. He finds them a burden and runs from threads when too many of them come out and his childish retorts aren't enough for a logical argument. Kind of like the Supreme Court nomination thread that he thought was about Obama and the still complex (to him) idea that the Muslim FAITH and Arab CULTURE are not one-in-the-same. It's these kind of facts that terrorize him. THAT is where the real war on terruh with he and his group is being fought...against the world of logical thought and fact-based decisions. Please don't make him join the enemies by using fact and abandoning schoolyard taunts. If it's not on his cue card he is lost (of course...according to 700, everybody but 700 is lost so we're all doomed anyways).

Dude,you got issues.......

The only windfall here is the air movin' from blowhard politicians and liberals who don't have the guts to admit that they actually hate people ( B43 excepted of course ) so they blame all the Earth's woes on "corporations". Vladimir Lenin did the same thing.

Now a corporation is indeed where the money is, but a corporation is a conglomerate of individual human beings engaged in some sort of commercial activity. Yeah some of them are the "bad guys" 😛h34r: who sit on the board and make decisions. Others are employees trying to feed a family. Still more are stockholders trying to build a retirement future. Any of you guys here in a pension plan? Guess what? Your 404k probably owns XON.

And cut the BS about windfall profits. Read the annual reports of all of the majors as well as the industry reports and government figures. All oil companies made more money because We the People are burning through energy with our SUVs and our daily lives ( which coincidentally revolves around the car ). And the real fact behinid rising energy consumption/cost is that China and India are also ramping up their energy consumption. Oh I forgot, Democrats don't do foreign policy -- they obstruct it.

Delldude is right. This is a bait and switch game which will ultimately be a wallet biopsy for John Q Public. The only irony is that the dems are robbing their own people as well. But libs are too busy hugging trees ( or is that humping? :wub: ) and hating Bush to see the real economic process behind oil and energy consumption.

Dems will never grow up. Should the voters let children drive is a better question to ask.


Jersey, you are a voice of true reason and as Walt Kelly first used the quote "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us" 🙁
Very interesting link. I took it a step further that cutting and pasting a link, and ran a little check on how many jobs IN THE US were on that list. There were a total of 1159 jobs mentioned on your link. 235 of them were in the United States. How much were those takes breaks again?

Take it a step further and see how many were in other countries but spawned through US corporate.

The measure would raise more than $7.5 billion over the next 10 years by closing tax breaks for oil and gas producers as well as more than $6 billion over the same time period by repealing and restructuring royalty payments.

That money would be used to create a research and development fund for renewable energy, alternative fuels and energy conservation programs.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said the legislation is "but a first down payment on the promise of a new energy future for our country."

Doesn't big oil own lots(if not most) patents on new energy sources and such?
Our brother Dems have helped us once again.....

The only windfall here is the air movin' from blowhard politicians and liberals who don't have the guts to admit that they actually hate people ( B43 excepted of course ) so they blame all the Earth's woes on "corporations". Vladimir Lenin did the same thing.

Now a corporation is indeed where the money is, but a corporation is a conglomerate of individual human beings engaged in some sort of commercial activity. Yeah some of them are the "bad guys" 😛h34r: who sit on the board and make decisions. Others are employees trying to feed a family. Still more are stockholders trying to build a retirement future. Any of you guys here in a pension plan? Guess what? Your 404k probably owns XON.

And cut the BS about windfall profits. Read the annual reports of all of the majors as well as the industry reports and government figures. All oil companies made more money because We the People are burning through energy with our SUVs and our daily lives ( which coincidentally revolves around the car ). And the real fact behinid rising energy consumption/cost is that China and India are also ramping up their energy consumption. Oh I forgot, Democrats don't do foreign policy -- they obstruct it.

Delldude is right. This is a bait and switch game which will ultimately be a wallet biopsy for John Q Public. The only irony is that the dems are robbing their own people as well. But libs are too busy hugging trees ( or is that humping? :wub: ) and hating Bush to see the real economic process behind oil and energy consumption.

Dems will never grow up. Should the voters let children drive is a better question to ask.


Guess you forgot that our gov't under Bushie has actually given protection to the oil industry (that he just happens to have a special interest in) and have enabled THAT industry to take further windfalls. Nobody disputes that we consume too much here in the US...but when an industry is being granted gov't protections and then still increases rates to extortionist levels despite no reduction in supply...you have moved FAR beyond capitalism and open markets. We scream when Europe subsidizes EAS yet our gov't subsidizes the oil industry and then the industry raises prices to further extort. THAT is the issue. Supply and demand is one thing. Gov't protection is another. Help the truly ailing industries such as the airlines and farming. Instead we overtax the former and have drastically cut subsidies to the latter (and a portion of the subsidies we do give them has been going to guys that have been dead for a decade).
Dude,you got issues.......

You're right. You run and hide b/c you can't even wrap your head around what is being discussed in one thread and in others you can't even create a sound argument b/c all that you do is post one of five pre-assigned talking points or you cite conserva-blogs as real sources. This is all that Fox News has taught you? Post some substance (that also relates to the topic) and I may actually care what you have to say. Ignorance+Arrogance has gotten us into the mess we are in today...what makes you think that the same approach will get us out? Time to try another path.
You're right. You run and hide b/c you can't even wrap your head around what is being discussed in one thread and in others you can't even create a sound argument b/c all that you do is post one of five pre-assigned talking points or you cite conserva-blogs as real sources. This is all that Fox News has taught you? Post some substance (that also relates to the topic) and I may actually care what you have to say. Ignorance+Arrogance has gotten us into the mess we are in today...what makes you think that the same approach will get us out? Time to try another path.

You are losing touch with reality....I do not cite conservative blogs as source......where you come off with this crap about talking points....you sound like a paranoid liberal who hasn't had his daily dose of rose tea . :lol:

About this run and hide crap...you're the one who dissapeared and hid out under Al Gores skirt for what...6 months?
Take it a step further and see how many were in other countries but spawned through US corporate.
I thought that the point of the tax break job creation was to create American jobs to pay taxes (lowered...again in the name of job creation) back to the treasury. That was supposedly the point of tax cuts...new jobs are created that actually INCREASE revenues to the treasury. But while they've done a great job of creating those jobs overseas - how much US income tax is assessed on those jobs? How much has this put back into the treasury?
You are losing touch with reality....I do not cite conservative blogs as source......where you come off with this crap about talking points....you sound like a paranoid liberal who hasn't had his daily dose of rose tea . :lol:

About this run and hide crap...you're the one who dissapeared and hid out under Al Gores skirt for what...6 months?

So sorry...Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh sponsorships of posted links made me RUSH to judgement ANN I guess I must be mistaken. 🙄 Talking points? How about your "cut and run" and countless others?

Don't confuse my taking time off due to far too many "events" going on with my family (more bad than good) that superceded this drivel with your evasive tactics (i.e. stop posting) whenever it's clear that you've been called out onto the carpet. Half of debate is realizing that the other side is right from time to time but your arrogance won't even let you do that. And even though I opted not to post during my time away, I would say that I read things on here about once a week and not once did I feel compelled to post. It was mostly just you and local 12 smooching in threads that nobody else cared to deal with b/c they were obviously mundane.
So sorry...Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh sponsorships of posted links made me RUSH to judgement ANN I guess I must be mistaken. 🙄 Talking points? How about your "cut and run" and countless others?

Don't confuse my taking time off due to far too many "events" going on with my family (more bad than good) that superceded this drivel with your evasive tactics (i.e. stop posting) whenever it's clear that you've been called out onto the carpet. Half of debate is realizing that the other side is right from time to time but your arrogance won't even let you do that. And even though I opted not to post during my time away, I would say that I read things on here about once a week and not once did I feel compelled to post. It was mostly just you and local 12 smooching in threads that nobody else cared to deal with b/c they were obviously mundane.

Yes I know you were on.....your fingerprints were all over the page.I wondered why you were silently lurking.
Dude,Dudette or what ever you are...you still got issues.....take off those rose colored glasses and get with it....

some of my best friends are Liberals...and i've had a couple over for dinner too 😉

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